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GOD · The Barbarian Horde - From The Moldavian Ecclesiastic Throne lyrics


01. Intro/From The Moldavian Ecclesiastic Throne

Să stie că el au muritu, si că pre mormântu lui, au arsutrei dzile si
trei nopti o lumină pre carele no aprinsese nimenea. dar moartea nu io
luatu simtirea si când neamu lui sufere, strămosu plânge în mormântu
său. Plânge căci nu poate misca dându la o parte povara grea a marmurii
albe. Dar odată si oadată el va învinge prin puterea-i strasnică a
durerii sale nemărginite! ...

Întâi-u sabia-i va răsări-s-au din groapă,, floare di otel, vestindu
"Războiu cel mare" care va da drepatate neamului românesc. Tineti minte
cuvintele lui Stefan: "că Moldova n-o fostu a strămosilor mei, n-o fostu
a mea si nu e a voastră, ci a urmasilor vostrii în veacul vecilor ... Amin!"

Apoi însusi-va va iesi în vederea dusmanilor, îngroziti, călare
înarmatu, săgetând ucigător din ochii săi straănici, limpeziti de ceata
mortii îndelungate. Oastea lui va fi el. si sângele său va sui pân' la
coamele cailor si poporul lui "sveti Stefan cel Mare" va avea atunci
pretutindinea pace si fericire. Iară el se va culca iarăsi în mormântu
lui di la Putna dormind cu dreptii, sub steagul Tării Moldovei si a
Domnului Dumnezeu!

(English translation courtesy Valentin B:)

Let it be known that he died, and on his grave a light burned
for three nights, which no-one had lit. But his death didn't
take away his senses and when his kin suffers, the ancestor cries in his
grave. He cries because he cannot move casting aside the burden of white
marble. But one day he shall prevail through the great power of his
unfathomable pain.

First his sword will be risen from the grave, flower of steel, bearing news
of "The Great War" which will bring justice to the Romanian people. Remember the
words of Stefan: "that Moldavia wasn't my ancestor's, wasn't mine, nor yours, but
it is our children's for all time, amin!"

Then he will behold himself to the terrified enemies, on horseback
and armed, with steely eyes that pierce through them, cleared by the mist
of the long death. His host will be him. And his blood shall rise to the
manes of his horses and the people of "Sveti(Saint) Stefan cel Mare" will then have
peace and happiness everywhere. And he will rest anew in his tomb at Putna
sleeping among the righteous, under the flag of Moldavia and our good Lord!"

02. The Waiting...

Wait, wait, wait ... for the eternity moment
Wait, wait, wait ... for the moment of eternity
Wait, wait, wait ... for the unknown love!

The air that both breathe
Even if we lose our ways
We run away from the world
The clarity of your image is alive!

As your warm closeness
You're cursed to be invisible
I'm cursed to be a part of you
You're my invisible confessor!
And I confess to you
My divine unshared love
I've sinned by not knowing you
I've sinned by not touching you
"In Manus Tua Domine".
I miss you I love you
But I'll hide myself
I'll run away from your hot love
But I'll come back to it and you
You punished me to be happy
From hapiness my death shall come
You condemn me to love loving
From love to rise
All the holly things you
Killed me!

03. My Romance

From the darknes of the cloudless sky
From the light of the gloomy heaven
In the lasting ... within me!
From the purling of the flowing waters
In the purling of the flowing waters,
From the sigh of the falling leaves
In the sigh of the falling leaves,
From the tears of the weeping willow
In the tears of the weeping willow,
From the song of the rooming birds
In the song of the rooming birds,
From the hearts of the angelical choir
In the hearts of the angelical choir,
From the soul of the wondering mortal
In the soul of the wondering mortal,
My pain ... is my romance
My romance ... is my life
Oh darling dance with me
And forget my identity
Oh darling you hurt me
And why did you leve me?
My crying ... is my romance
My romance ... is my soul
Oh darling come back to me
And let's live an eternity
Oh darling why did you fly in the skies
And why you make me cry?

04. Black Judgement Day

The sun will become dark
The moon won't shine
The stars will fall from the sky
And the power of the "GOD" will shake
Then the sign will show
The coming of the son of man
Coming of the clouds in the sky
Praise the power with the voices
The earth and the sky will pass
But the words of the son of man
Will never pass but will live forever
Like the lighting that's on the horizon
And you can see it until sun down
That's the way the Second Coming will be!

05. Diabolus In Musica

Deus, ...ens reallismus
Esse ... esse est percipi
A dicto dictum causa sui!
Diabolus in musica !!!

06. Pity Of My Own Grief

My goddess from the night
lighten my way
the way of our love
which rises in my heart

My goddess of the moon
love me to the blood
let me feel your power
to praying every night

I'm a Christian
and you tempt me to sin
with the thought and the deed
Tell me, you, my own blood -
why does your name burn in my soul
why I never could come closer to you
just for one time, to be next to me
even if you're far away
and yet, so near
as you will never be to me
I'm happy that you exist!
I call you dear
and I pay too dearly for my wandering
I'm ashamed, I pity myself
Please take away from you
show me your deep hate
Let me feel how disgusting a man is
drowned in his own grief
I can't imagine myself
living near somebody without body
Only soul...and I will recover
I did ruin myself, not you
You have no fault, but pity
you may have for me...

07. Si...

Simt cerul unindu-se cu pamântul
Când te aflii lângă mine
Când ma privesti, esti
Ochiul divin deschis,
Luminând întunericul din mine
Deschizându-mi portile închise
Calauzindu-mi pasii ratacitori
Pe drumul către tine
Către inima ta
Plina de sfântul har divin
Plină de iubire pură
Pentru mine bietul muritor
De rând în rând cu altii
Precum ca mine dar nu ca tine
Căci tu arati ca noi si simti ca noi
Dar esti ceea ce noi nu vom fi...
Niciodată ... nicodată nu te vom putea atinge!!!
Ba da, doar cu iubirea
Te rog, luminează-mă te rog
Acum, aici, în prezent
De parcă n-ar fi fost trecut
Si totusi a fost si va mai fi
Precum toate au fost si sunt
Luminate de lumini nemuritoare
Precum în ceruri si pe pământ!
Niciodată ... nicodată nu te vom putea atinge!!!

(English translation courtesy Valentin B):

I feel the sky uniting with the earth
When you're near
When you look on me, you're
The open eye of the divine
Lighting the dark within me
Opening my closed gates
Guiding my footsteps
On the way to you
To your heart
Full of holy divine grace
Full of pure love
For me a poor mortal
Not different from others
Like me but unlike you
Because you look like us and feel like us
But you are what we never will be
Never... never shall we reach you!!!
But yes, only with love
Please, shine your light upon me
Now, here, in the present
As if there was no past
And still there was and will be
As all have been and are
Lit by undying lights
As in the skies, so on the earth!
Never ... never shall we reach you!!!

08. "Copycat"

Come a little bit closer
And hear what I've got to say
Burning words of anger
Of hate and desperation

What if I break the silence?
What if I do forgive the past?

I know it might sound funny
To tell you what I felt
I mean I really loved you
It's a shame - my fault - I know
But why - but why
Why are you so stupid?
But why - but why
Why are you so stupid?

Fuck you and your killing lies
I hate your pissing attitude
Why did you have to go so low
Trueler - Copycat

What if I break the silence?
What if I do forgive the past?

Sucking like a vampire
The blood of all your friends
But sorry, my blood was poisoned
Now burn in hell

You killed the love
You killed the trust

What if I break the silence
What if I do forgive the past?