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Evildead - Toxic Grace lyrics


01. F.A.F.O.

Taking lives, committing crimes, thinking that you can't be caught
Broken system, in a fuckin' prison cell you should rot
Still alive, unjustified victims dead but you survive
Weakened laws, police on pause, now you run the streets again
The time has come, the end is near, now the people take a stand
The wild west, fuck the rest, put the steel in your hand

Silent night, while I sleep tight I hear you start to creep inside
Set to deliver, hand on the trigger karma rules now you die
No lessons learned, you feel the burn of my bullet deep inside
F.A.F.O. rules, the life you choose a righteous kill now justified

Man with no plan Fuck Around and Find Out
Think before you speak Fuck Around and Find Out
Dare to cross the line Fuck Around and Find Out
In this world your mine Fuck Around and Find Out
This Egregious life you lead Fuck Around and Find Out
Better stop before you're dead Fuck Around and Find Out

Silent night, while I sleep tight I hear you start to creep inside
Set to deliver, hand on the trigger karma rules now you die
No lessons learned, you feel the burn of my bullet deep inside
F.A.F.O. rules, the life you choose a righteous kill now justified

Man with no plan Fuck Around and Find Out
Think before you speak Fuck Around and Find Out
Dare to cross the line Fuck Around and Find Out
In this world your mine Fuck Around and Find Out
This Egregious life you lead Fuck Around and Find Out
Better stop before you're dead Fuck Around and Find Out

02. Reverie

Here I go again escape reality
In between these ears no better place to be
Stay thinking in the box, fuck the world outside
Oh sweet reverie no better place to hide

In my second lifethey come to me
Thoughts fall from the skiesit's all I see
Spinning all aroundand now I'm free
Spiral coming down.sweet reverie

On a cloud again reliving history
On another mission, don't know my destiny
Live here forever, don't have to say goodbye
A life in reverie like hiding in plain sight

In the dead of nightit comes to me
Thoughts fall from the skyit's all I see
Spinning all sets me free
Spiral coming down.sweet reverie

Every day I fake a little, take a little
Live a little, with nothing left to show
Every day I push a little, press a little, fight a little
With nothing left to show
Every day I'm in harms way, every day I'm not o.k.
Every day is beautiful now reverie's my home

Thoughts are dreams, and dreams are real
Walk the line the buzz you kill
A pain free life of fantasy
Nothing beats the Reverie

All your life you work for nil
Pain and debt can't pay your bills
Hurts so much you want to scream
Nothing beats the Reverie.

Unchain my brain all my thoughts are free
Cerebral cortex is happy as can be
Gaze into the light, while sleeping on my feet
I pray the lord my frozen soul to keep

03. Raising Fresh Hell

You know it's all over town
People see us around
We're back with a new attitude
We're tearing places apart
Coming straight for your heart
We're still boys from the old school
Such a monstrous sound
Can't keep your feet on the ground
Into the pit, you mosh and groove
Oh yes, were Raising Fresh Hell
In case you can't tell?
The dead is back with something new

Time! Moves so slow and then you're gone
Thrash! The ultimate feel when you hear the song
Scream! From the top of your lungs as we go off
Blast! Right through the pit where you belong.

We're on a mission can't stop us now
The dead is coming to destroy your town

RaisingFresh Hell
RaisingFresh Hell
RaisingFresh Hell
RaisingFresh Hell

We're on a mission can't stop us now
The dead is coming to destroy your town
With all out fury breaking all the rules
Controlled chaos sets the mood

You know it's all over town
People see us around
We're back with a new attitude
We're tearing places apart
Coming straight for your heart
We're still boys from the old school
Such a monstrous sound
Can't keep your feet on the ground
Into the pit, you mosh and groove
Oh yes, were Raising Fresh Hell
In case you can't tell?
The dead is back, and we're going to take your life

04. Stupid On Parade

Hatred towards mankind
Statehood in your peace of mind
You pledge allegiance to your New World Order
Leave scattered pieces of your broken borders

Big lies told with false bravado
Killing people in the human lotto
Hope and reason to fill your soul
Use propaganda to buy your vote
They'll curry favor with those you loathe
It's all out treason to keep your status quo

Blind life in our America
Blind life in our America
Blind life in our America
Blind life in our America

Content society of weakened people
Hear no, see no, speak no evil
Just follow suit in the same direction
Buyers remorse from the last election

Big lies told with false bravado
Killing people in the human lotto
Hope and reason to fill your soul
Use propaganda to buy your vote
They'll curry favor with those you loathe
It's blatant treason, but the sheep don't know!

People happy to hate Stupid on Parade
People happy to hate Stupid on Parade

05. Subjugated Souls

They come with no disguise, spread just like disease
Pollution of your mind, infiltrate with ease
Guide you to the spot where they can choose your destiny
Algorithms lead the way; shiny objects all you see

You’re the keyboard warrior, you’re the cyber king
Life on social media; is the only life you lead
F.O.M.O. rules you now, fuels anxiety
Posting something cool your number one priority
Platform steals your info, and your identity
It makes no difference to you with one million following

The Subjugated Souls from generation Z
Never leave their homes – never see the streets
Just another hash tag, just another screen
Just another follower, just another meme

Who’s trending now? your enemy trolling on every stream
So many lives, the dark web, gossip on your social feed
Boiling anger, addictive hunger, separate your families
Twisted visions of your opinions, consumption on overload
The downward spiral, the sheep quarrel, gazing into nothingness
They scroll and stare, but still don’t care; compulsive ‘til the bitter end

The Subjugated Souls from generation Z
Never leave their homes – never see the streets
Just another hash tag, just another screen
Just another follower, just another dream

06. Bathe In Fire

Sit by the window my skin’s turning ice cold
Nothing I feel, or I see, this life has no meaning
I’m silently screaming a burden I’ll be on to thee,
Deep in the darkness a human so heartless
I’m scratching the surface or death…
No pulse, or no vitals cliché suicidal
I tighten the noose around my neck

Alter Life – No verse from the Bible
Alter Life – To kill I’m liable
Alter Life – This burning desire
Alter Life – I bathe in the fire

Life’s slowly fading in a blood-pool I’m wading
Treading the water so deep,
Childhood memories regrets, and hard feelings
Take me to my final sleep,
These thoughts so abysmal ultimate sacrificial
that’s how my story ends,
No now, and no future, No lies just truth here
Whatever you sow you shall reap…

Alter Life – No verse from the Bible
Alter Life – To kill I’m liable
Alter Life – This burning desire
Alter Life – I bathe in the fire
Alter Life – Feeling so empty
Alter Life – Society rejects me
Alter Life – A world that’s so vile
Alter Life – I bathe in the fire

Life ends, as I bathe in the fire…

07. Poetic Omen

Stirring wind, moving clouds, chills upon your face
Silent sounds, trembling ground light beams from outer space
Friend or foe, world don't know, but it's on its way
Here it comes, sinners run, is this judgement day?

Repertoire worked thus far, now you've gone astray
Feeble scream not a dream you are here to stay
Time moves slow, stand alone, is the future grim?
Here at last, present of past Poetic Omen

With all its glory, catastrophe
Still some can't see
Writhing fury, ecstasy, fear unknown
Shallow breath, heart beats fast, no relief
Falling back, deep black hole, anxiety

Dark waters rise, no forest grow
But deserts thrive, while hell's below
You stand alone, in this purgatory,
Poetic Omen ends your story

Stirring wind, moving clouds, chills upon your face
Silent sounds, trembling ground light beams from outer space
Friend or foe, world don't know, but it's on its way
Here it comes, sinners run this is judgement day.

With all its glory, catastrophe
Still some can't see
Writhing fury, ecstasy, fear unknown
Shallow breath, heart beats fast, no relief
Falling back, deep black hole, anxiety

08. World Ov Rats


09. Fear Porn

Deceivers, and liars starting all the fires
Control the media you crave
Pushing their agenda, yes it should offend ya
Now conform and obey,
To the sheep they preach, and your children they'll teach
A falsified U.S.A.
Go against the grain, feel the endless pain
Your cancellation's on its way

Fear Porn a new crisis everyday
Fear Porn go outside you'll die today
Fear Porn.. put your mask on, and obey
Fear Porn.the new variant's on its way

Zombies all around, cannot put their iPhones' down
Drowning in the hype they've made.
Just a woke society no cultural sobriety
Brain is dead from drinking koolaid
Go to work or watch the news, never up to you to choose
Giving all your freedoms away
See our country is demise, propaganda on the rise
The holocaust alive again today.

Fear Porn a new crisis everyday
Fear Porn go outside you'll die today
Fear Porn.. put your mask on, and obey
Fear Porn the new variant's on its way

Nobody knows what the future holds
You gave up your present, and past
So why are you screaming your life has no meaning?
You put the knife in your own back
You bought the fear porn can't say you weren't warned
By the people who you gave no slack
So now you're a slave, and will dig your own grave
Your utopia has faded to black

10. The Death & Resurrection Show 2024

Mark out the points
Build the pyre
Assemble different drummers
Light up the fire
Put on your masks
And animal skins
Listen to the drums
Between each beat
Each beat of the drum
O beloved mother of liberty
Hold me in your arms

Burn burn, burn brightly
Burn burn, burn white heat
Burn burn, burn brightly
Burn burn, burn white heat

And the day will come
Before the lights go out
Who will you turn to?
Who will you turn to?
Choose the crucifixion
Or Osiris slain
Recurring themes
Time again

Burn burn, burn brightly
Burn burn, burn white heat

Oh how ingenious, the centuries of lies
Ezekiel's chariots streak across the skies
Holy books and history texts
Forget because we know
Souls are recycled in
The death and resurrection show
O beloved woman of liberty
Come to me

Everything I'm taught
Amounts to naught
Everything I learn
The fire shall burn
Notions of myself
That I'm not
Whoever I was
Is now lost

Burn burn, burn brightly
Burn burn, burn white heat

Oh how ingenious, the centuries of lies
Ezekiel's chariots streak across the skies
Holy books and history texts
Forget because we know
Souls are recycled in
The death and resurrection show

O beloved woman of liberty
Come to me
Burn away all my impurities
Hold me in your arms

Burn burn, burn brightly
Burn burn, burn white heat
Burn burn, burn brightly
Burn burn, burn white heat

Oh how ingenious, the centuries of lies
Ezekiel's chariots streak across the skies
Holy books and history texts
Forget because we know
Souls are recycled in
The death and resurrection show
O beloved woman of liberty
Hold me in your arms