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Valley Of The Sun - Quintessence lyrics


01. Terra Luna Sol

Earth, moon, and the burning sun,
You and me and everything are one,
Phasing through endless dimensions of time and energy.
Can you feel it?

Mote of dust and a speck of sand.
Everything destined to expand.
Black holes, supernovas, and your mind, no limits.

In this oblivion,
Endless oblivion.

Set sail out among the stars
Remembering who we are.
Not long to go but very far.
Let’s fly to the end of it.

When the stars all fade away,
And everything becomes cold and grey,
I’ll take your hand in mine and say “we tried, now didn’t we?”

In this oblivion,
Endless oblivion.

02. Graviton

Lay beside me and feel the weight.
Let us wonder what we are.
As we drift through endless space,
Feel the pull of every star.

Climb the highest mountain, babe.
Dive the deepest sea.
Clear the path and lead the way.
Swim these stars with me.

Though we struggle every day
And we stumble in the dark,
Still forever we embrace
As we journey oh so far.

Close your eyes and hear the rain
Whispering through the trees.
All will end yet all remain.
All as it should be.

I think I’m floating away
A little more each day.
As the sun slowly fades,
Keep this bond with me.

03. Where's This Place?

Where’s this place that I roam?
Ancients call it their home.
Odyssey all alone.
Where’s this place that I roam?
Oh yeah.
My fear it grows.

04. The Late Heavy Bombardment

In the ages long before
Seed was sown or child was born
All was violent
All was violent
All bombardment and war

Let go
Let go
I know
You’re so
Scared and all alone
Let go
All will be reborn

Lakes of flame consuming all
Boulders rain and comets fall
World is burning
World is burning
No one left to recall

05. Red Shift


06. Palus Somni

Spirit please let me be.
It’s all I need, Tranquility
Void is known. It’s all I see.
It’s all in me. Tranquility.

I know this vision is only lost against the pale.
The sea of infinite energy on which we sail.
I’ve only had one chance in life to learn the way.
To find that golden tranquillity.

07. Theia

The ancient mind is ever knowing,
moving toward rebirth.
Like a river gently flowing,
cutting through the earth.

I know my time, it is fleeting.
This energy,
like the tide, is retreating
out to sea.

But still my mind, purely essence,
swims the skies above.
I’m not yet wise or learned my lessons,
though I’m filled with love.

All these years of seeking answers
leave me thirsty still.
Falling in and out of trances
that renew my will.

And, while the planets keep on spinning,
we suffer so.
So removed from our beginnings
we’ve ceased to grow.

Now close your eyes and see the beauty
you’ve locked inside.
Always shining and enduring,
It will never die.

08. I'll See Them Burn

With fire and fury
I turn for all to see.
Red eye emergent.
Slow burn for centuries.
I’ll dine on planets.
Those worlds can’t speak my name.
No calm, no stopping,
no stone to slow my reign.

I’ll see them burn.
I’ll see them burn.
I’ll see them burn.

And when they look at night
I’m all they’ll see.
I can’t be justified,
I just can be.

They’ll feel me coming.
Ten million miles of space.
I’ll draw them to me
and strip their life away.
All take, no giving,
destruction radiates.
No point in slowing.
To me it’s all the same.

09. Aurora


10. Quintessence

Time is my intention,
moments in between
birth and last ascension, yeah,
death and lucid dream.

Endless is the way.
Never lived a day. Oh.
Reaping what I made.
How’d I go astray? Oh.
Lost another day.
Gave in to the fade. Oh.
Troubles washed away,
others here to stay. Oh.

“Find your health in action.”
“Drop your lust and need.”
Never knowing balance.
Never finding peace.