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Obtest - Iš Kartos Į Kartą lyrics


01. Paskutinė Akimirka

...Mūsų laiką u?pustė ?iema
Ledo rūmais virto mi?kai
Kas pa?adins i? miego ir ugnį įkurs
Kai sugaus prana?ysčių ragai?...
...Kas nespėjo pabusti au?roj
Ugnyje praregės pirmąkart
Ką pamato akis i?siilgus tiesos
Ką lūpos nori i?tart?...

Kiekviena akimirka, tartum paskutinė
Laiko neskaičiuoja nei ?emė nei dangus,
Liko tik ?irdis viena i?degintoj krūtinėj,
Plaka tiktai būgnai vėl į kovą kviečia mus!

...Mūsų laukia ka?kas tolumoj
Tai ne ?monės ir ne ?irgai
Tai ?e?ėliais pavirtę, juodai nusida?ę
Galingi pasaulio stulpai.
...Ar i?drįstum į prarają ?okt?
Ar pakeltum akis į mane?
Savo gyvybę i?keistum į tai,
Ką tro?kai ?inot visada?...

Ar tai teisybė?...
Ar tai vienatvė?...
Ar tai tikrovė?...
...Ar tai laisvė?...

...Mūsų pėdos - laiko ?enklai
Tai tik dulkės ir pelenai
Kiek beeitum pirmyn atsisukęs atgal
Saulę ugny pamatai...
...Kur mus veda kranklio pati
Baigias kelias ir stoja tyla
Pilkapių vėjais pavirsta naktis
Tai mūsų mirties valanda...

Kiekviena akimirka galbūt paskutinė,
Laiko neskaičiuoja nei ?emė nei dangus
Viskas ką turi - tiktai ?irdis tavoj krūtinėj
Viskas ką ?inojai iki ?iandien - nesvarbu...

English translation:

"The Last Blink"

...Our time snowed in by winter
Forests turned into palace of ice
Who will wake us and start a fire
When the prophecy horns sound?...
...Those who could not wake in dawn
Shall behold the flames first of all
What the eyes hungry for truth see
What the lips yearn to whisper eagerly?...

Each moment like the very last
Neither earth nor skies count time,
Only the heart remains in scorched breast,
Only the drums beat, they for battle invite!

...Someone awaits us in the distance
Neither people nor horses they are
They are mighty world pillars
Turned into shadows and black.
...Will you dare jump into the abyss?
Will you raise your eyes to me?
Will you dare trade your living
For what you always longed to see?...

Is that the truth?...
Is that the solitude?...
Is that reality?...
...Is that the liberty?...

...Our footsteps make signs of time
They are only dust and ashes white
However far you backwards go
Still face the sun in fires glow...
...Raven's wife leads us to the place
Where road ends and silence strays
Where barrow wind from night is born
At the time when our death is at the door...

Each moment like the very last,
Neither earth nor skies count time
Your heart in your breast is all that remains
Meaningless seems all that you knew till today...

02. Devyniaragis

Atlekia elnias, vir? jūrų vandenų,
Sidabro kanopom ledus ?emėn skelia.
Devyniaragis, dvi ?vaig?dės akyse,
Pa?adina vėjus, parodo jiems kelią...
Atlekia elnias, vir? klonių ir mi?kų,
Prabudus i? miego jį sveikina ?emė.
Devyniaragis, dvi ?vaig?dės akyse,
Jo kailis auksinis, jam lenkiasi med?iai...

Elnias, ?akotais ragais,
Devynios karūnos - dangaus ?iburiai.
Auksu su?ibo dangus,
Jis parne?a saulę ant savo ragų!

Ant pirmojo rago, ry?kiausia ?viesa,
Tai dega per am?ius ugnis pirmapradė.
Devyniaragis, dvi ?vaig?dės akyse,
Ant rago devinto - kalviai kala...

English translation:

"The Nine Horned"

A deer comes flying above waters of seas,
With silver hooves it cracks the ice free.
Nine-horned deer whose eyes shine with stars,
Wakes the winds and shows them the path...
...The Nine-horned...
...The Nine-horned...
The deer flies above valleys and woods,
Woken earth wishes him good.
Nine-horned deer whose eyes shine with stars,
His fur is golden and trees bow their boughs.
...The Nine-horned...
...The Nine-horned...

The deer shaking branchy horns,
Nine crowns in the skies glow.
The heaven shines out with gold,
When the deer brings the sun home!

The brightest light shines on the first horn,
It's the primeval fire that flames on and on.
Nine-horned deer whose eyes shine with stars,
Blacksmiths hammer the ninth horn hard...
...The Nine-horned...
...The Nine-horned...

03. I? Kartos Į Kartą

Sulauk kol akmenį suskaldys daigas
Nesensta akys am?ius stebinčios tave
Susikerta keliai ir viskas baigias
Prasideda i? naujo nesibaigianti diena...

Tiek prakeikimų kraujas nuodytas atlaikė
Atleido prie?ams ?itiek deginta ?irdis
Pasvirę ą?uolai i?sitiesia į dangų
Jūs likot vakar, mes keliaujame pirmyn...

Ugnis sujungia mūsų protėvius į vieną
Vanduo ir laikas ?ito kraujo nenuplaus
Tvirti kaip siena stojam i? kartos į kartą
Mes buvom, esame ir liksime
Visiems laikams!

Paduoda vėliavą nesudrebančios rankos
Klaupiu ant kelio prie? didybę tų dienų
Ratu gurk?nojam midų i? kartos į kartą
Tėvai, senoliai, sūnūs, mes galingi kai kartu...

English translation:

"From Generation To Generation"

Wait until the rock is cracked by sprout
The eyes that behold you never age
The roads cross and all then ends
And now begins the never-ending day...

So many curses poisoned blood withstood
So many foes the burnt heart let off
Bent oak-trees stretch up to the clouds
You stayed in yesterday but we go on...

Fire unites our ancestors to one
Water and time shall not wash this blood
Solid like wall we go from age to age
We were and are and shall
Forever stay!

Untrembling hands hand over the flag
I kneel before the majesty of the past
In generation round we sip the sweet mead
Sons, fathers and ancestors, invincible we feel...

04. Pergalė

Kam linksta vir? kelio med?iai,
?enklais nudabintos padangės,
?altiniai pagirdo nelauktą,
I?tro?kusį klupdo pančiai.
Pabunda malūno sparnas,
Velniai girnų akmenį ta?o
Margoji surinko nuodus
Ranka sudrebėjo grasant.

Vir? ą?uolo slypi erdvės,
Nematantys ?iąnakt nersis...

Beginklis perlau?ia strėlę,
Krankliai jau renkasi spręsti...

Ką jaučia pamatęs ?viesą,
Nudegusios rankos negyja,
Pavirto į ugnį prie?ai,
Dar liko akis paskutinė...
Sugai?o vieną gyvybę,
Jau laikas kamanas segti,
Kaip nors suspėt iki ryto,
?vaig?des į dangų pa?erti.

Sustoja girdintis tylą,
?irgais pasiverčia bangos...

Tik pergalę deda į vidų,
Tos pačios nudegintos rankos...

Melas ?adina skausmą,
Skausmas ?adina drąsą,
Tik drąsūs laimi kovą,
Tik pergalė drasko melą!

Suprato priekalas kūjį,
U?kaitino a?menis ?aizdras,
Aidais skaudėjo lie?uvis,
Prikastas negyvo veido.
I? mi?ko i?ėjęs elnias,
Atidavė saulę ratams,
Sudegino dangų ?vaig?dės,
I?au?o rytas bematant...

English translation:


For whom the trees bend above the path,
And the skies are adorned with signs,
The springs satisfy the stranger's thirst,
While the thirsty is by chains submersed.
Wind-mill wing awakes with a start,
Devils the edgestone eagerly axe
The poison was gathered by snake
The hand trembled making a threat.

Hollows lurk above the oak,
The blind shall tonight moult...

The unarmed breaks the arrow,
For the feast the ravens gather...

How does it feel to see the light,
The burnt hands refuse to heal,
The enemies turned into the fire,
One eye is all that can still see...
One life has been already wasted,
To bridle the horses it's high time,
And strew the stars into heavens,
Before the dawn brights the sky.

The one who hears the silence stops,
The waves turn into many a horse...

Only the victory is neatly folded,
By the same scorched hands...

The lies rouse the sorrow,
The pain wakes the courage,
Just the brave win the fight,
Just the victory destroys lies!

The anvil understood the hammer,
The blades glowed in the hearth,
The tongue ached with echoes,
Bitten by the teeth of the dead.
The deer walked out of the forest,
To yield the sun to the wheels,
The stars burnt the heaven,
And morning dawned so sweet?

05. Griausmavaldys

Trenks pelenais i? giedro dangaus
Dunda titnago ratai...
?ers kibirk?tim kruvinom suliepsnos
Jo ve?imas jau lekia...
Puls, ?ipuliais pasipils i? dausų
I? padangių jo kelias...
Seks, prisimins per metų metus,
Kas galybę jo matęs...

...Per am?ius primindamas griausmą,
Eikliausiu ?irgu savo motinos,
Ry?tingai i?kilo į auk?tį,
Kur driekiasi begalės tolimos.

U?traukęs ?e?ėlius beribius,
Nakty neaprėpiamoj drebino dangų,
Atkėlė vartus ą?uolinius,
Sutvėrė dausas visagalės jo rankos...

Kauks viesulais strėles savo sės
Dunda titnago ratai...
Degs ?viesuliais vir? padangių nu?vis
Akmeninis jo kalnas...
Kils į dausas am?inais vakarais
U?valdydamas naktį...
Vėl nusileis, vir? ?emių prajos
Jo ve?imas jau matos...

English translation:


The ashes shall bleed from clear sky
Whilst the flint wheels roar...
The bloody sparks will fly around
When his wagon rolls...
Smithereens shall fall from heaven
And cover the Thunderer's roads...
The memories of the beholders
Of his majesty shall linger on...

...Reminding thunder through ages,
Riding his Mother's fastest horse,
He gamely rose to the heavens,
Where wastelands distant unfold.

He drew the shapeless shadows,
And trembled the sky in the night,
He opened the oak-tree gateway,
And created the heaven with might...

Howling winds will sow their arrows
Flint wheels shall roar...
His rock-strewn barrow
Will light the heaven halls...
He shall rise to the heaven each eve
And conquer the night again...
He shall then go down to earth
And his cart shall be seen..

06. Audrona?a

Kas mane i?laisvino?
I?drįso pa?adint i? miego gilaus,
Ne veltui tikriausiai...
?inojot, ką gausit...

Ko mane i?judinot?
Galingi kalnai sujudėjo, drebėjo,
Ne veltui prikėlėt...
Pabėgti norėjot?...

Audra... audra... audrona?a...

Kam mane prisi?aukėt?
Ramybė, tyla, pasitraukia i? slėnių,
Ne rytas i?au?...
Ne saulė nuraus...

Kur mane įkalinot?
Tamsybėje sielų sukaustytų ledo,
Ne laukit malonės...
Ne laukit rytojaus...

Audra... audra... audrona?a...

English translation:


Who has freed me
and woke from deep sleep?
With a purpose maybe...
You knew what you will receive...

Why did you move me?
The mighty rocks thunder,
With a purpose maybe...
You wanted to flee?...

Storm... Storm... Stormbringer...

Why have you called me?
The dells shall be left by calm and silence
No morning shall now be
No sun shall be up and rising?

Where have you caged me?
In dark of the frozen souls,
Wait no mercy from me...
And no morn will ever come...

Storm... Storm... Stormbringer...

07. Burtai

Ie?kokite senio gudraus,
Kuris pasakys, kada baigiasi
Jūsų... laikas...
Vienintelę akį primerks,
?vaig?dė į gelmes pasinėrusi
Naktį... skaito...

Prasideda mano ruduo,
Vilkų pėdomis pasitinka
Raudonos... ?aizdos...
Sudrumstas ?altinio vanduo,
Parodys, ko tavo gyvenimas
Vertas... vertas...

Mačiau kaip ilsėjosi va?kas,
Kaip a?menys smigo į akmenį
Kietą... kietą...
Prisimenu tuos laikus,
Kai ą?uolas lapais ?aliavo,
Gūd?ią... ?iemą...

Atmerkė akis nesulaukus,
Miegojus ant pilkapių Deivė,
Jos laiką u?bėrė ?monės,
Palaidoję savo tiesą.
Pabudo, ?ukavo plaukus,
Audras sūkuriavo vir? svieto,
I? kaulų supylė krantą,
?ariją į ?idinį sviedė.
Burtai, burtai, burtai...
?vėrys laukiniai pasibaidė tylos,
Krintantis la?as u??alo,
Pavirto į kraują ?olė,
I?au?o stebuklų metas...

English translation:


Seek an old clever man,
Who may perhaps know
When your time is gone...
He will narrow one eye,
Like the star in some hole
That reads all at night...

My autumn wakes, and
Meets me by wolf's steps
Where red wounds glow...
Disturbed water of the beck,
What your life can be worth
It shall certainly show...

I have seen the wax put at rest,
I have seen the blade cut the stone
That was so hard like bone...
I remember the times,
When the oak had green leaves,
In gloomy winter nights...

The goddess sleeping in barrows,
Opened her eyes before time,
Her own time buried by people,
Who also traded truth for lies.
She woke up and brushed her hair,
Swirling the storms above the earth,
She mounded the strand of bones,
And tossed the ember into hearth.
Sorcery, sorcery, sorcery...
Wild beasts of silence were scared,
While the falling drop froze,
And the grasses turned red,
And the magic time rose...

08. Pirmyn!

Vardan tų, kurie krito,
Neleidę u?gest iki ryto,
Ugnim grūdinę valią,
Tamsoj pasilikt negali...

Vardan tų, kurie laukė,
Vilkais staugė,
Atgal nerado sau kelio
Stovėjo tvirtai iki galo...

Ir imk...
Mano balną, ?irgą melną,
Kraujo delną, ?enklą, nori paslėpti randą?
Begalė metų pavirto į saują ?altinio vandens,
Ledinio vandens..

Ir tark...
Med?io vardą, vėjo vardą,
A?trų kardą, prasmę randa, kelias į krantą,
Begalę ?ingsnių į niekur ir vis dar ant kojų,
Į priekį, į priekį, pirmyn...

Vardan tų, kurie ne?ė,
Ugnim vardus u?ra?ė,
Vardan praradusių viską,
Akių ?viesa tebetviska...

Vardan paskutinio la?o,
Gyvybė mirties atsipra?o,
I?eina į vakarus saulė,
Pirmyn!.. į aną pasaulį...

English translation:


In the name of those who fell,
But did not allow the fire to die,
Who tempered themselves with flames,
And could not stay in darkness...

In the name of those who longed,
And with wolves who howled along,
Who did not find their way back
And stood firmly until the end dawned...

Now take...
My saddle and my black horse,
My bloody palm, the sign that hides the scar,
Infinity of years turned into handful of water,
Icy spring water it was...

Now utter...
The name of the tree and that of the storm,
Sharp sword, the new found sense and the way to the shore,
Infinity of steps to nowhere and still on one's feet,
Marching forward and onward you seek...

In the name of those who bore
Their names written in fire,
Who lost all they had,
But their eyes still desire...

In the name of the last drop,
The life apologises to death,
The sun leaves for the west,
Onwards!... to the other world...

09. Suminti Juodi Takai

Juodus akmenis ridena
Į pakalnę am?inai
Slysta ?emė i? po kojų,
Kalnas stiebiasi auk?tai...
Kas įkops, kas pa?auks i? anapus?
Ką pakvies, kam ranką paduos...

Suminti juodi takai
Man ir tau...
Supilti juodi kalnai
Man ir tau...

Nenutyla juodos sielos,
Laukia degantys keliai,
Taip sumintos mūsų dienos,
Suminti juodi takai...
Kas įkops, kas pa?auks i? anapus?
Ką pakvies, kam ranką paduos...

Suminti juodi takai
Man ir tau...
Supilti juodi kalnai
Man ir tau...

English translation:

"Black Treaded Paths"
(in memory of Quorthon)

? Who has treaded black paths in the Father's garden?.. Words that reached us with the song have speared hundreds of years. The legends say that the Path to the beyond is far from easy. That is the journey full of dangers and difficulties. Black paths are the paths of the dead that lead to the hill one must climb. In ancient times people used to take bear claws with them to the world beyond to aid them in clinging and climbing the hill. They also used to take their own gathered hair to knit the ropes that may prove useful in the climbing. When a man died with heavy conscience, sometimes he had to roll a weighty stone up the hill. The stone was as big as the evil in one's heart. The villains sometimes had to climb forever. The one who mounts up the afterlife hill, would certainly send a message to the living ones from the beyond. The pathfinder may meet the dead on the downhill and see them beyond, may even give his hand if you are so fair. None of us shall escape this journey beyond, the climbing into the hill following the black paths of the dead. Black hills are the burrows made by our ancestors. Black souls mediate between the world of the living and that of the dead. These are the souls that dedicate their entire lives for wandering by the burning paths that are dangerous and unpredictable. These are people who "create", as is commonly perceived, but do not assume any responsibility for this since their creation is either pure experience or simply the transformed energy? Burning paths sooner or later take us closer to the black hills and so we find ourselves one foot on the black path?

Black stones are rolled
To the hills ever forever
The earth slips from under the feet,
The hill stretches higher...
Who will mount up the hill
Who will call from beyond?
Who will be summoned
And who given a hand...

Black treaded paths
For me and for you...
Black burrows high
For me and for you...

Black souls cannot hush,
Burning paths wait,
So are our days treaded,
Into black paths.....
Who will mount up the hill
Who will call from beyond?
Who will be summoned
And who given a hand...

Black treaded paths
For me and for you...
Black burrows high
For me and for you...