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Silent Hill 74
Making 3D Animation 5
Movies made from videogames 53
Post your favourite film posters here (the cult-iest the better!) 32
Favorite Comedian(s) 74
Roosterteeth 1
Jersey Shore 18
Best Jack Black Movie 26
Quentin Tarantino 36
The god delusion 40
John Rambo Is BACK!!!! 28
Psychological thrillers 15
Computer Enthusiasts 11
Gorey Zombie Horror Movie Appreciation 19
Howard Bloom 3
The Final Fantasy Thread 273
Your Favorite Joss Whedon Show. 13
Steam anyone? 14
Best of the LOTR movies 81
The Outer Limits 4
Zepp's The Song remains the same movie... 1
The Wheel of Time (Read First Post!) 11
Best Doctor in Doctor Who 15
New Mortal Kombat film/game? - mysterious trailer online 11
Star Trek 27
Modern Warfare 2 1
Fear and loathing in Las vegas 13
Suikoden 2
Black metal catwalk 13
Xbox 360 (tips and chats for present and upcoming games) 155