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Power Quest

Posts: 13   Visited by: 32 users
12.07.2010 - 17:59
Erotic Stains
Decided to start a topic about this band, didn't find one on the forum.

I first heard Power Quest about two years ago, the song "Temple of Fire". Me and my friend thought it was cheesy as hell and laughed our asses off. We looked up more songs and continued to laugh. But then one very drunken night we realised we could sing along to these songs and kinda... liked it. So we listened to their whole discography and found some very very good songs. I mean "Power Quest Part I"? WTF? We were stunned.

After getting used to them I must admit that they're one of the best power metal bands out there. Can't wait for the new album and being a little anxious about the new singer.

We'll have to wait and see.
12.07.2010 - 18:03
I utterly hate Power Quest and cheery "epic" power metal in general. I can't find any appeal in it, and I don't like the singer's voice.
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12.07.2010 - 18:52
Erotic Stains
Written by vezzy on 12.07.2010 at 18:03

I utterly hate Power Quest and cheery "epic" power metal in general. I can't find any appeal in it, and I don't like the singer's voice.

I totally understand you. I thought the same at first, but love is blind... or deaf maybe.
13.07.2010 - 01:12
Power Quest are seriously underrated in my opinion and I hope they manage to get more recognised in the next few years. A brilliant example of a band playing quality, fast, cheesy yet irresistibly catchy Power Metal and the first 3 albums in particular are brilliant.

There is and has been incredibly talented musicians playing for them as well. Steve Williams is a great keyboardist, I think Alessio's voice is great and the guitarists they've had and have currently are brilliant as well.

I'm very much looking forward to their new stuff and very intrigued by what Chity in particular can bring to the band (impressed with his work with Firewind).
16.07.2010 - 13:50
I've been hooked on PowerQuest for a couple of years now. They've released some brilliant songs but also some very crappy ones. I wasn't to fond of their newest album.

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
16.07.2010 - 14:37
Erotic Stains
Written by GT on 16.07.2010 at 13:50

I've been hooked on PowerQuest for a couple of years now. They've released some brilliant songs but also some very crappy ones. I wasn't to fond of their newest album.

I think I'm with you here. When they're good, they're really good. When they're bad, they're really bad.
And to me it seems every album they release is weaker than the last one. "Wings of Forever" being brilliant and their best IMO. After that the albums get weaker and weaker.
16.07.2010 - 17:22
Angel Of Mercy
New line up? what do we think about it?
Your time will come.
30.07.2010 - 14:28
Heaven Knight
My only thoughts can be - "Again?"
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

16.08.2010 - 19:35
Erotic Stains
I'm worried.
07.09.2010 - 09:46
They good..ex sam totman cemetery gates(sound like pantera but no)
30.09.2010 - 11:53
Heaven Knight
Power Quest sounding like Pantera? lol...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

30.09.2010 - 14:17
Written by vezzy on 12.07.2010 at 18:03

I utterly hate Power Quest and cheery "epic" power metal in general. I can't find any appeal in it, and I don't like the singer's voice.

We need to draw a line here between Powermetal and Flowermetal. While I can enjoy Power/Speed Metal like old Helloween, early Blind Guardian and most of Gamma Ray's discography (all this stuff belongs to the Power/Speed Metal category), like you I utterly hate Flowermetal like Power Quest. And, even among Flowermetal, Power Quest is among the crappiest Flowermetal bands I heard. Unbearably cheesy, mediocre as fuck and the singer sucks donkey balls. Also, there's nothing epic about a band like Power Quest. It's just that some people mistake cheesiness as epicness.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
30.09.2010 - 14:43
Heaven Knight
Written by RavenKing on 30.09.2010 at 14:17

It's just that some people mistake cheesiness as epicness.

have to agree on about dragons, swords and castles is yet not necessarily "epic"
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep
