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The Crown


1998-  Marko Matias Tervonen - guitars
1998-2001  Johan Ernst Lindstrand - vocals
› 2002-  -//-
1998-2013  Marcus Sunesson - guitars
› 2024-  -//-
2022-  Mikael "Mikke" Norén - drums
2022-  Mattias "Arvid" Rasmussen - bass
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1998-2014  Janne Saarenpää - drums
1998-2022  Anders Magnus Olsfelt - bass
2001-2002  Tomas "Tompa" Lindberg - vocals
2009-2011  Jonas Stålhammar - vocals
2013-2023  Klas Robin Sörqvist - guitars
2015-2022  Henrik Axelsson - drums
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2015  Henrik Axelsson - drums
2012-2013  Klas Robin Sörqvist - guitars
2023-2024  Mateo Tervonen - guitars
2000  Mika Luttinen - vocals

Latest reviews

Going back to their roots, The Crown form a Crown Of Thorns.
Review by AndyMetalFreak ››
Lock up your daughters, The Crown are back. Reunited, the band presents us with their first album in seven years. It was worth the wait. Back with their original line-up minus one, Doomsday King is The Crown in all their glory through and through.

Review by Baz Anderson ››
After a bullet in the head called Crowned In Terror, the Swedes of The Crown owed their fans an album at least as good. It was a hard goal. But they had several reasons to succeed: first, after the episode Tomas Lindberg, Possessed 13 is the occasion...
Review by Deadsoulman ››
I remember when I got this album I wasn't yet into death metal, and I hardly could listen to it entirely, because it is so violent. Today, I got used to that kind of stuff, but I am still amazed by the utter brutality of Crowned In Terror. It is...
Review by Deadsoulman ››

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