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27.01.2015 - 20:05
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Has anyone played E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy? It seems like the best worst game ever, or worst best game ever, or something like that.

27.01.2015 - 20:24
I've often contemplated buying it, but I have such a huge backlog to go through that I've let it be for now. It looks kind of fun.
27.01.2015 - 20:29
Account deleted
It sounds like something that needs to be patched and if well done so could be something special. I love the idea of a turn-based hacking minigame.
27.01.2015 - 20:46
That game looks like it's made for me.
27.01.2015 - 20:50
Account deleted
I love the brief video that Jim Sterling did on it where he talked about how he tried hacking a door, but the door ended up hacking him back and he then to hack himself to stop it. Selling point right there.
27.01.2015 - 20:55
Written by [user id=4365] on 27.01.2015 at 20:50

I love the brief video that Jim Sterling did on it where he talked about how he tried hacking a door, but the door ended up hacking him back and he then to hack himself to stop it. Selling point right there.

Exactly, now I just want it even more.
27.01.2015 - 21:02
Account deleted
Written by Zap on 27.01.2015 at 20:55

Exactly, now I just want it even more.

Well don't blame me if you end up hating it =P It seems to be the kind of game that you have to take the rough with smooth (the rough being user-unfriendly, unbalance and laughable characters and poor localisation, apparently, although I guess the latter wouldn't be an issue for you if you play it in the native French language, which I assume is best).
27.01.2015 - 22:47
Written by whatsacow on 27.01.2015 at 10:19

I'm interested: Would you recommend this or the original with mods? I get the feeling that this is mainly for people who think modding is too complicated or Ipad users. Is that the case? Although, tbf, I'd totally get this on ipad.

Eh... it's the same game, more-or-less, just slightly improved in some aspects. The only bigger change is the somewhat improved enemy AI. The extra quests and companions are nowhere near good enough to tag it with a "must have". Get it if you're not tired of going through the game again.

Written by [user id=4365] on 27.01.2015 at 20:05

Has anyone played E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy? It seems like the best worst game ever, or worst best game ever, or something like that.

Yes. It's rough, it's unpolished, there's virtually no info to help smooth the learning curve, balance between powers/abilities is next to non-existent and a metric shit load of other grievances. So many of them, in fact, that I kinda gave up after a couple of hours despite everyone claiming it's a diamond in the dirt. In my case, it was more like a diamond buried beneath a couple tons of rubble. I might pick it back up someday, though I doubt it. The good stuff simply does not outweigh the bad.
27.01.2015 - 22:50
Written by [user id=4365] on 27.01.2015 at 21:02

Well don't blame me if you end up hating it =P It seems to be the kind of game that you have to take the rough with smooth (the rough being user-unfriendly, unbalance and laughable characters and poor localisation, apparently, although I guess the latter wouldn't be an issue for you if you play it in the native French language, which I assume is best).

I saw the 15-minute video that's what sold me in the first place. I can't really explain why, but I feel like I'd love a game like this.
I don't know if I could handle a video game in French though. I've done movies and (very short) books, but a game is something else, especially if it already is user-unfriendly. Playing it in French would likely make it even less accessible...

What am I saying, I'm totally gonna play it French.
28.01.2015 - 03:30
Written by [user id=4365] on 27.01.2015 at 20:05

Has anyone played E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy? It seems like the best worst game ever, or worst best game ever, or something like that.

Yeah, extra credits did a thing on it ages back and it's pretty entertaining. The 32 player co-op is awesome. Broken as fuck, but entertaining. I never finished it because the bugginess got a bit too much, but what I did was fantastic.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
28.01.2015 - 14:35
Account deleted
Played about 20 minutes last night. It's definitely unintuitive, and I died twice in the first bit of the game before even reaching the hub (went for a really low END build though; went for for high Accuracy, Hacking and Medical), and the translation is clearly well under par. Definitely interesting though. I love the massive scope of the environments and art style and the shooting mechanics seem solid with some nice gunplay. I had to whack the enemies ability to see you right down to the minimum though as they can literally spot you from miles away, but even on the lowest setting I'm not sure it's enough. Apparently cloaking on this is a must. The reticule thing is also really annoying as it's entirely dependent on where your cursor is at the time, so selecting the option you want from it often means huge sweeps of the mouse. Assuming these are all idiosyncrasies I'll learn to deal with, though the inability to stealth effectively might kill my enjoyment of it pretty quick.

Eugh, constantly respawning enemies too. Yeah, I think all the things I really want out of a game like this are simply not viable. I'll push on and play it conventionally and see if it improves when I get cloaking.
28.01.2015 - 17:14
Mad Arab666
I'm playing shadow of mordor along with Samurai Warriors 4. The nemsis in Shadow of mordor is fun and everything alright but I'm loving samurai warriors 4 but I've been a fan of the warriors franchise.
Bring up the wolves head!
28.01.2015 - 23:43
Account deleted
Kind of enjoying Cybermancy now. Turning down the respawn rate helps, and I guess I've kind of accepted that it's not going to be a pure stealth game; given up with light armour and gone for medium as I was dying too often. The cloaking is at least useful for lining sights up with snipers without getting your head blown off so there's that. The game isn't anywhere near as complex as it initially appears to be (unfortunately I guess). Worth watching half an hour of a tutorial on Youtube just to explain what a few things are.
30.01.2015 - 14:20
Written by [user id=142921] on 29.01.2015 at 16:11

Has anyone played the first one? I'm reading up on it and seeing many 'one of the best RPGs ever' accolades.

I've always disagreed with this. It simply has far too many rough edges to be considered one of the best. You know how those who hate on Oblivion/Skyrim/Fallout 3 call them "hiking simulators"? Well, they ain't got shit on the first Gothic. You'll be doing so much walking back-and-forth (with nothing interesting happening) your actual feet will start to hurt. The combat is absolutely dreadful, possibly one of the worst I've encountered. Melee, ranged, magic, they all feel equally wonky and terrible. The difficulty curve is bonkers, you'll be dying in a single hit from almost anything remotely tough early on and then you'll laugh at end-game enemies when you get the best armor, when their attacks remove roughly 0.5% of your Health per hit or often nothing at all. Et cetera.

That said, the one thing it absolutely nails is the world-building, which pretty much every open-world RPG (or what passes for one) can learn from. No scaling, so you better watch what you do and especially where you go, no hand-holding so don't piss off anyone important, cool factions with interesting lore and characters, fun ways to screw around and solve quests in a way the designers didn't quite predict and similar stuff. Oh, and also some fairly decent voice-acting, specially given the release date and budget.
31.01.2015 - 14:46
Gothic 2 I remember was good, difficult learning curve but in the end becomes way too easy, it feels unbalanced. At least you cannot barge into other people's houses and take their stuff like other games
I don't think I will bother with another Gothic game in the future.
31.01.2015 - 15:26
Written by [user id=142921] on 31.01.2015 at 14:55

I've already broke Gothic. You can bypass security guards by unsheathing your weapon, running past and sheathing again. I did that and now I do 3x the damage I should be doing by looting chests in an area I shouldn't have access to. My god the lockpicking in this game is loathsome.

lolz - I dont remember using lockpicking at all - played it a long time ago

Speaking about the other games you mentioned... Deus Ex.. I tried to play it 3 times, I ended up deleting it after 1 min of gameplay, until my last try some months ago, where I told myself I would resist the urge of that boring first level and continue, truly one of the best games I have ever played - story-wise, a lot of things were annoying and weird in it but overall, damn... I DIDNT KNOW I COULD SAVE PAUL... it's one of those things the game doens't even tell you it's possible.. I only discovered it later on.

An overaul of Deus Ex will be coming this year, I'll DEFINITELY give it a try.

I had that "early level" frustration with Vampire Bloodlines too, I guess it also gets better afterwards ? Not sure if I'm very willing right now to give it a 3rd chance but who knows.
31.01.2015 - 16:22
Account deleted
Calling it an overhaul seems like an exaggeration seeing as it's still in the same engine and still looks ugly as sin. Looks like they've replaced a lot of the textures with really ill-fitting ones too that don't fit theme of the game. Not enough to make me want to give it another go; I tried for about 3 hours and it honestly bored me.

I started a proper playthrough of Vampire Bloodlines whatsit too. It's not bad, I'll definitely finish it but I can't see myself coming back to it to do the other endings.
31.01.2015 - 16:22
Written by [user id=142921] on 31.01.2015 at 15:52

WHAT!? I LOVED the first location! How can you not like Liberty island? I love how the level itself was the major turn off for ya rather than the graphics haha. I'm definitely gonna play the overhaul. A game that good deserves more than one playthrough.
The 'least best section' of Vampire Bloodlines is the ending. I loved it from the beginning. The game has an uncanny ability of creating tension in the most unexpected of locations. Masterful soundtrack, memorable characters, HILARIOUS Malkavian dialogue, unique takes on quests and the scariest area in all of gaming for me.

Graphics ? one of my favourite games is Ultima Underworld, so I'm quite at ease with those plus, if you tried System shock 2 before Deus Ex, Deus Ex actually looks beautiful...except for those crazy ugly faces.

Ever seen this ?

Written by [user id=4365] on 31.01.2015 at 16:22

Calling it an overhaul seems like an exaggeration seeing as it's still in the same engine and still looks ugly as sin. Looks like they've replaced a lot of the textures with really ill-fitting ones too that don't fit theme of the game. Not enough to make me want to give it another go; I tried for about 3 hours and it honestly bored me.

It's not out yet is it ? or are you talking about another graphic mod ? I am talking about "Deus Ex : Revision", their website still says that the mod isn't finished yet.
31.01.2015 - 16:53
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Written by ylside on 31.01.2015 at 16:22

It's not out yet is it ? or are you talking about another graphic mod ? I am talking about "Deus Ex : Revision", their website still says that the mod isn't finished yet.

Sorry, I just meant the original game bored me,I haven't played any updates of it. But yeah, that's the overhaul I was talking about. If you look at comparison videos it honestly seems like a total waste of time to me as the game still looks ancient. Even a basic Source game would have looked better. If you're going to redo a game I think you might as well commit to something that'll actually look tangibly better, like the Half Life 2 Cinematic mod (horrible character models aside; far too much artistic license taken there) or that great Morrowind one that was released not that long ago (not the Skywind one which isn't done yet).

I'm willing to make another run at Deus Ex though as it has been a few years since I tried.
31.01.2015 - 17:12
Written by [user id=4365] on 31.01.2015 at 16:53

Sorry, I just meant the original game bored me,I haven't played any updates of it. But yeah, that's the overhaul I was talking about. If you look at comparison videos it honestly seems like a total waste of time to me as the game still looks ancient. Even a basic Source game would have looked better. If you're going to redo a game I think you might as well commit to something that'll actually look tangibly better, like the Half Life 2 Cinematic mod (horrible character models aside; far too much artistic license taken there) or that great Morrowind one that was released not that long ago (not the Skywind one which isn't done yet).

Ah I see, yeah - it remains limited, textures etc, I would like try it because there's so many things I would like to try differently in Deus Ex. I really appreciated Black Mesa, didn't try HL2 cinematic, but looks very interesting.

Yes, another try at Deus Ex wouldn't be a bad idea, took me 3 times as I posted above.. totally hated it the first time, but it became seriously one of my favourite games now.

A part from those and since we're talking about remakes, Grim Fandango's remake is already out, and I also heard the same company will also remaster Days of the Tentacle.. I hope they really improve it because I tried to get into the original but couldn't.. apparently a gem in adventure games.
31.01.2015 - 17:46
The Ancient One
Picked up Diablo III for PS4, mindless smashy smashy fun.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
31.01.2015 - 18:18
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Written by ylside on 31.01.2015 at 17:12

Ah I see, yeah - it remains limited, textures etc, I would like try it because there's so many things I would like to try differently in Deus Ex. I really appreciated Black Mesa, didn't try HL2 cinematic, but looks very interesting.

Yes, another try at Deus Ex wouldn't be a bad idea, took me 3 times as I posted above.. totally hated it the first time, but it became seriously one of my favourite games now.

A part from those and since we're talking about remakes, Grim Fandango's remake is already out, and I also heard the same company will also remaster Days of the Tentacle.. I hope they really improve it because I tried to get into the original but couldn't.. apparently a gem in adventure games.

I played Grim Fandango back in the day. I quite enjoyed it but didn't finish it as I suck at point and click games. I think the original Secret of Monkey Island is the only one I ever finished.

Black Mesa I don't think I ever finished either. Good visual update but I recall there was an issue with the game's jumping mechanic whereby Gordon didn't jump as high as he should. I imagine it's been patched now though. The HL2 cinematic mod is great; I've seen modern triple As that look worse than it. Shame the developer went mental and hyper-sexualised Alyx.

But yeah, another stab at Deus Ex perhaps. I'm currently making my way through Final Fantasy Type-0 right now, which is probably the best thing from the series in a decade.
31.01.2015 - 22:00
Deus Ex is definitely worth it. Its level design is often as good as Thief's and its setting as atmospheric as System Shock 2's. I think those three games are pretty much the quintessential classic first-person games on the PC. Combat is pretty clunky and it takes a while to really get rolling (though I do think Liberty Island is a great map), but the ride is ultimately satisfying, your choices matter and the game doesn't hold your hand too much (though it isn't terribly difficult, either - System Shock 2 was better at making every level-up choice matter).
01.02.2015 - 13:36
Written by BitterCOld on 31.01.2015 at 17:46

Picked up Diablo III for PS4, mindless smashy smashy fun.

I also picked it up for PS3 to so I could play couch so me and my girlfriend would have something to play. I gotta say, I enjoy it more on console than I did on PC. It's far more challenging - especially the boss fights. The addition of rolling adds a lot to the experience.

Apart from that though, I've gone back to playing the original Bayonetta because it's batshit insane and I don't own a Wii-U, Metal Gear Solid 3 because it's been far too long since I played that, and Skate 3, because that game is stillm stupidly fun and number 4 had better come out sometime soon.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
02.02.2015 - 18:13
Account deleted
I want this game.

03.02.2015 - 00:30
"Based on the classic novel by John Bunyan."

"Classic novel."

I guess professional integrity alone requires I get the game.
03.02.2015 - 03:50
Meat and Potatos
Damn, I am (was) currently trying to finish Breath Of Fire 3 on the lowest level possible and I just realized I made a huge mistake which will make it impossible, so I need to restart it all over again =/
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
05.02.2015 - 16:38
Account deleted
Spent a few hours now on Darkest Dungeon. I love the artstyle, the dialogue and the voice acting (mostly) and it game has enormous potential as a fun and deep roguelike, but in its current state it's way too unbalanced. Trying to contend with the whole stress thing makes it impossible to really penetrate. Seasoned fighters apparently flip out whenever they have to move some rocks without a shovel, or even simply walking down a corridor, and before you know it you've an entire party of cowering, whimpering peons (yet watching a party member die doesn't even phase them? What?) and stress-healing abilities are totally pointless. Add to that the percentage-to-hit ration is worse than X-COM's. We're talking 1 hit out of 4 or 5 for a 60% chance to hit, 1 in 2 (ish) from 80% chance to hit (compared to the enemies' attacks which hit much more often), and the difficulty and cost of maintaining your character's stress out of battle, not least when you find one of your fighters has conflicting issues and can't de-stress in village, which means putting more money into having said issues removed. The majority of looting attempts end up in afflicting your party with something;, bookcases usually stress you out, graves always inflict blight etc. and you get nothing from these as a result. At the moment I'm basically conscripting new parties every time, sending them into dungeons, getting what resources and money I can then escaping and dismissing them and putting the money and resources toward upgrading the village and slowly building a party that can finish a basic short dungeon with any kind of assurance other than blind luck. Great potential, but at the moment a little tedious and frustrating and difficult in the wrong way. The difficulty could be offset by making it so it's not a massive grind and making everything so expensive (1200 gold to visit the pub? 1500 to pray? Really?) Hopefully the game will become a little more manageable a bit later on.

I'm enjoying it regardless though. It's compelling enough to keep me coming back in the hope of actually achieving something.
06.02.2015 - 00:23
Written by [user id=4365] on 05.02.2015 at 16:38

Spent a few hours now on Darkest Dungeon. etc

Hahaha and I just opened this thread to post something about Darkest Dungeon... seems like it's quite unbalanced from what you say. As I am not interested at all in trying "early access" games, I'll patiently wait until they balance it up. I really have high hopes for it too.

In other news, Ultima Underworld 2's official sequel is getting a kickstarter as I write this... *cries*
06.02.2015 - 14:31
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Written by ylside on 06.02.2015 at 00:23

Hahaha and I just opened this thread to post something about Darkest Dungeon... seems like it's quite unbalanced from what you say. As I am not interested at all in trying "early access" games, I'll patiently wait until they balance it up. I really have high hopes for it too.

If they balance it up! Fairly sure they will a little but this is one of those games predicated on being rock hard, so the devs might feel too much pride in that regard and insist that it's supposed to be this way. It doesn't feel like an early-access game though. More like a well-polished Beta (which is better than some fully released triple AAAs these days).