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Guitar Effects - Got a new one, which one next?

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18.06.2007 - 09:45
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Well, got a new pedal to add to my arsenal... a Boss Metal Zone. Already have a super overdrive, chorus ensemble, and DD-6 delay... what else should i add to it? been thinking of adding one of a few things... either an equalizer, the boss acoustic simulator (AC3), a reverb (most expensive addition), a dunlop crybaby from hell, a compression sustainer, an octave, or even this little thing called "the blue box" by MXR... one day i will be getting the MXR signal booster... gotta be a valuable little piece.. but not an necessity unless recording/performing... which im not doing any time in the near future. for those who dont know, the blue box basically works like an octave/fuzz... but it gives it a really crazy tone.. very retro, almost out of the genre, more for subtle effect during the prelude of a song... not something to play an entire song using, or even a lengthy solo.. but the rest im sure anyone with knowledge of effects already has a grasp of the concept with... so tell me, considering i play pretty heavy metal, (but not limited to it) which would be my best addition? maybe even a suggestion outside my spectrum of suggestions?
18.06.2007 - 09:47
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also, anyone who has both a distortion and an overdrive... i run my distortion after my overdrive on the pedal board, but of course, since i run my board through the effects loop, the onboard distortion on my amp is before the o/d... when i switch things around on my board, the o/d changes the tone on my pedal drastically... its not as gainy/feedback-ish when i do it that way, but its not as hardcore either... which is the best way to run o/d and distortion? what order?
18.06.2007 - 18:14
you should run the OD before the amp (run it into the distortion channel, using it as a clean boost (level up, drive down, tone to taste) to tighten things up), time-based effects (chorus, phaser, flanger, reverb, delay, etc.) in the loop, and scrap the Metal Zone because it's a huge piece of shit, and besides, you have an amp with a decent distortion built in already. but typically lower gain --> higher gain is the way to go, but don't go totally nuts with the gain either. on your amp you shouldn't need to turn it up any higher than about half, especially if you use the OD in front.

remember that anything in the loop is affecting the signal that's already gone through the preamp, so it'll already have been subjected to the EQ of the amp, and distorted if you're using the distortion channels. typically people put things like a wah, compressor, acoustic sim, etc. in front of the amp. volume pedals can go before the amp (if you want to get less distortion/lower clean volume) or in the loop (actual volume control of the whole thing, in which case they should go last in the chain before sending back to the amp).

personally i wouldn't bother getting anything else, but then again, i don't use *any* effects (although i am planning on getting an OD pedal at some point).
18.06.2007 - 21:36
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as for the metal zone... its really a great pedal... i love the thing... it gives me that really high treble sound without taking away from my lows... and it boosts quite well through my effects loop.... nothing to take away from my amps onboard distortion, but as an added option for a different sounhd... "variety" it works beautifully... it does make sense to use the o/d before the distortion... ill probably end up having to buy another one of those pretty soon once i start performing, so i can have one on my board for the metal zone and one on the floor for my amp itself... as i stated before i know i dont "need" any effects, but i like having a plethora of options to choose from... i like knowing i can dial in just about any sound i want... thats why i got the metal zone... i can dial in ANYTHING... just about... its got a lot of options including a mid frequency adjustment ontop of the high,mid,low contrrols... add that with the distortion amount, and level... plus the overdrive... not to mention the fact that running it between the clean/rythm channels on my amp change the tone a bit... also turning up the pregain can add some balls... christ... ive only tweaked with it enough to find my "face melter" tone... im sure i can find a million other combos... you should try one out, spend about an hour tweaking with it and you will see what im talkin about. thanks for the input anything else?
19.06.2007 - 00:49
one cool trick you can do with the metal zone....turn the gain all the way down, and the level up, and then you can use it like a clean boost with an actual EQ....Cannibal Corpse used to do that with one in front of their mesas. i've played with the MT2 and i find it to just be an artificial, horrible sounding pedal when used for distortion though. for variety....well, i have two amp heads and a rackmount preamp.
19.06.2007 - 01:23
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pedals are pedals... its hard to get a pedal to produce the sound you want no matter how you go.... rackmounted effects being the best, but not superior to amp driven sound... however, i like the heavy gain attributes the pedal gives me for certain sounds... i cant describe the sound it gives me with the o/d running through it, i guess the best way is just a seriously overdriven amp sound... almost like an attenuator effect on a decent amp... i like it the amp i have is amazing, i love it... the only thing i would consider to be superior is a mesa, but other than that? marshalls and all the other just dont compare... at least gain wise... the quality of the 6505+ is pretty high up there, and the quality of the sound is nothing to look past when searching for a crucially heavy metal sound, the controls are a little more simple than i would like, but they get the job done... one of a few things i wish they did different was put the clean channel on a separate channel all its own... rather than 2 settings, 1 channel... with 2 switchable modes... beause if i want a somewhat driven sound (which i believe suffers a little bit because of having to remain free for the cleans) and a nice clean tone, all along with a vicious tone for more crushing riffs.... i just cant have it... you turn the pre gain up on the rhythm channel and you lose all possibility of a nice clean tone... the other, is an effects loop boost adjustment... there should be a way to adjust the amount of signal loss from the effects loop being too long, but there isnt... not a huge deal, as i can get an MXR signal booster, but then its one more thing clogging up my board... and my board is relatively small, i can fit 8 boss stomp boxes, a wah pedal, a volume pedal, and my peavey 3 way channel selector onto it, and thats about it... fits nicely though

the AC3 id like to get simply because i dont really like the way acoustics play, but i like the sound for certain implements... thus, rather than spend money on a guitar i really dont like playing, and will rarely ever use, id rather just get a COSM digital modeler for it...

the reverb, well... everyone needs a reverb...

the compression sustainer ive heard does wonders for lead sustain, even though im not much of a lead guitarist, im working on it... and ive heard it also works good as a leveler for sounds so your picking dynamics (while potentially flawed) may not seep through the sound as much... hell ive only been playin 3 months shy of 2 years... and even then the first 6 months werent consisten (my son was born) so ive got work to do on my chops.... but im pretty decent

the EQ ive noticed does a good job of keeping your signal the same if you want it, but also has a level control which i would believe could possibly serve as a signal booster... works to control the DB level of your overall signal... dont know if it would color my tone at all, thats why i need advice on it...

the blue box just seems like something fun to fuck around with... lol

and the octave? i dunno... had a guy i know recommend one to me... not sure if i would ever need it for anything... but he said it thickens up the sound, and if adjusted properly could make for a really nice duet type sound.
27.06.2007 - 21:21
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distortion overdrive...never thought of that...I have a distortion pedal but never had any overdrive's the sound with both combined?...doesn't it get way too distorted?...btw I can't play without a little reverb brings that oldschool feeling you might want to consider buying one. My soloing isn't that great still working on it any of you reading this recommends the best brand for good quality wah pedals?
29.06.2007 - 02:07
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the dunlop dimebag crybaby from hell..... heard it... love it... gonna be buying it soon lol

everyone i have asked for a recommendation on a wah has given me that... even Scott Danough of bleeding through recommended that to me... its a beefed up 535Q with 3 tone controls on the side, along with in/out jacks that allow for both, running the standard way, or if you want, run in and out on the same side (which i would find a good use for on my pedal board) its a bit expensive, but not considering all you get... it has the fasel inductor, and the tone controls, sweep adjustment, all that shit... im not big on the camo finish, but if you can get past it, its a great rig.

as for the overdrive, yeah they sound good together... i personally like the OD before the distortion... if you place it afterward, you dont get as much distortion, and you lose a lot of low end... it can be a little noisy, but it depends on how you set up both your pedals... also, turning the guitar volume down a smidge helps with it... not enough to lose tone, but enough to lose the feedback.. works great for me
21.12.2007 - 07:01
Foetal Butchery
does anyone have the Behringer Ultra metal pedal (UM300), if so could they give me some good settingd for it
Dark death metal from Sydney:
10.02.2008 - 01:02
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Written by BurbotsRevenge on 21.12.2007 at 07:01

does anyone have the Behringer Ultra metal pedal (UM300), if so could they give me some good settingd for it

it's a fuckin' piece of shit. it sounds like nothin', just treble ...

now i'm using:

boss chromatic tuner
jim dunlop crybaby 535q
boss digital delay 3 (or 5? ... doesn't matter, it's not that good)
ehx octave multiplexer
ehx small stone

other stuff:
ehx big muff pi (2 russians)
danelectro black paisley
ehx double muff (piece of shit)
ehx bassballs
... i think that was it ...

following soon:
ehx holier grail & an e-bow
10.02.2008 - 01:12
Totemic Lust
Written by [user id=24313] on 18.06.2007 at 09:45

Well, got a new pedal to add to my arsenal... a Boss Metal Zone.

That pedal is great, one of the seven that I have. I recommend the BOSS RC-2: Loop Station next: 16 minutes of looping in a single pedal, great sound quality, very simple to use.
28.02.2008 - 00:28
I'm using just a digitech RP50:( thats all I have. but all of its buttons are broken.
any help for fixing it?
Written by muthafucka on 08.07.2010 at 06:46


28.02.2008 - 22:38
Hangar XVIII
I have an old boss flanger of my dad's.
It sounds bad. (In a good way)
My new black metal project.
06.07.2008 - 03:59
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my setup is a boss me-6 w/ a boss metal-core and a boss noise supressor. but i got a built in tuner, it's pretty good, get's the job done well.
30.07.2008 - 20:21
Seeker of Truth
can somebody recommend me a good distortion pedal? I play Epiphone G-400 SG.

EDIT... one more thing... does anybody know if MXR M-151 is a good distortion pedal? It has 2 channels, so that's what makes her cool, but in many reviews people say that one channel is awesome, but then the second one just suxx because it produces the fuzz effect, not distortion. So can anybody tell me what is fuzz and can such pedal be worth buying?

EDIT 2... Does anybody know anything about Tech 21 SansAmp GT2 Tube Amp Emulator Pedal or any other good tube amp emulators?
Savor what you feel and what you see
Things that may not seem important now
But may be tomorrow

R.I.P. Chuck Schuldiner

Satan was a Backstreet Boy
02.12.2009 - 17:36
Angel Of Mercy
I own a hell of a lot of Behringers (cause I'm cheap) I also own a Boss DS-1 and twenty year old C-3 though.
Your time will come.
04.12.2009 - 01:31
EQ's are really good for going reaaly low end bassy, or high end, which ever, but my advice would be to go for a delay.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
05.12.2009 - 01:09
Bitter Dawn
Ave Sathanas!
Written by K✞ulu on 30.07.2008 at 20:21

can somebody recommend me a good distortion pedal? I play Epiphone G-400 SG.

EDIT... one more thing... does anybody know if MXR M-151 is a good distortion pedal? It has 2 channels, so that's what makes her cool, but in many reviews people say that one channel is awesome, but then the second one just suxx because it produces the fuzz effect, not distortion. So can anybody tell me what is fuzz and can such pedal be worth buying?

EDIT 2... Does anybody know anything about Tech 21 SansAmp GT2 Tube Amp Emulator Pedal or any other good tube amp emulators?

When it comes to distortion pedals there are only two I'd personally recommend, them being the Boss MT-2 Metal Zone and the classic Big Muff! When it comes to Boss you can find a distortion pedal for cheaper than the MT-2, which is most commonly the orange coloured pedal labelled as "Mega Distortion" which actually, mega sucks. I've had and used a fair amount of pedals and amp modelling effects and distortion and I really don't think any thing compares to the two I recommended, and while the Big Muff can get the same or similar tones as the Boss MT-2, I prefer the MT-2 because you can dial in pretty much any thing you want. The beauty of the Metal Zone is it has the typical level and distortion knobs but, it also has a built in EQ to adjust the high, low, mid and middle frequencies, the downside is it's a little on the pricey side compared to some other distortion pedals.
I use to have one of these beauties over a year ago but had to get rid of it due to financial reasons, however, I recently picked up a used one for $40, so I saved about $110 here in Canada.