Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
A new track is up... titled "The Unforgiving Splendour of Mortality" its about war... that is all... ntohing more and nothing less
Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
Another track is up... titled "To walk the bleak forest (in search of death)" different vocal approach and yeh listen.
I'm having some liason with no colour records atm about gettin the demo on their label... nothing has been confirmed or accepted as yet.
spirit_inblack harshhead
Posts: 715 |
Damn man. Getting a lot better than before. Keep up the good work! That 18 minute track on the EP sounds like it'll be one awesome track!
Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
The 18 minute track no longer exists instead curse the abyss is now a two part song and it total both parts clock in at 11minutes 30 secs... part two is on the myspace page and demands a listen, also the first demo will be released in adelaide soon... duno bout further distro as yet.
Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
Lucas Mr. Noise ElitePosts: 13427 |
LucasMr. NoiseElitePosts: 13427
Damn, and I am out of money now. Where is it available and for how much? Adelaide? Have a website?
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?
"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
I have had some discussions with a adelaide based black metal label called Graveyard Records and theyre interested in having about 10 copies of the demo so when i send it to them it will be available off their website. Woooooo
Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
spirit_inblack harshhead
Posts: 715 |
I like the way your sound has progressed. This new style is much, much better than the old. Keep up the fuckin' great work man!
Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
Several new tracks are up and a deal is being struck with wolfsvuur records based in holland for release of curse the abyss on tape... check the myspace for more details.
Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
i split is in the works with Bloody Ritual and several other bands on the wolfsvuur label...
Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
Lucas Mr. Noise ElitePosts: 13427 |
LucasMr. NoiseElitePosts: 13427
Hey, that's a Dutch label! Cool.
Since it's Dutch, the shipping costs shall not be too much for me. Shipping from Australia would be too much.
I'm gonna check out some other bands on that label and if I order something from there, I'll be sure to buy Curse The Abyss as well.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?
"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
Interview with Zana of at the address below (copy and paste it in your browser)
Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
A new song is uploaded, it is titled "The Cold Wind Rages Through The Dying Forest" goes for about 7 and a half minutes slower than usual, give it a listen ey?
Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
Newest song if anyone gives a shit
its titled "Mesmerized By The Infinite Void (The End Has Come)" and is at the moment streaming up on the bands myspace, a lot has been updated such as new releases etc etc... check that shit out
Lord TJ
Posts: 1522 |
On your myspace:
Mesmerized by the infinite voice sounded terrible in the beginning with the guitars.
Same goes for The Cold Wind song, quality of the chords could be better.
The third track sounded pretty cool but it was going on far too long with the same thing.
I liked Morke, the musicianship is great on that one!
Curse The Abyss Part II sounds great as well!
The only big problem for me is the vocals. To me they sound just like Popeye either drunk or drooling in his sleep. Thats just my opinion though.
Visit the "Black Metal Page" on facebook, my page delivers everything black metal - Memes - Music - Humor - Interviews - Discussion.
Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
Entsetzlich now has an official website
Just click on the pic and it will take you through,
ENTSETZLICH isnt what is expected, nor is it what anyone wants it to be... it is what it is...
Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
Entsetzlich website is no more, the project however does still exist, in a more refined form with new session members...
Check for updates via -
Posts: 9187 |
Kudos for keeping it alive all these years. I'll be sure to ale a listen to your hard work ASAP.
Angel Deformity Azathoth
Posts: 1485 |
UPDATE 24/5/13
Split out soon with Brazil's Furor Volturno via Hammer of Damnation Records (end of Month/mid June).
Full length "Eternal Funeral Cries" will then out not long after (some time this year), and then split with Xerbittert as well (end of 2013/early 2014)
The Entsetzlich/Xerbittert split will include more Black metal/Ambient material from Entsetzlich.
Some songs will be similar to those on the split with Wolfsduister from 2008.
As website is dead, Facebook is pretty much best source of updates and the like