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Posted by Unknown user, 28.01.2015 - 14:35
Played about 20 minutes last night. It's definitely unintuitive, and I died twice in the first bit of the game before even reaching the hub (went for a really low END build though; went for for high Accuracy, Hacking and Medical), and the translation is clearly well under par. Definitely interesting though. I love the massive scope of the environments and art style and the shooting mechanics seem solid with some nice gunplay. I had to whack the enemies ability to see you right down to the minimum though as they can literally spot you from miles away, but even on the lowest setting I'm not sure it's enough. Apparently cloaking on this is a must. The reticule thing is also really annoying as it's entirely dependent on where your cursor is at the time, so selecting the option you want from it often means huge sweeps of the mouse. Assuming these are all idiosyncrasies I'll learn to deal with, though the inability to stealth effectively might kill my enjoyment of it pretty quick.

Eugh, constantly respawning enemies too. Yeah, I think all the things I really want out of a game like this are simply not viable. I'll push on and play it conventionally and see if it improves when I get cloaking.
03.12.2018 - 01:31
Written by BitterCOld on 02.12.2018 at 23:09

So beyond story, it's missing that appeal. There is some amusing dialog while bouncing around in the Mako, but outside loyalty missions, don't think any of the new gang would make the rotation if all the companions were lumped into some bizarre mash-up story. None are top 12.

As I said, I liked Mass Effect 3 a great deal. Just those final few minutes, but I don't find it all that hard not to focus on that. The rest of the game was great with some amazing moments from time to time.

I played quite a lot of Andromeda over the weekend because I had nothing to do for once and was actually pretty hooked from the start. Whether that's because I realized I haven't played a Mass Effect game for too long or because the game is just that addicting I don't know, but I dig the game overall. The combat is nice and fluid and it's fun shooting collectors-- err, Kett. The visuals are stunning. Makes me wish I could replay the old trilogy with updated graphics and combat.

The game seems huge though. It's a bit daunting; all the little details, optional stuff like sidequests, striketeams, planets, etc. I'm never too inclined to check everything out, but I can't stand feeling like I will miss something good. Other Mass Effect games were huge as well of course, and there was always a lot of optional stuff, but since the main story and characters were so great, it always felt natural to explore everything and immerse myself in the amazingly detailed world.

The squadmates are indeed uninteresting, that's the main problem so far. They're generic and boring, I can't remember any of their names, I wouldn't care if any of them died, and they make me miss my old pal Garrus. The story, though not the most intriguing one I've seen in a video game, isn't bad so far. If it doesn't get worse I'm fine with it. It's serviceable.
07.12.2018 - 10:39
Obsidian's new first first-person RPG actually has me excited and looks like New Vegas in space.

07.12.2018 - 17:26
Written by Mercurial on 07.12.2018 at 10:39

looks like New Vegas in space.

First time in a long while someone made me watch a trailer. Looks fun.
13.12.2018 - 17:27
Some rambling thoughts on Mass Effect: Andromeda so far (SPOILERS)

Positive: combat is fun, visuals are stunning, the world is full of life --as usual with Mass Effect-- and fun to explore, some good sidequests that don't slow down the main game, etc.

Negative: What bugs me the most is the teammates, as mentioned earlier. Not going into detail on that since I already have to some extent. Here's something else that bothers me though:

The whole first contact with the Angaran was pretty bad. Mass Effect 1 had the advantage that by the time the story begins humanity had already made first contact with alien lifeforms. So them being integrated in a galactic society and communicating isn't weird. You're told about it in the prelude and that's enough for your mind to fill in the blanks on the first contact.

In this game you make first contact with an alien lifeform you've never seen before, and it goes waaaaaay too smoothly.
First off, they immediately understand each other. Yeah, sure there is technology that translates on the go, and since they are both highly advanced civilizations they both have this technology. Still, it didn't even take one second for them to start speaking to and understanding each other. You would think it should take at least a second for the devices to analyse their language and make sense of it. I would be willing to let it pass if the rest didn't go equally as smoothly though. But you basically arrive on their planet, introduce yourself, and while the Angarans are extremely distrusting of aliens --since they have only made contact with one other species who they have been at war with since-- they immediately trust you enough to start working together. Well, maybe not immediately, but still pretty quickly. And one of them immediately joins your team... What?!

And then there is the way humans and Angaran interact immediately after making contact, and this is really my biggest annoyance. They talk as if they have known about each others' species for years. You say "pathfinder" or "milky way" and they immediately know what you mean. You raise your hands and they immediately know you're trying to communicate that you're not hostile (again something I'd let slide if the whole was better.) Jaal is telling you about their species after a few minutes of knowing him, but he speaks as if he has compared it to many other species. He couldn't have since we're the first fucking aliens he has met that aren't trying to kill or capture him ("We Angarans speak freely of our emotions, blabla")
Not to mention the Angaran design is boring and uninspired and basically just a mix of some of the other Mass Effect species both aesthetically and psychologically. Nothing unique.

I actually thought the first encounter with the Kett was way better. There was a lot of confusion, you couldn't understand each other, and you didn't know if they were hostile or not. By the time you did know what was going on people had died on both sides! Holy cow, that did not go as planned.

And then there was the "twist" (again; spoilers) that the Kett were Angaran. Really... which Mass Effect fan could not see that one coming? I mean, remember Mass Effect 2? "Holy shit, the collectors are Protheans?! I have so many questions..."
I'm still waiting for the reveal that the Reapers are behind it all...

Last but certainly not least; Bioware missed a glorious opportunity to make the other Milky Way species playable in this game. In the original trilogy it makes sense that you play as a human. You get introduced to all the other species and can live through it from a familiar perspective. This time though, you have a much larger perspective, that of the entire Milky Way, as established in the previous games. Since you're going to Andromeda, your background can be whatever, as long as its origins lie in the Milky Way. It would have been awesome to play as another race, the Andromeda galaxy would have felt equally strange, but long time fans would have been equally familiar with their character's origins...
15.12.2018 - 19:55
The Ancient One
Yeah, two races plus robots was garbage considering how much hopping around you do... and trimming away the existing races down to just human, Krogan, Salarian, Turian and Asari, while dumping even as NPCs Batarians, Elcor, Volus, Drell (a fave of mine) and freaking Quarians (not to mention others) is ridiculous. massive steps backwards.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
16.12.2018 - 00:13
Meat and Potatos
Downloaded a ps1 version of CTR. Back to story mode once again.
Getting those platinuns is a bit harder than I remembered.

Anyone into this game? Rumour is there will be a new version for ps4 pretty soon. I hope they maintain the glitches so we can still use the buggy shortcuts
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
21.12.2018 - 18:40
Pvt Funderground
I played Fallout 76, it's horseshit period.
Crackhead Megadeth reigns supreme.
24.12.2018 - 03:57
The Ancient One
Written by Maco on 21.12.2018 at 18:40

I played Fallout 76, it's horseshit period.

Will disagree there.

My platform - PS4 - has been almost bug free. had maybe 5 annoying bugs in 110+ hours. Beyond that, didn't expect FO5. Expected a survival game with that Vault Tec flavor. Some of my favorite nights playing Witcher 3 or FO4 are just wandering and exploring. 76 has given me an awful large sandbox to explore without Preston chiming in every 4.6 seconds about another settlement incapable of doing a fucking thing for itself needing me to kill three raiders armed with pipe weapons and a sharp stick.

Depends what you expect going in, I guess.

And in that regards I pity anyone expecting FO5. It's a last gasp on the current platform/model before they take a 10 year hiatus on the next one. (See: Elder Scrolls Six, whenever that comes out...) Story delivery is different than past Bethesda, but works. Watch Oxhorn's vids on the stories, does a brilliant job. I did the Mystery Chicks Society or whatever plotline and found just the holotapes and computer entries as gripping as any questline in FO4 or Sky Rim. Frustrating that whatever I did was too late, but still emotionally gripping. Trying to do some of the later stuff - where grouping is expected - as a solo player is frustrating/intense at the same time.

Don't think it awesome, nor think it shit. A game I enjoy playing and will run through on several characters just to see differences in focusing on certain SPECIAL traits and abilities.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
25.12.2018 - 22:44
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
I have no place so much on PC I have that other hard drive, so if I uninstrall game from PC , whats on steam, can I use old key or I should buy for new?
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
28.12.2018 - 04:41
The Ancient One
If you bought it on steam, you own it on your steam account and can dl again and again. PS4 does this with me as well.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
28.12.2018 - 13:27
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by BitterCOld on 28.12.2018 at 04:41

If you bought it on steam, you own it on your steam account and can dl again and again. PS4 does this with me as well.

I bought on G2A site a code,. it was cheapest. I download and activate code. Game takes a lot of place on my PC. I have that othe rhard drive what has less space, but works faster, plus old PC hard drive 1 T is as extra and its full whit music.
If I uninstall from PC, but keep in steam libyer, I hope it will work. I have way to many games in my list, Sniper Elite and Sniper Ghost Warrior, Skygrim, MoH Afga and war fighter, maybe older as well, well basically huge list.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
28.12.2018 - 13:31
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
I play old Nintendo games now, Ice n Fire and Super Mario II, I am stuck whit those.

I played Mafia II Joes Adventures and Betrayer of Jimmy and Jimmys Vandeta,

Now mafia III,
Its like mix between Mafia I where you take life as medical issue.
I like a swamps, gators can eat you. I like shooting, a but hard and more realistic as other Mafia games, and lads dont die so fast. Music is super.
Cars and city graphic when drive can be much better, and map when you click tab can be better. seems there are to many videos as game. Whole game in some way is free ride. I dont like when you need go stasch your cash in a safe, if you die you lost. Super weapon list, mines. I have not tried those so far. Its like there are no starting point for new missions. Seems I write negative things, but I like it a lot, after som time I do.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
28.12.2018 - 17:37
The Ancient One
Written by Bad English on 28.12.2018 at 13:27

I bought on G2A site a code,. it was cheapest. I download and activate code. Game takes a lot of place on my PC. I have that othe rhard drive what has less space, but works faster, plus old PC hard drive 1 T is as extra and its full whit music.
If I uninstall from PC, but keep in steam libyer, I hope it will work. I have way to many games in my list, Sniper Elite and Sniper Ghost Warrior, Skygrim, MoH Afga and war fighter, maybe older as well, well basically huge list.

I assume "libyer" is library... yes, I have games I have purchased and never downloaded. I have games I have downloaded on multiple pcs over the years. if you own it in your library, you should be fine.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
02.01.2019 - 18:07
I have to confess: I never finished Dark Souls. I am awed by the game, I think it is one of the most coherent games made, where the core and surface (mechanics, level and enemy design and aesthetics) are in perfect harmony. But I always loved the idea of the game more than I loved playing it. The things that make it unique - the non-linear, trial-and-error gameplay and the implicit storytelling - didn't really motivate me to finish it when I could only play a few times a week, an hour or two at a time. Spending a session dying before the next bonfire making no progress, and getting to try again several days later, was kind of demotivating. And once a few weeks of playing turned into a few months, it felt difficult to pick up where I left.

But I finally started DS3, admitting I'd never get around to finishing the first game first. Despite the surface similarity, the experience is very different. The level design is not as atmospheric and the game does not feel quite as rewarding or difficult, but it's a lot easier to get into. Frequent bonfires and shortcuts, quick travel (which feels dirty but is probably worth the decreased frustration), and fairly obvious pointers of where to go make the game flow better for a casual, on-and-off player. I feel like I might finish this one.

I hate feeling like this, because the changes in DS3 that make it play better are also ones that feel like concessions and dilute the aesthetic experience. I love the idea of DS3 a lot less than the first game. I guess I'm a filthy casul after all, and never managed to git gud enough. 8)
30.01.2019 - 02:58
Probably not very exciting to many people, but modders have used AI to upscale the backgrounds in FF7 and IX. The results looks pretty amazing tbh, and although they're still in beta they're apparently complete and ready for install. The FFIX Twitter one here has a lot of examples of the new backgrounds, and the FF7 one has some good gameplay footage.

Or a before and after one here:

30.01.2019 - 03:12
Apparently I broke that post with the second video and can't edit or quote it now.

08.02.2019 - 01:52
Resident Evil 2 Remake.

Pretty good, but the adulation it's receiving from fans is pretty overblown. Then again I never played the original. From my perspective it's a decent, well put together game that's lacking a bit in art design and has some gameplay deficiencies as well as having wet blankets as protagonists (playing out a bog standard, fairly light story with no surprises). You have almost no agency in your character other than to shoot guns. You move at the speed of an asthmatic pensioner, and have no dodge or evasion options so sometimes getting hit seems written in stone. The boss battles are kinda mediocre, and there's not that many enemy types in the game either. The whole ultra bullet-sponge enemies gets a bit tiring after a while, although I still ended up with a ludicrous amount of ammo by the end. Dunno, just seems to be missing a je n'ais se quoi that the remake of RE1 had. That game had an amazing atmosphere and the mansion et al's level design just felt much more inventive.

Didn't bother much with the B scenario as it seems more or less the same
08.02.2019 - 02:38
Meat and Potatos
Final Fantasy VII Remake?
Nah... This is the real deal
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
11.02.2019 - 20:55
Written by IronAngel on 02.01.2019 at 18:07

Dark Souls

At one point when I thought the most difficult game I played was Hotline Miami 2 hard mode, I thought people are exagerating with this Dark Souls thing and I have to give it a try.

I must say I tried DS 3, but I don't think I could stand a long time in this game... (managed to kill that high level ice monster right off the start though, but I still think the game will require way more patience later on...)
Also, I don't think keyboard is helping me a lot...
Are you using a gamepad ?
14.02.2019 - 02:18
The Ancient One
Soured a bit on 76. was ok, i enjoyed exploring the new map and uncovering stuff, but once done wandering the map it gets boring. tried to complete the nuke launch solo, an exercise in frustration. replay value diminished a swell. Fun to try different specs, but it's always the same plot points.

been buying discounted games as they come up on PS4. recently got Uncharted 1-3 (on the last chapter of the 2nd now) and Far Cry 5. I do love running around just shooting people at a distance, then smashing them with a pipe up close. Good times.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
14.02.2019 - 15:30
Finally playing Mutant: Year Zero. It's great. It's X-Com but with exploration instead of management. Combat is identical except you can properly use stealth to your advantage, and it doesn't have shite RNG. It's fun snooping around areas where the enemies are way higher level than me and stealthily poaching cool equipment and resources early on. Liking the characters too. You get to play as a duck and a pig.
14.02.2019 - 16:07
Written by BitterCOld on 14.02.2019 at 02:18

Soured a bit on 76. was ok

Are you interested in the upcoming "The Outer Worlds" ?
made by the original Fallout team it seems
14.02.2019 - 19:43
Written by ylside on 11.02.2019 at 20:55

At one point when I thought the most difficult game I played was Hotline Miami 2 hard mode, I thought people are exagerating with this Dark Souls thing and I have to give it a try.

I must say I tried DS 3, but I don't think I could stand a long time in this game... (managed to kill that high level ice monster right off the start though, but I still think the game will require way more patience later on...)
Also, I don't think keyboard is helping me a lot...
Are you using a gamepad ?

I have HM2, I've yet to play it but I suspect it would be the more difficult game for me. The two require very different skills, I guess. The Souls games don't require speed and fine motor skills so much as a sense of pacing and distance. I am playing with a gamepad, yes, though I played DS1 with KB+M just fine. It's not as smooth but it's not the hardest game to play that way (again, because there's not so much button-mashing and split-second reactions required).

It's a game that can be very hard or fairly-easy-with-difficulty-spikes, depending on how you play and how much you know what you're doing. Not so much "git gud" as how much gear you can safely wear (<70% encumberance!), which weapons or infusions to use and level up, either choosing a shield with 100% physical absorption or practicing dodge/parry until it's second nature, etc. If you managed to kill the optional ice crystal lizard thing in the first area without levels and upgraded weapons, then you'll be more than fine for the rest of it!
14.02.2019 - 23:41
The Ancient One
Written by ylside on 14.02.2019 at 16:07

Are you interested in the upcoming "The Outer Worlds" ?
made by the original Fallout team it seems

defo yes.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
23.02.2019 - 23:48
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Mafia 3
I started it a while ago and well good game but not so good as 1th and 2.
I see elements from boat as from 1th medicine cabinets.

Lost Heaven, Empire Bay. Here New Bordeaux, name can be better , sinister, like black harbor something like that.

City is huge, if you dont have fats car its annoying to drive around. I like races mission.
I like extra missions, long story (in one Lucas Bertone gave extra, 2 there was no extra, I thought Dereck Papalardo could give some).
Here every underboss gives us extra. you can drive boats but watch out, gator mothafuckas can eat you there.
1th music sucked, even it was good for that time, 2 was good 50's rock n roll, here radio sucks, names sucks, but music is decent 60's things, nice.

I hate when car crushes whit shift you can make it dribble again.
Story was same in all districks of city. kill, talk, acuse and so on,basically its same.
1 and 2 was different.
Here we have sielnced weapons and heavy that time guns, nice one

I didnt like that Vito Scalleta was here and even Leo Galanta came as well. 2 you wacked Tomas Angelo. btw remember small eror, check a lats movie in 1. and replay that mission in 2.

Vito was to long.

Interesting 3 endings, leave, rule together, rule alone.

I am well I was hoping more or more special even I like it in general. My kind game. I hope to see M4 out soon
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
28.02.2019 - 14:40
Metro Exodus:

Found it a bit boring at first, but thankfully the game actually gets better the further along you go and more weapons and customisation it offered. Of the 3 open world maps the final one is the best by far, as it's tighter and acts more like a linear mission with some open space. Also the best looking of three. The final area was the best though, it was basically classic Metro and quite well done. I hate gorillas now. The story was pretty ok, more so by the end. Got the bad ending, but looking at both the bad ending was way cooler.

Have to give it credit for avoiding most open world problems though. No throwaway fetch quests, not overlong, smaller maps so pointless excursions are relatively limited, although respawning monsters (that give you no rewards) in a game with limited resources is kinda shaky, and quite a few of the suit / mask / tool upgrades are found fairly early on. I liked that it punctuated the open world stuff with linear sections in between. Still though, the game is best when going linear.
01.03.2019 - 00:02
The Ancient One
Written by Mercurial on 28.02.2019 at 14:40

Metro Exodus:

Found it a bit boring at first, but thankfully the game actually gets better the further along you go and more weapons and customisation it offered.

Will get that down the line. As with Far Cry New Dawn opening up FC5 for 75% off, took advantage of Metro: Exodus to get the PS4 redone first two. Haven't touched yet, will be on them soon.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
01.03.2019 - 01:17
Written by BitterCOld on 01.03.2019 at 00:02

Will get that down the line. As with Far Cry New Dawn opening up FC5 for 75% off, took advantage of Metro: Exodus to get the PS4 redone first two. Haven't touched yet, will be on them soon.

It's a really solid series, the first two are some of the last bastions of linear, story driven FPSs, and Exodus does a good job at tackling some open world approaches.
03.03.2019 - 13:47
Doom Knight
I'm really out of the loop when it comes to gaming. Just don't have the time for it that I used to. I'm currently playing Fallout 4 when I have time though. It's my first experience with any Fallout game & i'm enjoying it so far.

I'm really waiting to get my hands on Star Citizen, but it's been years in development already & i'm getting pretty frustrated with the constant delays.
"FUCK!!! You're the fucking 5th person asking me in an interview about the woman in the bathtub?The problem is that I AM the fucking person in the bathtub, and I AM a fucking MAN, for fuck's sake! I hate you all!" ~ Herr Morbid
03.03.2019 - 18:42
Written by Nefarious on 03.03.2019 at 13:47

I'm really waiting to get my hands on Star Citizen, but it's been years in development already & i'm getting pretty frustrated with the constant delays.

Yeah any excitement I had for that game went years ago. Still a chance Squadron 42 might be decent though.