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The most handsome guy in metal (that you'll never have)

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Posted by BloodTears, 05.04.2011 - 23:38
The thread "The most beautiful girl in metal (besides your girlfriend) gave me an idea. What about us? The ladies' choice.

What are the cutest guys in metal?

Is it the hair? The facial hair? The geeky look? The leather pants?

Personally, I like long hair, I think it's sexy.
09.12.2011 - 21:06
Written by [user id=4365] on 09.12.2011 at 21:05

You're also forgetting that women are generally better to look at naked, regardless of gender or sexuality.

Indeed. I'm actually quite perplexed as to how not all women are bi-sexual.
09.12.2011 - 21:12
Account deleted
Written by Slayer666 on 09.12.2011 at 21:06

Indeed. I'm actually quite perplexed as to how not all women are bi-sexual.

I'm not convinced they aren't. Every girlfriend I've had has, to some degree, had an attraction to women. Even the abjectly straight ones that find the idea of lesbianism repulsive. Paradoxically.
09.12.2011 - 21:38
Angelic Storm
Written by Mindheist on 09.12.2011 at 20:57
I would have to disagree with you on this one. Males are no longer in charge of dictating what's acceptable and what is not in society, you are. Females tell us what is sexy and we impulsively try our very best to bring your fantasy into life. Those of us who choose to let their true instincts come to surface get immediately labeled as "macho" or "butch" whereas it's what who we really are. And that's why men are becoming less and less manly and women more and more "virile".

You're partially right though. It's less "outrageous" to see two girls cuddling and kissing than two guys in general society. I for one still think it's gross and not at all "hot" but it's more acceptable. I guess it's because women are supposed to be sensitive, soft and slick unlike guys.

About you being freer than us "to show signs of affection for your own sex", I don't think that's true. I can't speak for everyone but to me, I'm really glad I didn't. Yes, there are many things still seen as unorthodox and taboo but in the end of the day we are all free to do whatever we want. It's us who choose not to do it because we simply don't want to. I bet if I asked you who would you pick between a sensitive yet manly guy and a very sensitive womanish guy, I think you would go for the first one.

In general society, it is still mainly men, who dictate what's acceptable, and what isn't. What you are talking about is a complex scenario, as all women don't find the same things "sexy". I guess in this day and age it's just easier for women to pick and choose the attributes she wants in a potential partner. Whereas in times past, women didn't really have this option. Men however, have always had this option. Which is something I think a lot of men are still trying to deal with. Men are also generally, far more visual than women when it comes to attraction. Which is why I think men have such a hard time in guessing what makes women "tick". But that doesn't mean we dictate what's acceptable in society, that's a different matter altogether. If women did dictate that, Im sure it would be equally acceptable for men to show affection for thier own sex as it is for women.

Im not saying we're not all free to do what we want. I was just saying that in that respect at least, women are freer to do what they want, free of criticism and judgemental opinions. If I walked arm in arm with another woman in the street, nobody would bat an eyelid. If it was two men however, you can bet there'd be a lot sniggering and nasty comments made about it. So we are freer to show affection for our own sex, free of criticism. Men are free to do it yes, but they'll be criticised far more for doing so.

And you're right, I would pick a sensitive manly guy over a sensitive womanish guy. Then again, I don't see a guy being able to appreciate another guy's looks as "womanly" behaviour. At least not in and of itself.

Written by [user id=4365] on 09.12.2011 at 21:05
You're also forgetting that women are generally better to look at naked, regardless of gender or sexuality.

If you were a gay guy, then maybe I could accept that there's something in that. But lets face it, any heterosexual male is going to say that. I however, doubt that most gay men would share your view. I could be wrong about that, but I doubt it.

@All women being bisexual: This is nothing more than a male fantasy. There are lots of women who "get it on" with other women, not because they are really attracted to other women, but because they know it turns guys on. I can assure you, if so many males were not attracted to this, you would see far less "bisexual" women around. Straight guys believe all women are bi, and cannot comprehend male homosexuality because of the way THEY view women sexually. I can appreciate the beauty in other females, but not in a sexual way. And I'm sure there are many, many other women like that. Some guys just want to believe all women are secretly bisexual, but it's only a fantasy, no more than that.
09.12.2011 - 21:45
Account deleted
Written by Angelic Storm on 09.12.2011 at 21:38

@All women being bisexual: This is nothing more than a male fantasy. There are lots of women who "get it on" with other women, not because they are really attracted to other women, but because they know it turns guys on. I can assure you, if so many males were not attracted to this, you would see far less "bisexual" women around. Straight guys believe all women are bi, and cannot comprehend male homosexuality because of the way THEY view women sexually. I can appreciate the beauty in other females, but not in a sexual way. And I'm sure there are many, many other women like that. Some guys just want to believe all women are secretly bisexual, but it's only a fantasy, no more than that.

I'm certainly not asserting that all women are bi but I'd wager that there could be a higher potential of women who would be more inclined to experiment with women owing to their psychological make-up. It's well documented that females are aroused more by touch sensitivity than what they view physically. Combined with the inherent inter-sensitivity common between women and the general different psychological make-up of men and women I wouldn't say it's an absurd notion to think so.
09.12.2011 - 21:55
Angelic Storm
Written by [user id=4365] on 09.12.2011 at 21:45
I'm certainly not asserting that all women are bi but I'd wager that there could be a higher potential of women who would be more inclined to experiment with women owing to their psychological make-up. It's well documented that females are aroused more by touch sensitivity than what they view physically. Combined with the inherent inter-sensitivity common between women and the general different psychological make-up of men and women I wouldn't say it's an absurd notion to think so.

I think there is a higher potential for women to be bi than men. Or at least, to be open about it. But I'm not sure if this is so much down to our psychological make up, as it is to social conditioning. At least in modern western society, females grow up in an envoirnment were we are far freer to express our emotions, and yes, our masculine sides. Males are taught to suppress feelings and emotions, and are most certainly not free to express their feminine sides. I'm not suggesting our psychological make up differences are all down to social conditioning. There are some fundamental differences in the brain make ups of men and women. But social conditioning certainly has a role to play, I feel. And I also feel that there are women who do things like get off with other women, just because they know men find it "hot".

I'm not dismissing what you're saying, but I think it's a very complex area with no easy conclusion to be drawn.
09.12.2011 - 22:09
Account deleted
Written by Angelic Storm on 09.12.2011 at 21:55

I think there is a higher potential for women to be bi than men. Or at least, to be open about it. But I'm not sure if this is so much down to our psychological make up, as it is to social conditioning. At least in modern western society, females grow up in an envoirnment were we are far freer to express our emotions, and yes, our masculine sides. Males are taught to suppress feelings and emotions, and are most certainly not free to express their feminine sides. I'm not suggesting our psychological make up differences are all down to social conditioning. There are some fundamental differences in the brain make ups of men and women. But social conditioning certainly has a role to play, I feel. And I also feel that there are women who do things like get off with other women, just because they know men find it "hot".

I'm not dismissing what you're saying, but I think it's a very complex area with no easy conclusion to be drawn.

Psychological makeup and social conditioning = largely the same thing if you ask me ;] I'm more for nurture than nature.

I'd like to think the whole "women doing stuff for the benefit of men" thing is only relegated to certain social groupings, particularly those involving orange chavvy women with more make-up than sense. I suppose being in Brighton my perceptions are somewhat skewed as Brighton is practically a bubble for liberal thinking and sexuality so what I'm used to is probably not the norm. All the bisexuals I know are women whereas all the non-straight men are gay (the case for two of my housemates in fact).
09.12.2011 - 22:38
Angelic Storm
Written by [user id=4365] on 09.12.2011 at 22:09
Psychological makeup and social conditioning = largely the same thing if you ask me ;] I'm more for nurture than nature.

I'd like to think the whole "women doing stuff for the benefit of men" thing is only relegated to certain social groupings, particularly those involving orange chavvy women with more make-up than sense. I suppose being in Brighton my perceptions are somewhat skewed as Brighton is practically a bubble for liberal thinking and sexuality so what I'm used to is probably not the norm. All the bisexuals I know are women whereas all the non-straight men are gay (the case for two of my housemates in fact).

I think nature definitely has a role to play, although nurture arguable has an even bigger role. Which is why I think men feeling it is not okay to show affection for their own sex is more down to what they are taught, rather than it being because of how they're born.

You may have a point about that, but I think it is beyond doubt that some women only really do that for men's benefits. I've heard some bisexual women saying they have known women who have professed to be "bisexual", but when it comes to doing anything more intimate than kissing and fooling around, they become disturbed at the thought, and seem to be uninterested in it. And so they see those women as more playing at being bi, than actually being it. I do find it interesting though, that you know some gay men, but no bisexual men. Yet do know bisexual women. I know this is probably a very small pool of people, so not much can be judged from it, but even so, I do find it interesting.
10.12.2011 - 00:16
No Longer Human
Written by Angelic Storm on 09.12.2011 at 21:38

In general society, it is still mainly men, who dictate what's acceptable, and what isn't. What you are talking about is a complex scenario, as all women don't find the same things "sexy". I guess in this day and age it's just easier for women to pick and choose the attributes she wants in a potential partner. Whereas in times past, women didn't really have this option. Men however, have always had this option. Which is something I think a lot of men are still trying to deal with. Men are also generally, far more visual than women when it comes to attraction. Which is why I think men have such a hard time in guessing what makes women "tick". But that doesn't mean we dictate what's acceptable in society, that's a different matter altogether. If women did dictate that, Im sure it would be equally acceptable for men to show affection for thier own sex as it is for women.

Im not saying we're not all free to do what we want. I was just saying that in that respect at least, women are freer to do what they want, free of criticism and judgemental opinions. If I walked arm in arm with another woman in the street, nobody would bat an eyelid. If it was two men however, you can bet there'd be a lot sniggering and nasty comments made about it. So we are freer to show affection for our own sex, free of criticism. Men are free to do it yes, but they'll be criticised far more for doing so.

And you're right, I would pick a sensitive manly guy over a sensitive womanish guy. Then again, I don't see a guy being able to appreciate another guy's looks as "womanly" behaviour. At least not in and of itself.

We went a little off-topic, don't you think?

Anyway, in order to keep this topic clean I'm gonna PM my response to you.
10.12.2011 - 00:20
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=4365] on 09.12.2011 at 21:45
I'm certainly not asserting that all women are bi but I'd wager that there could be a higher potential of women who would be more inclined to experiment with women owing to their psychological make-up. It's well documented that females are aroused more by touch sensitivity than what they view physically. Combined with the inherent inter-sensitivity common between women and the general different psychological make-up of men and women I wouldn't say it's an absurd notion to think so.

This is the best definition of why women are prone to bisexual curiosity I've ever read.

And it's something I'd like to have shared with an ex-girlfriend and her girl friends who all thought making out with a chick when you're drunk means you're bi.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
10.12.2011 - 03:35
Account deleted
Written by Troy Killjoy on 10.12.2011 at 00:20

This is the best definition of why women are prone to bisexual curiosity I've ever read.

And it's something I'd like to have shared with an ex-girlfriend and her girl friends who all thought making out with a chick when you're drunk means you're bi.

I thought it was a bit of an incoherent ramble but cheers xD
10.12.2011 - 17:04
Written by Angelic Storm on 09.12.2011 at 21:38

Some guys just want to believe all women are secretly bisexual, but it's only a fantasy, no more than that.

Yeah, thanks for the brutal wake-up call there...
You could think about adding Killjoy in your username as well.
10.12.2011 - 18:03
Getting back on topic....

A young Jorn Lande

I'm not usually into blonds but DAMN that man is gorgeous. It helps that I love his passionate voice but his whole look is (was) just YUM.
"A life all mine
Is what I choose
At the end of my days"
--The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
10.12.2011 - 19:04
Angelic Storm
Written by Slayer666 on 10.12.2011 at 17:04
Yeah, thanks for the brutal wake-up call there...
You could think about adding Killjoy in your username as well.

You're more than welcome, mes amis! lol

I could, but then some people might think I'm related to Troy. Or the guy who sings in Necrophagia...
10.12.2011 - 20:42
Written by Angelic Storm on 10.12.2011 at 19:04
I could, but then some people might think I'm related to Troy. Or the guy who sings in Necrophagia...

Everyone knows Troy is the real Killjoy.

The dude from Necrophagia stole his name.
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Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
10.12.2011 - 21:46
Troy Killjoy
Written by vezzy on 10.12.2011 at 20:42
The dude from Necrophagia stole his name.

THANK YOU! Fuck, I've been trying to explain that for years now.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
15.12.2011 - 21:30
gloom cookie
Written by Susan on 10.12.2011 at 18:03

Getting back on topic....

A young Jorn Lande

I'm not usually into blonds but DAMN that man is gorgeous. It helps that I love his passionate voice but his whole look is (was) just YUM.

Post the picture? I'm collecting some of my own to post here though.
7.0 means the album is good
16.12.2011 - 04:57
So, after what was discussed on the hottest metal chick thread...

Last week I received my copy of Live Blackjazz DVD from Shining (NOR). After watching I thought Jørgen Munkeby maybe has the looks.
What do the girls think?
16.12.2011 - 05:01
Angelic Storm
Written by Unhealer on 16.12.2011 at 04:57

So, after what was discussed on the hottest metal chick thread...

Last week I received my copy of Live Blackjazz DVD from Shining (NOR). After watching I thought Jørgen Munkeby maybe has the looks.
What do the girls think?

Woah, for a second I thought that was Mike Patton!

I think you're right!
16.12.2011 - 14:58

I once got a very good photo with the Shining guy. I will come back to thread with it soon. The current one I have is not bad though...
16.12.2011 - 21:08
Troy Killjoy
Written by BADDEST MEMBER on 16.12.2011 at 14:58
I once got a very good photo with the Shining guy. I will come back to thread with it soon. The current one I have is not bad though...

Kvarforth? He's a truly beautiful person.

"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
16.12.2011 - 21:59
Account deleted
Written by Troy Killjoy on 16.12.2011 at 21:08

Kvarforth? He's a truly beautiful person.


16.12.2011 - 22:08
Angelic Storm
Written by [user id=4365] on 16.12.2011 at 21:59

I thought that was Fred Durst...
16.12.2011 - 22:13
Written by Angelic Storm on 16.12.2011 at 22:08
I thought that was Fred Durst...

I think Freud would like to have a word or two about the implications of that.
Licensed under the GPLv3.
Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
16.12.2011 - 22:16
Account deleted
Written by Angelic Storm on 16.12.2011 at 22:08

I thought that was Fred Durst...

I bet if I shooped on a red cap no one would be able to tell the difference.
16.12.2011 - 23:26
Account deleted
Written by [user id=4365] on 16.12.2011 at 22:16

I bet if I shooped on a red cap no one would be able to tell the difference.

16.12.2011 - 23:42
Account deleted
Written by [user id=115335] on 16.12.2011 at 23:26

I love Wonder Showzen.
17.12.2011 - 00:09
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=4365] on 16.12.2011 at 21:59

He's not in shape, but I definitely wouldn't call him a fattie.

Besides, it gives him a distinguished look.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
17.12.2011 - 00:13
Account deleted
Written by Troy Killjoy on 17.12.2011 at 00:09

He's not in shape, but I definitely wouldn't call him a fattie.

Besides, it gives him a distinguished look.

Yeah you're right, a distinguished, kinda fattie look =P I joke of course.
17.12.2011 - 00:14
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=4365] on 17.12.2011 at 00:13
Yeah you're right, a distinguished, kinda fattie look =P I joke of course.

If he's hot enough for Hoest, he's hot enough for me.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
18.12.2011 - 22:59
gloom cookie
Okay, time for Steffen Kummerer:

This is the poster boy for hot metalheads.
7.0 means the album is good