This guy I have to give credit to.
"SAW is the worst kind of horror film. even to call it a horror film is pointless because there is no horror what so ever. These films are badly wrote. badly made. simple done since the first to make money. I watch the first film. i was letdown by it so much. it got worst the more they made. James Wan should be shot for ever thinking this was a good idea for a film."
"These films are based on the simple fear of people being in places or situations that are out of their control, knowing that they could die. Facing traps which if they make the wrong move or choice they will die. Which in a film works okay to make the characters feel scared or afraid. But as a audience your completely distance from these characters as your not in these situations (your sat in a cinema knowing that you will never end up in one of Jigsaw shit traps)."
"Other horror films work as they pull in the audience and make them afraid of what is happening in the film and what is happening to the characters. Using places and situations that we face every day, for example; a haunted house (we all live in a house of some kind, we could face a ghost), We could be running away from someone trying to kill us. Etc etc."
"True horror films are about making a audience scared. I dont know one person to find Saw films scary. It all about the blood, gore, making people feel sick or even laugh (which I enjoy if done any other way then a Saw movie) which pull in the people seining the films. Jigsaw is the worst horror film character ever. They try to give him a reason why he does what it is he does but it a shit reason that been done better in other horror films."
"These films have no intelligence or even remotely good and plot twists that even make half amount of sense. Saw films have falling into money making movies and people should be shamed to keep paying to see it when other great/amazing horror films are losing money because people arent going to see them"
I agree with this dude 100%, even though I did enjoy the first Saw (wasn't scary though).
Burzum did it for the lulz