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1987-  Steve West - drums
1987-1993  Ted Harris Poley - vocals
› 2004-  -//-
1987-1993  Bruno Ravel - bass
› 1993-1995  -//- bass, guitars, keyboards
› 1997-1998  -//- bass, guitars
› 1998-  -//- bass, keyboards
2003-  Rob Marcello - guitars
View timeline ››
1987  Mike Pont - vocals
1987-1988  Al Pitrelli - guitars
1987-1993  Kasey Smith - keyboards
› 1997-1998  -//-
› 2014  -//-
1988-1989  Tony "Bruno" Rey - guitars
1989-1993  Andy Timmons - guitars
› 1997-2003  -//-
› 2014  -//-
1993-2004  Paul Laine - vocals
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1995  Scott Brown - bass
2016-  Steve Brown (II) - guitars

Latest reviews

Ever watch those documentaries about the death of hair metal and the glam scene in general? Those few people who don't point the finger squarely at the flannel-bedecked grunge bands often refer to the scene playing itself out and becoming derivative of itself? Well, if you want a good example of what they're referring to, then feast your ears upon Danger Danger.
Review by omne metallum ››


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