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Twitch Of The Death Nerve

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2004-  Tom Carter - bass
2004-2010  Tom Bradfield - vocals, guitars, drum programming
› 2010-  -//- vocals, guitars
2018-  Mauricio "Mauro" Marín - drums
2014  Lille Gruber - drums
2008-  Alex Xintas - vocals
2008  Lille Gruber - drums

Latest reviews

Prejudice is a bitch you know? When I first saw the cover of this CD I thought "this must be the most boring shit ever, even the cover sucks...damn", Oh crap I was really a dork, this CD is everything but boring or shitty, the 3 bands perform...
Review by Herzebeth ››


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