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Mercury Rain


1998-2001  Dion Smith - guitars
› 2002-2006  -//-
1998-2006  Jon Hoare - bass
1999-2006  Sonia Porzier - vocals
2005-2006  Claudio Diprima - drums
2005-2006  Roy Chudobskyi - guitars
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1998-2004  Andy Pester - drums
2001-2002  Tim Henly - guitars
2004-2005  Rodrigo Oliveira - drums
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Latest reviews

Mercury Rain is back, and while many of you are not familiar this band, I do, I reviewed their debut album like a year ago, and I was greatly surprised by the quality of their work, now time has passed by and I have in my hands their new album.

Review by Undercraft ››
It finally arrived. Mercury Rain debut album Dark Waters, my first thought was "really nice cover art" and is it, very well done, that's a good start for any band beginning a career, since many people buy albums based on the cover art.
Review by Undercraft ››


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