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This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2002-  Ivan Cherednichenko - vocals
2002-  Cherep - guitars
2002-  Eviltwin - vocals, keyboards
2009-  Olexiy Saltykov - drums
2010-  Roman Zhbadinskiy - bass
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2003  Nikolay Naumenko - bass
2003-2004  Igor Arkhipenko - bass
2003-2004  Dmitry Deputatov - guitars
2004-2006  Eugeniy Titarchuk - guitars
2006-2008  Denis Tkalichev - bass
2008-2009  Maxim Varfolomeev - drums
2008-2010  Sergey Ryabcev - bass
2010  Andriy Danko - bass
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2008  Eugeniy Titarchuk - guitars
2008  Koen Romeijn - spoken words
2011  Lisa Johansson - vocals
› 2013  -//-
2013  Anders Jacobsson - vocals

Latest reviews

Grimfaith hail from the land of the Chicken Cholesterol Bomb, Kiev and have been together for over a decade now, putting out the type of music you'd expect from characters like Raven, Moregrim, and Eviltwin? Gothic Metal. Preacher Creature marks...
Review by BitterCOld ››


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