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NA-  Igor Mai - drums
NA-  Sascha "Celestial" Latman - bass
› 2010-2013  -//-
NA-  Ofek "Omnius" Noy - guitars
2005-2008  Lior "Steinmetal" Stein - guitars
› 2008-  -//- vocals
2010-  Fede "FedeRock" Taich - guitars
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2005  Tomer Darmon - guitars
2005  Meital Goldstein - vocals
2005  Daniel Dar - bass
2005-2006  Eliminator - drums
2005-2006  Ken Fox - bass
› 2009-2010  -//-
2006  Nadav Faran - bass
2006-2007  Caleb - vocals
2006-2007  Demonstance - bass
2006-2010  The Machine - drums
2006-2013  Slaughter - guitars
2007  Ohad Lutzky - bass
2007-2008  G-Man - bass
2007-2008  Shiranaway - vocals
2008  Ilia Cholsky - guitars
2008-2009  Indian - bass
2009-2010  Daniel Sherman - guitars
2010  Leon Mandel - drums
2010  Jenia Nefeodov - drums
2011-NA  Moshe "Moshpit" Sabach - drums
2013-NA  Boris Siper - bass
2013-NA  Venedict Pavlovic - guitars
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2005  Roberto Golstein - guitars
2013  Yuri Sabov - guitars


2005 Lost Lovers Unite [Demo]
2005 Eine Li Erez Aheret [Single]
2005 Paranoid And The Last Rites [Single]
2005 Lost Lovers Unite [Single]
2005 Theoretical Chaos [Demo]
2006 Demo [Demo]
2006 Switchblade [Demo]
2007 Old School Daze [Demo]
2009 Murderer's Way [Single]
2011 Endless War/Euphoria [Single]
2012 Metalista [Single]
2013 Lights Out [Single]
2013 Infernal Paradise [Single]

Latest reviews

"We need to distinguish between nostalgia and the reassuring memory of happy times, which serves to link the present to the past and to provide a sense of continuity."
- Christopher Lasch

Review by R Lewis ››

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