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Launch New Single
Jan 08
New Music In The Works
New Music In The Works
Jan 08
Page: 1
Toxic Holocaust worship? Guib would like the sound of that. Speaking of which, what's come of him?
18:19 - Boxcar Willy
Some nice Toxic Holocaust worship. [link]
12:11 - Cynic Metalhead
I've gotten a snake in my kitchen, and sadly I invited him for the dinner.
10:54 - M C Vice
Suburbs, not city. Though there's probably snakes in the city, too. Plenty of snake habitat in built up areas
10:45 - Bad English
If you have snakes is a city what lives in a jungle, desert
10:04 - M C Vice
@Boxcar: The water tank is outside. Never had a possum or carpet snake inside. Had a tree snake inside once, though. And a water dragon that came in through the catflap
08:56 - VileVick-Bryant
So cold in here, perfect for listening to this [link]
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