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Rod Sacred - Biography

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Rod Sacred was founded by Franco Onnis on the wave of enthusiasm aroused by the New Wave of British Heavy Metal; conceived initially as a cover band, Franco will pursue this project with his usual perseverance.

In 1988 the very first Rod Sacred record was released: it was simply called 1988 and it contained four original songs recorded in studio, under the production of Franco Onnis himself.

The national music press reviews for this Rod Sacred release were very good: a new era was beginning for the band, an era made of concerts where they could perform their own music, with various articles appearing of different musical magazines, and a loyal fanbase that grew steadily. 1988 also brought their first important contract with Musical Box Promotion, which granted for the promotion of the band through radio, magazines and record labels.

The first Italian tour, held in 1989, established Rod Sacred as one of the best Italian live bands.

The good reviews received by this tour paved the way to the first album, which was recorded in the October of 1989 at the Much More Studios of Florence.

The self-titled album was released in the January of 1990 and was an immediate success, soon followed by a second promotional tour.

The popular German magazine Metal Hammer wrote: “the best European emerging band of 1990”, thus further increasing the interest of the media around the band.

The release of the record was followed by numerous live performances, in which Rod Sacred proved to the European audience what their true strong point is: live shows.

Indeed, on stage Rod Sacred unleash all their metal power: a powerful and fierce sound in which Tonio Deriu’s vocals intertwine with Martino Vargiu’s guitars in absolutely unique melodies.

But as any other Heavy Metal band worthy of their name, the true strength of the band lies in their rhythm section: here the bass player and band founder Franco Onnis, with his unmistakable sound, along with Joe Del Rio on the drums, give the live performances a fierce energy that never fails to satisfy the audience.

In 1992 the band leaves for a German tour, followed again by many other concerts all along Italy.

In 1994 Rod Sacred goes through a change of line-up: with the new entries Alex Ledda on the vocals and Ricky Sedda on the drums the band recorded a new promo tape.

In 1997, motivated by the good reviews received by the new release, Franco organized a long Italian tour. In the same year it was also released their new album, Sucker of Souls.

The reviews of the album were very enthusiastic, but the relations between the band and the new were not as good, thus soon the decision was made to put Rod Sacred on a temporary hiatus.

In the meanwhile, Franco kept on making music: he played with many different line-ups until, in 2005, together with Joe Perrino (a well-known personality in the underground musical scene) he founded the Rolling Gangsters, recording two albums and playing numerous concerts with them!

But still Rod Sacred were his lifelong ambition, so Franco and company put out a feeler by playing an exciting live concert at the Rock and Bol Festival of Bolotana along with Arch Enemy, proving that the band had still something to say in a live show.

The current line-up consists of Franco Onnis (bass), Tonio Deriu (vocals), Joe del Rio (drums), Marty Vargiu (guitars) and Jimmy Carboni (guitars): now Rod Sacred is ready to engage in a new record and new tours!

In the 2014 Rod Sacred changed the line-up and this time, togheter with Franco Onnis on Bass, Joe Del Rio on drums and Marty Vargiu on guitar they join the company of Jimmy Carbony as second guitar and the singer Alex Marras.

An old friend of Onnis, “Claudio Pino”, a music producer, asked him if he want to play the song “Kiss Of Death” from the Italian band “Strana Officina”. This beautiful version is on the tribute dedicated to the historic Italian band.

In the August 2014 Rod Sacred open up the show of the famous “Arch Enemy” in the Rock’n Boll Show. This edition brings Rod Sacred on the run again for the happiness of the old and new fans.

In the begin of 2015 Modena City gives to Rod Sacred a new chance for a big concert on the “Acciaio Italiano Fest”. Reviewers spends goods opinions about the great show they give for the audience. Now for the band it comes the moment to make a new album and Onnis signed a new contract with the German label “Pure Steel Record” which give to the band a new chance to record the new material.

But now a few problems comes out when the singer Marras take the decision to leave the band, following right away by the drummer Del Rio. Line up changed again and it comes the moment for Andrea Atzeni on drums and the historic first vocalist Antonio Deriu. This is a strange period for them, full of changes and hard decisions, and after the pre-production of the new album also Jimmy Carboni unfortunately quit the band for several reasons.

But Rod Sacred need to go ahead with the project and together with Manu Pes, guitar player, they recorded the new album on the Metropolitan Studios on the January 2016. Manu Pes did a very good job on the album but unluckily he is really busy with his own band, projects and shows, so The Rod Sacred selected two new guitars to create the new line-up. Here is it: FrancoOnnis on Bass, Tony Deriu on Vocals,Andrea Atzeni on Drums, Peppo Eriu on rithm and lead Guitar and Luca Mameli on rithm and lead Guitar.

“Submission” tour start the 2 June 2016 from Torri del Benaco, (VR) and still is on all around Italy. In the meantime Pure Steel Record Label print and release the new album on October 2016.

Source: Official website