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Holophonics - Biography

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.




It was early in 2005 that the Holophonics project saw the light. The brain child of Ludo and Mike who, after having written almost all of which was to become "A Land To End My Flight", were to be joined by the rest of the band, Stef, Greg and Yann. They were very quickly spotted by the team of M & O Office Management and signed with Pervade Productions which allowed the band to benefit from a national distribution and a good deal of exposure in the informed specialist medias over the year 2008. The reception went beyond all expectation and the shows attracted a growing audience and the band supported the Irish band "Therapy". At the end of 2008 the team decided that it was time to go all out and asked the Loko Studios (My Pollux, Sid Larsen) to produce the next album. Holophonics persisted with a motto of only two magic words: power and melody. In July, 2009, the group put its suitcases down in Loko Studios and thanks to Sebastien LANGLE and Emmanuel DURIOT, this equation "rock - metal" took on an entirely new dimension. The second opus from this quintet: "Travel Diary from Inner Landscape" was unleashed on the label M & O Music on 08/12/2009.