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November Aria - Biography

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


November Aria was formed in mid-2001 quite by accident. The band formed simply to record a track for a Jill Sobule [New York City Folk/Rock singer/songwriter] tribute CD. The only members were D. Hoffmann and Chelsea Magdalene. After complications with Chelsea - Jennifer Meany was recruited and the track was recorded - a cover of the Jill Sobule song "Underachiever." While that track was being recorded - Hoffmann penned 3 other tracks which were also recorded at the same time. Those tracks were "Amore Mia" - "Methadone Suicide" and "Morning Star." The Jill Sobule Tribute CD ["Things Here Sound Different" - no longer in print] was released and the November Aria track, the first on the CD, received positive feedback from it's audience. So Hoffmann released the other three original tracks on a small webpage that he maintained and linked it in different places on the web. The response from all over the world was quite positive - and November Aria became known to many fans of Female Fronted Metal across the globe.

The "Morning Star" demo was recorded and mixed on a 4-track recorder and the sound quality certainly left quite a bit to be desired. It was still able to resonate with many people who were able to see the raw talent in this band and who were sick and tired of music provided to them by the radio and major labels

November Aria released new tracks - this time a total collaboration between D. Hoffmann and Jen Meany - later in 2002 on the same website. Those tracks were "Adversity" - written by Jen Meany and performed by both - in three different versions. There was an acoustic version, performed completely by Jennifer. There was an Electric version [vocals, guitars, bass, drums, violin and keys] performed by both members. Finally there was an orchestral version performed by Hoffmann and sang by Jennifer. All three versions were released on the web as well as subsequent versions of the original "Morning Star" demo. Again, a positive response by November Aria's growing audience.

Finally - a song called "Ave Maria" was recorded [written by D. Hoffmann and performed by Jennifer Meany] and released both on the web and on the final versions of the "Morning Star" demo. After this time - Jennifer decided she would like to pursue her own music and direction as a solo artist. She left the band as the permanent vocalist in late 2002.

Hoffmann decided to continue the band, however, and attempted to recruit Dianna Angelli in 2002. Dianna was unable at this time to join the band - but referred Hoffmann to her sister, Kristina Angelli. Kristina joined the band in late 2002 and began to record in the same way that the band had been recording previously - 4-track recorder and all. In 2003 - November Aria released new demo recordings with Kristina on vocals. Those tracks were new versions of "Amore Mia" - "Morning Star" and a new track called "November." Kristina added a new element to November Aria with her ethereal delivery and interpretation of the older November Aria tracks as well as her performance on the track "November" - which was new to the November Aria library. It was at this time that Bill Wiles became involved in the project as a sort of recording and writing consultant.

Kristina was unable to commit fully to the project and departed the group in early 2004.

D. Hoffmann continued to write and record for November Aria but, with no vocalist, there didn't seem to be a lot of hope for the future of the name. Several new vocalists were auditioned but none seemed either suitable or capable of joining the band. The future was looking non-existent for November Aria.

In mid-2004 the Dutch act Within Temptation were preparing to do their first live appearance in London, England. November Aria were invited to attend as guests of the band. Within Temptation were, at that point, the biggest band of the European Female Fronted Metal genre and Hoffmann and Wiles could not and would not pass up the opportunity to join the band in London and be on hand to witness their first appearance in the UK.

As far as November Aria was concerned - it would be stupid to attend this historic performance and not bring some sort of representation of the band. Jennifer Meany was approached to return to the studio and record vocals for this new project aimed at solidifying the name November Aria with the core audience of this music - directly in Europe. The result was a new demo called "The Advent" which was released in numbered copies to the audience at the Scala in London in September 2004. The release only included 3 new tracks - "Burned Cold", "Alaria, Bleeding" and "Pandora's Blade." The other tracks were new recordings of older tracks - "Amore Mia" and "Morning Star." The recording was the first the band did at the very new 460 Days Digital Studio - built by the band in order to continue their recording efforts in a more suitable environment without having to incur the enormous costs of outside studios. The result was a much better product than the previous 2 demos but still not up to par with many other demo recordings done by big-budget studios.

Europe did not turn out to be a big fan of November Aria with it's low-budget and streetwise goth songs. The response from the London audience was less than stellar and November Aria needed to seriously re-consider it's future. In 2005, Hoffmann decided that it wasn't worth attempting to continue. By this time - the previously disconnected Female Fronted Metal scene was starting to solidify into what it is now and there wasn't much room for an independent and out-of-the-trend band like November Aria. For November Aria to reach a wide audience, it would have to compromise it's sound to appeal to the market. While it was a simple and tempting offer - Hoffmann decided that this was not an option for November Aria. This was a band that was created by a stroke of fate and wrote and recorded music that was honest to it's members and initially loved around the world. Why should the band dive into the corporate muck in order to simply make a dollar?

Hoffmann continued to write music for the project - but with no full-time vocalist there seemed to be no future for the band. Hoffmann officially announced [via-it's website] in 2005 that the band would no longer continue. There were many who seemed to revel in the fact that November Aria seemed to be buried by the now cohesive and trendy Female Fronted Metal scene. This stuck in Hoffmans gut like a rusty blade but there seemed to be no way to continue.

In 2006, however, Dianna Angelli [who was originally approached to replace Jennifer Meany] decided to join the band as vocalist. The band immediately began to work on new recordings at 460 Days Studio which finally culminated in the "Annunciation In Blood" CD released on 20 November 2006. This CD re-established the band on the scene and re-introduced true, from-the-street Female Fronted Metal to a scene that has quickly become stuck in the corporate sounds of industry bands like Evanescence. November Aria continued to bring their independent, underground ethos to a working-class audience around the world -- not in hopes of making a million dollars, but for the simple joy of making music. The band were mostly shunned by those in the industry who have a vested interest in the corporate agenda - but they still maintain a small and dedicated audience who love their music and support them as a true working-class Metal band.

November Aria disbanded in May 2007 in response to and in protest of a music scene that became more and more of a sell-out with the biggest bands signing to the biggest companies and setting a standard for Female Fronted Metal that requires nothing more than the sale of image over substance. November Aria, rather than be part of this false and increasingly posing scene - split up once and for all
