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Death Goals - Discography

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.

Studio (2)
Single (2)
Split (1)

Showing 2 releases of 5 [ show all ]

01. Defenstration
02. Misery
03. Helen Keller Is Teaching Me How To Talk To Boys
04. Car Crash Romance
05. Shrike
06. Exit Wounds
07. A Different Type Of Headache
08. The Horrible And The Miserable
09. OK/SAD
10. Gender Traitor
11. Nothing Left To Give

5.8 | 6 votes |
01. Genderless Clones Of Gameshow Hosts
02. A Garden Of Dead Flowers
03. Ultraviolence
04. Loveless
05. P.A.N.S.Y
06. Death Goals In Cursive
07. I Wouldn’t Be Caught Dead (Taking A Bullet For You)
08. If I'm The Enemy Then Who's The Protagonist?
09. Last Night I Had A Dream About Death
10. Year Of The Guillotine
11. Faux Macho