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Gorgatron - Discography

Studio (4)
EP (1)
Single (3)
Demo (1)

Showing 4 releases of 9 [ show all ]

01. Transplant The Eminence
02. Torturetorium
03. Misanthropic
04. Schema
05. Visions Externalized
06. Dissemblance
07. The Unnamed Dread
08. Haunted By Nothing

01. The Year Nineteen Nagasaki
02. Flesh Erosion
03. Inner Supremacy
04. Ravenous
05. Thrasher Basher
06. Compressive Asphyxiation
07. The Uncovering
08. Obsolescence
09. Drunken Cunt

01. Atrophy
02. Usurpation
03. The Reactor
04. Insurmountable
05. Impostor Syndrome
06. Noxious
07. Pathogenic Automation
08. Frostbitten Amputation
09. Pierced From All Angles

6.4 | 9 votes |
01. Divulgence
02. Conduit Of Pain
03. Blatant De-Evaluation
04. Omnipotent Error
05. Absorbency
06. Implosive
07. Unaligned
08. Voiceless
09. Ascending Stagnation