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Esoctrilihum - Dy'th Requiem For The Serpent Telepath lyrics


01. Ezkikur

Music by Esoctrilihum
In my empty eyes I see the splendor of yesteryear.

Dancing shadows show the way.
My prey is captive in a mess.
I see you, I taste your secret cravings.
In the heavens my pain is immense.
The demons will steal your innocence.

Ô great efflorescence,
I call you from the bottom of ages.
A requiem for the sick,
an ode for the unbalanced.

Ô Dy'th, hear my voice!
Now show me your pain, I'm going to slit my throat.
And I will join you in a land of eternal suffering,
to avoid the gaze of the fallen.

Scraps of flesh adorn the Serpent's home.
The Telepath of Doom will enter my mind,
and I will be nothing more than an empty essence.

02. Salhn

Music by Esoctrilihum
I no longer have the strength to live.
A miserable end awaits me.
He is at my door.

Dementia affects everything around my sanity.
A life spent wandering, a life to spend in suffering.
I slice my flesh, unspeakable regrets.
I deserve death, my actions are irreparable.
I lose all my means.

Restlessness will cause my downfall.
Through the medium of a demon I will live again.
He will give me the strength to reincarnate in the realm of insanity.

My sins are too great to be forgiven.
I am no more than a puppet, and my actions are irreversible.
I will dream endlessly in a dimension of doom.

When a white fame will announce judgment to me,
I'll only have my bones to mourn.

03. Tyurh

Music by Esoctrilihum
Beyond the abyss of suffering,
I cross the black expanse of the Sheol.

I rise from the dead to haunt this world.
Limbo awaits me, and the shadows watch the darkness of the throne.
A river of blood flows through time and the sentence has passed.

In the funeral vault a being of darkness crossed the well of eternity.
My monotonous wait is coming to an end.
The sufferings of time pass in the immensity of oblivion.
I am possessed, and throw my seed after the celestial sea.
In a corridor of flesh, the door opens in front of me, and despair calls me.
I drink the blood of the damned, and collect the bones of the hopeless.
I call to the lord, but he remains silent.

When a torment of thoughts assails the powerful, he won't answer,
and my damned life will repeat itself until my atonement.

04. Baahl Duthr

Music by Esoctrilihum
I lick my putrid soul.
From a cutting edge, a distress signal.

Nothing will disappear in this hellish reality.
The blood stays stuck, I would never heal.
Angry inanimate body, a loss of control.
I walk in the dark embrace.

From my hand all will perish.
A monstrous thing is waiting.
Nobody will be ready.
Show me your delicate flesh.

I will be ready when you are dead,
my bloody flesh will remain obscure.

05. Agakuh

Music by Esoctrilihum
The harmonious kiss of the dead body,
it exceeds all my expectations.

He feasts on my deepest desires.
From your throat comes all the tenderness of a deceased father,
teaches the most atrocious practices.
Maggots come out of the sockets of your eyes.
The heavenly voice of the necromantic arts.

I lift the bones, I polish the marrow of your sumptuous stumps.
A building that lives up to your wishes, dear mother.
I dress you every day with the same elegance.
I make myself beautiful for the evening offering.
Your picky lips... Your dead body... Your bloodied limbs...
I'm satisfied with all this magnificence, with your ardor I'm going to faint.
You sculpt an obscene work.
From your womb a blasphemous being will be born.
I am excited by your beauty, and I'm going to kill you.
A marriage of putrid favor, in your mouth, for eternity.

And when your sumptuous curve reveals the truth to me,
I will come to you to finally see your real dead eyes

06. Eginbaal

Music by Esoctrilihum
Crawling down the hall of despair,
I'm looking for a way out of this hellish whirlwind.

Everything is grey, my life is reduced to living in the dark.
Forgotten by all, I hide behind him.
He sets a trap for the forgetful.

I witness nameless horrors, my soulless body declines,
and my reason can't stand this sinister existence anymore.
But deep inside, several voices are calling me.
She asks me to do evil. She asks me to hurt myself.

I cut the veins of the desperate... I destroy lives... I destroy myself...
The dark power doesn't stop anymore, I don't control anything anymore.
I dream of demons, murders are piling up...
And my life is dedicated to the one who keeps things secret.

Now my turn will come.

07. Dy'th

Music by Esoctrilihum
In the cold glow of the night,
a force acts on the spirit.

I feel my mind has left my body.
A red mark on my chest.
Incomprehensible writings.

I went to the other side.
My existence is condemned by the light.
He chose me... to perform horrible deeds.
I'm falling into the abyss, I am now part of the shadows.
They speak to me in unknown languages.

The following moon, the atrocities were committed.

08. Craânag

Music by Esoctrilihum
The day you'll feel other than human,
go to the land of Maehälan Sülth.
Where earth is black and lets black flowers grow.

Feel the wind of Craânag on your face,
and let life fly from your mouth.
He will come and give you the crown of Raem Än el Thur,
and you'll be king of all the dead souls.

The day you'll fear the shadow behind you,
will be the day he will come.
Lock the door and shut your eyes,
as no one will get in and no one will draw back.

Feel the ghost's souls, and bring silence with you.
Maybe then you'll stay king of Raem Än el Thur.

(Theme by Aylowenn Aëla)

09. Zhaïc Daemon

Music by Esoctrilihum
In the haze of the red desert,
a scarlet fame will rise above the magnificent flesh temples.

An edifice will be created from the funeral vaults.
Unimaginable stars will revive ancient turmoil.
He will pour out all his sordid love on the cadavers of his victims.

I will then delight in their embryos.
I will walk through the demons gate.

I observe Zhaïc's red eye.
His hold on me is beyond me.
I revere his power.
A great gathering of people will sing his praises.
The funeral procession will collect the offerings.

This ceremony of misery and lament will destroy me.
Scarification in the name of the Father.
A gift for the most holy.
A reunion for the suffering.
A session of sadness.

The demon will rejoice,
and his lament will reach the mind of the Grand Telepath.

10. Nominès Haàr

Music by Esoctrilihum
When my sadistic impulses order me to commit unforgivable acts,
HE talks to me secretly, and gives me pleasure.

I wander among the rotten corpses, and I mutilate my body to the bone.
I hear the cry of the lost children.
They are waiting for me, and I wait for them.

I slowly slide my knife down the throats of the living.
Grime and blood fill my mouth.
They must die.
I can't hear these calls anymore.
My need is too strong.
I can't fight this instinct anymore.
I must put an end to this suffering.

I cut myself to death, I open my veins.
I cut my ears, I drive nails into my eyes.
I tear of my skin and my blood flows to the depths.

Now HE opens a door for me.
Myriads of demons enter my home.
A piece of glass got stuck in my throat.

I spit out the rest of my pain.
My feverish body sits in the dark,
and death envelops my tortured aura.

The master Telepath of the celestial armies will welcome me with joy,
to torment me in death as in eternal suffering.

11. Xuiotg

Music by Esoctrilihum
Je te vois à travers les yeux d'un fou.
Je me languis de tes formes somptueuses.

J'enfonce des clous dans ta peau (délicate).
Je t'incorpore la semence maudite.
Tu feras des fils et des filles

jusqu'à la fin des temps promis.
Pour LUI je t'ordonne de me suivre.
Ton corps sans vie, est infecté (par la maladie).

J'entretiens chaque jour ton corps, avec révérence.
Mes pulsions sadiques m'ordonnent
de te faire plus de mal mais je garde

l'amour que j'ai pour toi depuis le début.
Et ton élégance, pourrissante me régale.
Je te conserverai tous les jours de ma vie...

(Je me nourris de ta soufrance,
et je me régale de ta beauté putride.

Tu es morte mais pourtant pleine de vitalité.
Au nom de Thd'g je te dévore.
Mais maintenant cela n'a plus d'importance,

Je ferai tout pour accéder à tes
pensées les plus profondes,
et te faire endurer des choses sans nom.

car je possède déjà ton âme.
Je suis ton prédateur ultime.
J'agis contre tes répulsions.

Tu n'as aucun endroit ou te cacher.
Tu parles sans être consciente,
et pourtant je t'entends.)

12. Hjh'at

Music by Esoctrilihum
The bloom of disease is in me.
Inside my grave the shadows speak.
Bloody bones fall to the blows of despair.
The mausoleum of misery will gather the lost crowd.
Practices prohibited in the place of the Most Holy.

I soak up the desolation of the cursed.
In front of the throne of light, I digress.
It will devour me all my vital essence.
I will be nothing more than an empty envelope rusted by morbidity.

Demonic offspring will watch my every step.
I no longer control my actions.
He will lead me into the ditch.
My failures will lead me to madness,
and I will only have my eyes to see the misfortune.

A step towards the void.
I'm falling over the precipice,
and my freedom finally begins.