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Moonkult - Tears Of Seers lyrics


01. The Great Purge

Created by ancients to rule
Chained by impure underlings
They never heeded to great wisdom
Shared to them!

And never understood
Like pagan demigods
This wisdom faded

Sheep in guise of eagles
Seeding roots amongst
Those chained by impurity

Them with gift of foresight
Persecuted and slain
Keys to ancient future lay


Amongst the survivors
With roots deep
Seeking under pride
Rivers of tears
And from them
Droplets of arcane secrets

But these rivers flow freely
Secrets beyond reach of impure masters

Rather dying out
Than continue in the hearts of sheep
Since this world is not worth of knowledge of greatest depths
Only for superior irrelevance

Yet, eternally these foreseers
Seek their roots and path
To their ultimate original destiny

02. Behind Vortex Of Lightnings

Open the gates
So that I can lead
Black souls that we are
To darken those lands of light

In this witching hour
Under power of fullmoon and blackened skies
We reach this mountain

Clouded, carved, by storms of time
Filth of past, leaving ourselves
Like avalanches falling down from black mountains

Crushing the pathway behind
And the cursed ones show path upwards
Yet they meet their death on top

Black frozen iron castle reveals itself
Behind vortex of lightings
Unpure die at it's gates
Lightning strike disbelievers

For pure hearts gates open to
Where our ultimate destiny leaded us to
Stargate to destroyed , forgotten lands
Where pure spirits yet reign

Open the gates
So that I can lead
Black souls that we are
To darken those lands of life

In this witching hour
Under power of fullmoon and wolves
We reach this castle

Clouded, carved, by storms of time
Filth of present, leaving ourselves
Like leaves falling from dead trees

Bringing death to the pathway behind
Carried out by winds of fate to lands

03. Beyond To Infinity

Dim moon over barren lands
Through lifeless fields they travelled
To obtain, secrets beyond

Storm lights eerie bleakness
Where hordes of old tyrants died
Summon these spirits from desecrated graves!

Their spirits join with storm
Fading away
Showing path
Beyond to ancient realms
And beyond to...Infinity

Definable only by indefine beings
Infinite realms and endless darkness above light

Through infinite times
Largest become small
Most powerful become weak in it's abyss
And the present dies

Land of majestic watchers
Forever first of them
Long ago destroyed
By storms of time

Hunters so pure and clear
Yet breeded away by offspring of the watchers
This spirit gone forever leaving only
Empty shell with aimless existence

And so man doomed to pointlessly
Define itself forever
Ever more and ever more
And ever more