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Vitriol - Suffer & Become lyrics


01. Shame And Its Afterbirth

The primordial intuition shakes a fruit of perfection free
It hides deep in the withering field of modernity
Motes of the fire eternal from a fresh stomach glow
Eyes that have witnessed all now denied what they know
Blazing trumpets raze whispers from the air
Their burst bellies spilling secrets in the soil
A new perfume tosses the scent of the Earth
A mind, a body, caught within lines of safety drawn before their birth

The howl of instinct haunts
But ghosts cast no shadows
The animal that stalks lives in your step
Born one thing and becoming another

Horns sit on the horizon
Atop every unanswered question
On the shadow's shoulder of every good
They tuck in corners for those who look close, beyond, and away

The demand a whole be broken
The wolf is denied your brotherhood, and its will is king

The howl of instinct haunts
But ghosts cast no shadows
The animal that stalks lives in your step
Born one thing and becoming another

The howl of instinct haunts
In the depth of your regret
A precious darkness deepens
The beast chews at its trap
Born one thing and becoming another

The shape of one's nature steals a kiss from a slumbering cheek
The child of its early morning song awaits her chase
She beckons with a form withheld
In the ripening silence of solitude, she speaks

The demand a whole be returned

The fires of self are never extinguished, only displaced

A soul is refocused in the serpent's coil

Born one thing and becoming another

02. The Flowers Of Sadism

My blood has staled in my mouth
The snake releases its own tail
My eyes pool and blacken as they drill the mortal shell
Their dilation exhales the holy
Youth flees out their fume and billowing breath
Affection yields to its shadow in the cradle of transmuting death

An infernal focus tightens
An arrow of vision shot outside the periphery of God
Revelations flood clean the poppies from Heaven
Its language is lost, and Perdition blooms within me.

My chest in heartbreak tilled
His ill will held close to the garden bed
My loosened soil I offer to its seeds and dark grace
Fall within and find root beyond its opening gate

Inside a knotted bud, the petals of my freedom form

A new strength flowers within me.

The curdled word of pain pours from the rot of love denied.

The dream of survival dances to life against the body of the moon
A starless trail to Saturn shines in the light of her boon

A new strength flowers within me

The curdled word of pain pours from the rot of love denied

An infernal focus tightens

Perdition blooms within me

Carried on the winds of adaptation
From the grave of prey to the throne of indignation
A ravenous appetite is whet by loss
This pain seeks a new heart to shape

03. Nursing From The Mother Wound

My home now thief-swollen
My mind made leaden with enemy songs
I walk with their weight to heed the confessions of the throng
Tired wounds endure time's molt and seep through the present's white
A threshing focus cracks the mirage
Bruising truth upon the mist of its light
Stalwart in darkness
In vigilance
My fellowship decays
The crippled mule of divine brotherhood brays
I've donned disdain's burdening mantle
I've denied the christened bliss
Confrontation's flames pile upon me
Whose raging licks facet a jewel of the abyss
Deeper now
Into precious darkness
In vigilance
My fellowship decays
The crippled mule of divine brotherhood brays
Deeper now
Into precious darkness
To mine pain for its stones of insight
Mark me with its glowing iron that shines merciless at the breast of midnight

04. The Isolating Lie Of Learning Another

The self is heard only from the womb of still waters
Bared only by the sunderings of living deaths
You cannot gift what remains undiscovered
You wear a barren character
Lie and fear-swept
Into the mud of the flock
It crept
The space between souls asleep in the arms of their guilt
A muting distance spans the truth behind their clay and silt
You are the breathing mystery
To be is to deceive
What calls out from beneath the dream of being?
What lies beyond the mask of man?
The everything and the nothing at all
To be is to deceive
Suspended in a breathless absence floats the solitary cry
This is the depthless chasm where all trust and intimacy die
I have wept
And I have mourned before each curtain torn
The ruin of a wish lain quartered at my feet
For what I longed to find there
Beyond meek curtsies and trojan stares
Was but the froth of hungers most hidden
Not known to you
Your burden now mine
To wrestle with your beast of no name
Dubbed it must be
Your ego its key
Golden illusions dissolve only by his black flame
Unlocked must it be
Exalted is he
Spell its coded call with the burial of your vanity and shame
You are the breathing mystery
To be is to deceive
What calls out from beneath the dream of being?
What lies beyond the mask of man?
The everything and the nothing at all
To be is to deceive

05. Survival's Careening Inertia


06. Weaponized Loss

In solitude, I've discovered the purpose of destruction
Where one is moved by the glory of the lonely, penetrating wound
Afire in its throes, I'm roused by detachment's seduction
And by the rapture of loss, I am attuned

With each heart of hearth now buried and sealed, the cost of my violence is cheap
Survival consumes creation in the quiet of God's sleep
Love bends its knee before power's crowned head
The fancies of her dream burn away from their shackling bed

New arms gleam in the light of isolation
Blades spark against the whetstone of grief
My steel sharpens with every fresh departure
As I train in the art of letting go

My tongue is pointed by the great hope-hunter's spear
My mouth is smeared with the shape of every forbidden question

He taught my lips to trace them
I water the seeds I was gifted
And from neglect's fertile grounds, have I fed
The harvest cup flows with the breath of the adversary
In drinking deeply, to His will, I am wed

New arms gleam in the light of isolation
Blades spark against the whetstone of grief
My steel sharpens with every fresh departure
As I train in the art of letting go

For when the voice of love is silent or unjust, one must ready the soul for war

One must ready the soul for war

07. Flood Of Predation

My lip curls before untested virtue
The hubris that clamors from beyond the arena's walls
The wailings of the uninitiated that stream from protected halls
Nature's teeth rend away their holy gate
Flames from the wild beyond prepare their kindled fate
Screams for empty justice will fill the wood's lung
Their deception be exposed in the the ash of their smoldering tongues
I will exist in the action of death
A hunter of false light
Lies will bleed from heaven's body as I chain its flesh to the night
I've split hope's brow upon the claws of revelation
Now, a wave of wisdom rushes into a flood of predation
My ankles are bound by the dark mother's root
(She loves with the pain of unlearning)
Head collector of dualistic delusions
In the palace of her mind
Utopia is found burning
She taught me the tenderless compassion
Poured her gold upon love weakened by mercy
I glitter with tributes to her treasured violence
A beast of prey accepts his journey
I will exist in the action of death
A hunter of false light
Lies will bleed from heaven's body as I chain its flesh to the night
I've split hope's brow upon the claws of revelation
Now, a wave of wisdom rushes into a flood of predation

08. Locked In Thine Frothing Wisdom

What beyond sorrow stills in your furnace?
Does my love survive your initiatory death?
May I carry its madness with me into hell?
For what other fire could forge within me the steel of your conviction?
And if this love dies in your arms
If your sight blinds to the flight of the dove
What creature soars in her stead?
What ecstasy of power
What truer love
Is awarded in such great murder?
What new soul awaits beyond the sacrifice of the human heart?
How deeply must it flow
The fruit of truer death
That I could stand above
A memory as gilded
Hold me past the dream
Steer my passions far from the weakness of less darkness and the sugar of god's bribe
Lest I become another whore of light's tribe
Or hollowed dog of death
Shepherd of the unchained brood
I will cool thine righteous hate
When summer seeks to heal
And I wills toke its flames through the winter rain
I will weave within it golden stitches of reason
Pinning reckoning beams from the mind of the morning star to my receiving heart
You held me in damnation
(A discovery without salvation)
Showed me a father
I have laid upon thine spears
Driven deep their many wisdoms
My hour of contempt is once again upon me
Hold me past the dream
Steer my passions far from the weakness of lesser darkness and the sugar of god's bribe
Lest I become another whore of light's tribe
Or hollowed dog of death

09. I Am Every Enemy

I've been shaped into an arm of the most righteous despiser
Whose blessings of rejection burn upon the back of my teeth
The bodies of black sheep pile higher
Sacred cows are culled from the herd of belief
Those drunk on the exception are blind to the law of the rule
And the blood of its soldiers pool before its promise's fated breaking
Int he hysteria of your disobedience
I shot my idols like dogs
Then, upon the praising heads of the choir
I rained bombs
Spellbound by divine defiance
The gag of allegiance eludes me
I'm freed from the restraints of reverence
Every taboo and tradition I've plunged into the shuddering depths of the sea
Stalking the knife's edge of the liminal
Am I bounding toward annihilation or unearthing reconciliation?
For the black is deep
And the lofty white bright
And all I see are enemies
How can I drink from the shadow and make rid of the light from which it's cast?For I'd stretch my suffering to heaven to blind the eyes that never sat upon my liberty's past
Those drunk on the exception are blind to the law of the rule
And the blood of its soldiers pool before its promise's fate breaking
I am shaken by the great contradiction from whose helm rattles the head of death with the grain of life's making
What is to be of my next becoming?
What face will you wear in the further unknown?
What shape do you take beyond the static and symbols man has sown?

10. He Will Fight Savagely

When I've grown weary of the gentle love and the vainglory in all its creation, I will break its hold in your embrace
Low into your wild beauty's foundation
Cloven steps toward destiny's shrine, I retrace

May the wind about my ears settle in rest
So that your subtle tongue can wrest them with its pull to grim duty
However bleak the task to which you beckon, I will answer
As I cherish your kiss that presses cruelly

With your tail in hand, I am led to the end of man and the door of succession
Where I suffer the gaze of your cleansing sins
Atop heavenly ruins
Work on a temple begins

Empty is the mouth that carries no war
Let the breath be pulled from mine before it tastes a sue for peace
For hollow is the fireless heart
Upon strife's ignition, will mine eternally feast

With your tail in hand, I am led to the end of man and the door of succession
Where I suffer the gaze of your cleansing sins
Atop heavenly ruins
Work on a temple begins

I know the aching of The End,
and I will never be left by its desire for the death of all
It is by its mouth's pull that into life's most vibrant plains, I am called
Unto its sacred majesty, I offer my pride that blinds
I will fight savagely
Amid the fray of psychic torrents, I will reside