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Aborted - Vault Of Horrors lyrics


01. Dreadbringer

Awake, bringing forth this disease
Multiply to dominate, your soul I'll penetrate
Corrupt, contaminate, and imitate, eradicate
Your path leads right through us with no way to circumvent it
I'll become your contraption
Your slave eternally, yours infernally
I used to count the days, now I don't want to go back
This lie that my life has become
No resistance, the transformation has begun
What I used to dread is now my intent

The imitation took control
No defiance, the imitation destroys all
The essence of my being, corrupted
Through my flesh and blood
Intertwined with my flesh and blood
In the freezing sun
Leave my spirit in the freezing sun
As life is undone

Finally whole through this perfect deception
Lie from the moment you arise
And make your strength complete
For it's time to void this world
Spew this suffering

Pain, the horror is exposed
Through flesh and bone, one by one, they all fall
The warmest place to hide
Through pain and suffering, they all fall

Intertwined with my flesh and blood
I bring the gospel of nothingness
Lie from the moment you arise
And make your strength complete
For it's time to void this world

Crawl out of the needle, become the parasite in me
Behold the reckoning
The warmest place to hide
Through pain and suffering, they all fall

02. Condemned To Rot

Under purulent soil, the dead and decomposed
An eternal massacre, waiting to unfold
Back from the grave, a heap of death and decay

Reanimated dead flesh through a barrel of Trioxin
Neverending thirst for flesh, the damned eternal

As they lust for skull-encased brains
You wretched fools are about to have a fucking par-tay

As the dead rise
From the earth and masticate your corpus
To stand the pain of death, they're condemned to rot
Hurdled up in a warehouse, there's a horror beneath
Mucous and dissolving slime
It spreads like a plague, unstoppable, indomitable
The return of the living dead

Reanimated dead flesh through a barrel of Trioxin
Neverending thirst for flesh, the damned eternal

Cremated, gunned in the head, it never ends
Resurrected by acid rain, send more paramedics
For the chomping, the feeding, the killing
Consuming of the living
You're condemned to rot

I can feel myself rot

Eaten alive, fueling the dead everlasting
Cannibalistic, unstoppable legion of death
For we deserve to die
We are condemned to rot
Condemned to rot

As we lust for skull-encased brains
You wretched fools are about to have a fucking par-tay

Cremated, gunned in the head, it never ends
Resurrected by acid rain, send more paramedics
To the chomping, the feeding, the killing
Consuming the living
You're condemned to rot

03. Brotherhood Of Sleep

Antichrist abhorrent dimensional virus
Taking over the minds of the weak
The ooze corrupts and abolishes all
A demonic presence festers
Corrupts, forever controls
Satanic science, sadistic, malicious, and complete
Behold the brotherhood of sleep

As I worship total darkness
Resurrected, awakened from beneath
Invoke the brotherhood
The brotherhood of sleep

Absolute terror awakened from the deep
A puppet within a dream

Satanic science, so malicious, and complete
Corrupting, enslaving humanity
Unstoppable killing machines
Demented minions, restless
Deciphering texts from beyond
The evil captured can't be contained
And its possession brings forth the insane

Puppets within a dream
We are The Brotherhood of Sleep

As I worship total darkness
Resurrected, awakened from beneath
Invoke the brotherhood
The brotherhood of sleep

Absolute terror awakened from the deep
A puppet within a dream

This is not a dream but the end complete

Kneel for your god as this plague spreads like cancer

Born of science and corrupted by terror
Awake, a pure holocaust
From the ooze comes forth pure chaos
Manipulate the weak
The brotherhood of sleep

Through visions of hell and unholy mania
This sinister pact concludes in a most gruesome climax
This is not a dream but the end complete


04. Death Cult

In the shadow of the scorching sun
With a penchant for murder
Behind a mask of flesh
With a simple purpose
Total decimation
Termination, exaltation

Behind the mask lies an abomination
Eternal devotion to the execration of life
Pull one string and a trance of death ensues
When the tide grabs hold of the innocent

Each straw colored crimson red
A lineage traced to the pits of hell
A silver lining drawn in blood
Worship forever

Entranced by horror, infatuated with death
Entranced by filth, unholy ceremony

Those sparks from the pain of others
Fuel my despair to hide and forget
I don't need to wonder how my end will be
Utter debauchery - this is worship

Each straw colored crimson red
A lineage traced to the pits of hell
A silver lining drawn in blood
Now die forever

Des visions d'un visage déformé
Victime d'un massacre, décortiqué
This is worship

Violemment transformé de chair en viande
Par une lignée infernale
Die - Now die forever
Meat - a pile of meat

Death cult - for the saw is eternal
Death cult - every face stitched together
Death cult - a deformed travesty
Death cult - for the saw is family

In the Lone Star State, the nightmare grows
Their reign of blood
Its terror flows, a legend that will never die
Its message forever in the sky
Forever in the sky

A reign of gore echoes through the night
Their desperate cries, a gruesome delight
This is Leatherface's realm, this is the...

Death cult - a deformed travesty
Death cult - for the saw is family

The heat, a cauldron of dread
As Hewitt's victims lie dead
Through a serrated blade
They all met their end
They all met their end
This is death cult

05. Hellbound

A portal to the secrets of flesh
Enrapturing realm, guarded by demons
Exploring the limits of pain and pleasure

A bridge across rivers of malady
Embrace the path of violation within me
Orgasm of blood, climax of gore
The shattered fragments of the soul
Bringers of suffering and pleasures beyond
Slash my spirit and arouse my mind
Sweet little deaths, the gateway beyond
Abandon all hope, reads the gateway to eternal hell

Finally, I feel like I'm alive
Lacerated - the banquet is served
Infernal patterns of pain

A level beyond - delicious shift
Forged in passion, for I am hellbound
This level of pain will break all bounds
For we're not the first
But none reached the depths of this
Agonizing eternity spent sundering flesh
Driven to madness, ludicrous lust
Piece by piece, slash by slash
Severed pieces augment each lash
Eternal torment, I am reborn

Through a configuration lament, a puzzle box
Unlocking a paradox
Cruel invitation to the blackest of pits
Celebrating each one of my sins

In chains I writhe, in hooks I'm caught
In Leviathan's realm, my sanity is lost
Sadistic pleasure, my soul is maimed
In eternal torment, I am engulfed in flames


Severed pieces augment each lash
Bound in chains, I am forever hellbound
Eternal torment, I am reborn
We have to see, we are forever hellbound

Lash by lash, forever torn
We have to see, we are forever hellbound
Gash by gash, we are reborn
I am in hell, forever more

06. Insect Politics

Transmutation - morphing different species
True horror revealed as I vomit and consume you
The barriers of science have been desecrated
Greed, lust and power are never satiated

Insect politics - for the sane of mind
Insect politics - we're not the same

Body horror, horrid disfiguration
Molten gore from a retched form
A bloody mess of purulence and grime
New species - a carnivore sublime

Insect politics - for the sane of mind
Insect politics - we're not the same kind

Please help me
"No compassion, no compromise."
(an insect dreams he was a man)
(now the dream is over, the insect's all that's left)

Please help me, this is insect politics

Absolute greed turning perverse
New-born atrocity about to burst
Contamination of the womb established
What ensues must be killed/redacted

Transmutation - morphing different species
True horror revealed as I vomit and consume you
The barriers of science
Have been desecrated

07. The Golgothan

Rise! The Golgothan!
Voracious shit demon

Viciously conjured from the bowels of the earth
A foul concoction
Pristine porcelain befouled by a god
Who could stop this shit-flinging barrage

With crooked horns and tepid hooves
This near-death exposure is about to bloom
The Golgothan - has been summoned, what a sight
As meals have passed, bystanders gassed
The wrath of my pooper spelled doom
The Golgothan - has been summoned, what a blight
As I'm choking on deadly curds
The Golgothan - death might be the only way out
The stew is bubbling with degenerative turds
The Golgothan - a ragout of misspell and poo

Trying to escape this shit-filled mirage
By colon obstructed and nauseous gas
Pray for me, the porcelain god
Die for me, the mephitic one

With crooked horns and tepid hooves
This near-death exposure is about to bloom
The Golgothan - has been summoned, what a sight
As meals have passed, bystanders gassed
The wrath of my pooper spelled doom
The Golgothan - has been summoned, what a fight

Finally enjoying the hors-d'oeuvre
Begrudgingly shoving my face with these deadly turds
Satan spawn the caca daemon
Slitherine merchant of faeces a whiff of my brew
Much to everyone's degout
Convincing the nonbelievers

Viciously conjured from the bowels of the earth
A foul concoction of degenerative turds
Pristine porcelain befouled by a god
Whoever could stop the madness
Shit-flinging relentless barrage
As I hold on for dear life
The Golgothan's been summoned, what a blight

Rise! The Golgothan
Voracious shit demon
Rise! The Golgothan
Voracious shit demon

08. The Shape Of Hate

Infectious rage sets in at first
A switch flipped, predestined from birth
Behind these eyes a menacing stare
Catatonic with hate, I am a tool of decay, I'm hell

Caustic killer, no guilt no remorse
None of you are safe
Abandon all hope - there's no fucking savior
Trick or treat, the choice is yours
The boogeyman cometh

I woke up inside the mind of a young boy named Michael Myers
No recall of where I came from
All I know is I control him
Born behind these six year old eyes
With no love remorse or reason
I am the urge to grab the blade
To penetrate despite their pleading
A vessel ripe turned unrelenting
Stalking choking stabbing staring
Wearing white to hide a human face
That died when I took over
From inception, we have taken any prey
That flaunts their supple skin as
A puncture invitation
We will never die

Move aside - I bring you death
With the power of the devil at hand
A butchers knife strikes without restraint
As evil spreads like a plague
I am the shape of hate to come

Pure blackness, devoured, for I am beyond saving

Behind the mask, emptiness is left
Through these eyes, there's nothing
A psychopath corrupting
Beg for your lives as I hack and slash
Haddonfield is cursed - I'm your final doom
Your final... doom

All Hallows Eve comes to an end
The shape of hate ascends
Through Haddonfield's dread, my evil transcends

The shape of hate to come - every kill spreads fear
The shape of hate to come
Every strangulation feels surreal
In Carpenter's mind, horror is born
Slasher symphony, forever adorned
To breathe is to kill and to kill is to live
Death is the only solution, one that'll never fucking be
Cursed - Never fucking be cursed
Apathetic, a scourge
I am absolute hatred

Behind the mask, pure bliss awaits
Trick or treat, time to die
There will be no surrender
Beg for your lives as I hack and slash
Haddonfield is cursed
I am the shape of hate to come

09. Naturom Demonto

Join us, resurrect us, intertwine our fate
A tome opens the demonic gateway
Bound in human flesh, forever inked in blood
We may lie dormant but are never truly dead

Funerary incantations cast aside
The power to possess is worth the price
Recite the passage to set us free
As we will swallow your soul
Destroy you whole
Devour your soul

The Kandarian ritual is the only truth
As you'll swiftly come to know
Escape through bodily dismemberment
From a dagger, give me slow serrated death

Killing, maiming - awakened from ancient slumber
Executed - like the others before you we will
Possess and kill - take and become you
One by one - into a sculpture of limbs and rot


We'll come for you all, before dawn we will arise
The whisper in these walls
Filled with remembrance of pain that is yet to manifest
Dead by dawn, the infernal dead

We shall have your soul
Join us, resurrect us, intertwine our fate
A tome opens the demonic gateway
Bound in human flesh and forever inked in blood

We may lie dormant but aren't dead
Let you suffer in torment, you'll sing the sounds of rot
Dance upon their graves as the damned proudly shout

Naturom Demonto - torn to pieces
Worthless human beings
Naturom Demonto - swallow your soul
You'll be dead by dawn
Naturom Demonto - piss on your graves and all you love
Naturom Demonto - you'll be dead by dawn

10. Malevolent Haze

As dread is conceived
In the corners of the psyche
Their demise is veiled by a haze
A fate met with the guidance of hell
A mist of horrors now glazed by death

A grotesque, primeval seed
Obscured by fog, the unknown awaits
As monsters rise from within
Desperation claws at our hearts
This is no fantasy

They'll be excoriated
Into the dark, into the fog

Arachnoid horrors shall exploit
Sanity forlorn, consuming all
The onslaught's neverending role
Religious cancer takes a toll
The righteous fall
The ultimate widowmaker
The darkness within
This curse is never-ending
We face the enemy within

In this vile, eldritch veil
Where sanity and reason fail
We drudge through blood and gore
In this mist, where death awaits you all
Where death will take you all

Within the abyss lies a symphony
Sweet melody of violence

A vile, malevolent haze
Prelude to suffering
Purveying hate eternal
At the stroke of twelve
They will pay the price

In the malevolent haze
I watch them turn on each other
In the malevolent haze
I watch them burn

A final act of despair
Liberate me from this eternal hell
The mist slowly taken away
What have I done?