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Rotting Christ - Pro Xristou lyrics


01. Pro Xristoy (Προ Χριστού)

Προ Χριστού

Hades / Xibalba / Titan / Prometheus / Zeus / Shiva Mahadeva / Taran / Asmodeus

Hail-Ra / Hail-Baal / Hail-Nyx / Hail-Tyr

02. The Apostate

Νενίκηκάς με Ναζωραίε - (Flavius Claudius Julianus)
Σωσε ημιν-Σωσε με ιερεια
Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth
Σωσε ημιν - Σωσε με ιερεια
Hate for hate and ruth for ruth
Σωσε με ιερια
I am the truth
Σωσε με
Save me
Σωσε με ιερια
Save me Ieria
Σωσε ημιν - Σωσε με ιερεια
War for war and woe for woe
Σωσε ημιν - Σωσε με ιερεια
Blood for Blood and bow for bow
Σωσε με ιερια
I am the law
Σωσε με
Σωσε με ιερια
Save me Ieria

Σωσε ημιν-Σωσε με ιερεια
The book of lies, I read, I condemned

“The end and aim of the Cynic philosophy, as indeed of every philosophy, is happiness, but happiness that consists in living according to nature, and not according to the opinions of the multitude.
No wild beasts are so dangerous to men as Christians are to one another And concerning the book you gave me to read,”

I read, I understood, I condemned
Flavius Claudius Julianus - (331-363 A.D) - The last Pagan Emperor

Σωσε ημιν - Σωσε με ιερεια

03. Like Father, Like Son

Pride and honor – Passion, love, and faith
Belief to your own spirit - This is your father’s saying
Spread your wings and fly - Fly to the edge of a dream
Be yourself and rise – Rise, reborn, and scream

Echoes strike my head, whispers torment my ears
Father you may gone, your voice is still here
So near...

Like father, like son

Ride like the wind, die like a hero
Fight respect and go, from zero to a hero
See the mirror…

Like father, like son

Pride and honor – Passion, love, and faith
Belief to your own spirit - This is your father’s saying
Spread your wings and fly, meet the edge of your dream
Stay true and fight, this is your father’s wish

04. The Sixth Day

And on the sixth day I created, man - (Genesis 1:24–31)

The power of lion, the lust of the goat
The misty Orion, the wrath of God

Hell on earth and monarchy, can you feel the pyre
Can you see the bloody raw, the empire
Can you hear the great awe, the choir

And on the sixth day, I created man

Blood for blood and cruelty, let me fly away
Let me die fast, let me pray
Let me see the holy land, let me slay

And on the sixth day, I created man

Ashes to ashes / Dust to dust / Madness to madness / Lust to lust

Rage / Rage / Blood / Blood / Flesh / Flesh / Dust / Dust

05. La Lettera Del Diavolo

Sono il dio / Sono il salvadore / Sono il pecato / Sono il sangue

I am the voice, the voice of God
I am the way, I am the truth
Listen my creature, listen my Son
The death is certain, in this dying world
I am creation, you named me God
You gave me voice, you made me strong
Oh you mortals, listen my word
This system failed, there is no world

Sono il sacrificio / Sono il tuo corpo / Sono la tentazione / Sono la tua carne e sangue

You sing you pray, I set you free
You nailed me on the cross, I saved your sins
You ask salvation, license to kill
Take me to church, I set you free
I created angels, as gift and shield
Whisper my name, whisper your sin
Oh you mortals, listen my preach
This system failed, down on your knees

I am the voice, the voice of God
I am the way, I am the truth
Listen my creature, listen my Son
The death is certain, in this dying world
I am creation, you named me God
You gave me voice, you made me strong
Oh you mortals, listen my word

This system failed, there is no world
Sono il dio / Sono il salvadore / Sono il sacrificio / Sono il tuo corpo / Sono il tuo corpo

You sing you pray, I set you free
You nailed me on the cross, I saved your sins
You ask salvation, license to kill
Take me to church, I set you free
I created angels, as gift and shield
Whsiper my name, whisper your sin
Oh you mortals, listen my preach

This system failed, down on your knees

06. The Farewell

Let the Gods... Let the Gods
Let the spirit... Let the spirit
Let the bright holy sun... Holy sun
Rest... Rest in the spirit

Let the powers of the earth, let the blaze and the morrow… And the morrow
Let the love from your sons, let the wisdom and the honor… And the honor

Rise and Reign!

Embrace You / Embrace You
In our hearts... In our hearts
In our tears... In our tears
Το the endless paths of fears... paths of fears
You are here
You arise from our dreams, you are brighten and you follow… And you follow
You are fighting till the end, you respect and you dishonor

Rise and Reign!

Embrace You / Embrace You

Κα-λο Ταξιδι / Κα-λο Ταξιδι/Κα-λο Ταξιδι / Κα-λο Ταξιδι

Embrace You / Embrace You

07. Pix Lax Dax



Welcome a stranger, welcome my son
You see, you hear, you never talk
We praise a legend, we praise the death
This mystic place, is not the end


Shout out the devil, shout out the death
The sons of evil, we raise the dead
Our voice is quiet, but not our strength
Never divided, in league with death


08. Pretty World, Pretty Dies

“This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but with a whimper” - T.S. Eliot

Mankind, mankind, burn bright
In the greatness of the light
Pretty mortals, pretty die
On the earth, on the fly

Pretty mortals, pretty die
Pretty world, pretty dies

Pretty world, pretty dies
For a name, for a lie
Are you dread, is it fright
Is this triumph, or is it a lie

Pretty mortals, pretty die
Pretty world, pretty dies

Mankind, mankind, burn bright
In the greatness of the light
Pretty mortals, pretty die
On the earth, on the fly
Pretty world, pretty dies
For a name, for a lie
Are you dread, is it fright
Is this triumph, or is it a lie
Pretty world, pretty dies

09. Yggdrasil

The ancient path to wisdom, is hidden in a tree
This pagan rite to freedom, the genesis I see

Yggdrasil / Yggdrasil / Yggdrasil

The nine realms I follow, the nine worlds I see
Asgard, Niflheim, my ancient roots I see
The dawn the night the morrow, the Odin's gift
This ancient path to wisdom, is called Yggdrasil

Yggdrasil / Yggdrasil / Yggdrasil
Hel - Wolf time / Hel - Wild time
Hel - Axe time / Hel - Sword time
Hel - Shields time / Hel - High time
Hel - Blade time / Hel - War time

Men brave and generous live the best lives, seldom will they sorrow; then there are fools, afraid of everything, who grumble instead of giving
When a real battle starts, you’ll always find that there is no bravest man
Because men brave and generous live the best lives

Yggdrasil / Yggdrasil / Yggdrasil

10. Saoirse

I am the Wind that blows across the Sea
I am the Wave of the Ocean
I am a Ray of the Sun
I am the Spear-in the Battle
(The song of Amergin)

Hail Freedom/Hail Freedom/Our Freedom/Our wisdom

Die like a hero, live like a man
Fight for your freedomm fall,arise,rebirth
Ride like the wind,fight like a hero
From west to the east,from zero to a hero

Hail Freedom/Hail Freedom/Our Freedom/Our wisdom

Brave like a hero, humble like a dove
Live with your demon, with your own God
Hails to our ancient Kingdom
Die for your freedom

Hail Freedom/Hail Freedom/Our Freedom/Our wisdom

Hail/Hail/Hail/Freedom/Hail/Hail/Hail Wisdom
Hail/Hail/Hail/Freedom/Hail/Hail/Hail Wisdom

In 565 dies the last High King to follow the pagan rituals
The King of Tara the High King of Ireland
The last king to resist the expansion of christinism
Diamat Mac Cerbail-Ri na Tara-Ard-Ri Eireann

Hail Freedom/Hail Freedom/Our Freedom/Our wisdom