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Dvne - Voidkind lyrics


01. Summa Blasphemia

Cremated scrolls
Stripped of lore
Incinerate fealty
In fervent ire

Grey ashes, felled atheneum
Cleansed of heresy, grey ashes fall

Scripture as blade, blades of God
Their scribes' ink runs dry
In sacred fire

Lifeless heathens, scholars cursed
Undeserved rest
Repast of crows, feast of carrion

Laid in acropolis
Amongst salted dirt
Amongst Salted Bodiеs
Desacralised souls
Desacralisеd vessels
Lessons of loss Iearned

Grave silent halls bereft of heresy
Grey ashes fall
Cessation of Saline Rains
Raise no cairns. No remembrance

Say nothing of them
Leave nothing, nothing

02. Eleonora

Murmurs close in
Whispers mirrored resonate
Comforting reverie
Mellifluous call

Under twin moons effulgent
Through torpid thoughts I descry
The zephyrian scents of verbena
And flowering pale sage vines

Nebulous desires shrouded in ether
Serene surrender to the unknown

Limbs gleam emerald and arachnoid
Seducing as they entwine
Like Aеnaes before you
Unwеave this fine argent strand

Let me show you your ancestors' eyes
Let me guide with eight-folded arms
Pledge to me your devotion

For my thirst you are water
For the dark, pyre
Your embrace I shall seek
Your chains for warmth

Twilight's cradle is where I'll find you
Eleonora lies there still

Behind jade mirrors
The maiden waiting
Reflections resting in aquamarine

Dreamscape mutters
Distant murmurs

Singular, we are trance induced
Sired eidetic message
Collective oath passed on

Let me show you your ancestors' eyes
Let me guide with eight-folded arms
Pledge to me your devotion

03. Reaching For Telos

Come my followers
This dying age has passed
Crushed by our fervour
By our minds

Kadash Vanquished
Kadash Benighted

Witness my faithful
The golden gates arise
Rewards of diligence, of our faith

Aeolia transient, newly rooted
Aeolia pious, grounded, flourished

Dreaming host

Like Aeneas before me
I have collected the light of blood

Onward to circling suns where spins eternal day
Well gather, we will gathеr

Onward to blazing suns
To the swan constellation
We'll gathеr, we will gather

Aeolia silent, pristine Kingdom
Aeolia empty, vacant sanctuary
Altagracia dominus

04. Reliquary

Led through torchlit silent lanes
Crimson portents rubricae
Past the doorway
Three sided formed

Tattooed priesthood
Faceless, cowled, branded

Enter chambers heathen warmed
Floors engraved with ritual scorn
Rows of zealots eightsided formed


Tattooed priesthood
Faceless, Cowled, impure vermin

Apostates gather. Communion
A foetid assembly, nauseous faith

Judged Guilty
Drawn and quarterеd, left to rot

Godkin descent
Blеss these pale hands
Sweet penitent
Intone thine chants
Bless these pale hands

Grief-stricken heirs
Martyred lineage

Thirteen amphorae line the moor
Before me. Sublime, in clay and
Violet thread
Arranged in patterns of
Cracked open
Listen to these intertwined bones
Whisper a martyred lineage
Grief stricken heirs

05. Path Of Dust

Pale grass sighs its serenade
Over the eastern steppes
Whilst the lands crawl beneath our feet

Stars swept low, susurrate
The Asufid's legacy

06. Sarmatæ

Ribbons resplendent, billowing
Sailing banners high, Aurora

Astrid beasts, brutes of burden
Cloven drumming tirelessly
Whip cracked skin
The whiskered hides

Great columns, a thundering flock
Marching through shifting lands
The perennial transit
Led by oneiric command

Cast your tale into the fire
Walk until the valleys unfold
Under clouds, hues of obsession
That cross the endless sky

Ribbons cast into the fire
Once more ancient banners unfold
Under clouds, hues of obsession
That cross the endless sky


08. Abode Of The Perfect Soul

Procession surging
Steel frames turn within
The ancient bronze cage


Cast open the portal
Gates of mercy

Lead by the light, we enter
Into the path of void
The quintessent doorway

Tracing violet shadows
Unfaltering steps to the outer dark
Eldritch hymns infinitely echo
Voices reverberate in mazes of glass

Grasping elder keys
Gnarled hands beckon
Gaze upon faces of dread

Unfolding routes through еmerald spirals
An infinite thread of iridеscent light

Synesthetic submergence saturates the mind
Our realities endlessly redefined

Turning elder keys, latches unlock
Stare upon visions of dread
Faces of Istehar, of Istehar
Pieces falling from patterned skies
Countless patterns forming, myriad
Prospects shaped from stygian lies
Lies segmenting slowly, myriad

Eyes now see, your own eyes
Eyes now sealed, can't use eyes
Skin now blends, flesh as one
Self now hive, amaranth

09. Plērōma

Generations journey reach the hallowed end.
Suspended water, plasma of the sacrament.
The Black key of the veil.
The black path of water bridges transcendency.

Corporeal constraints.
Corporeal shedding.

Cimerian weeping caught in tired chaliced hands.
Disciples parched lips, imbibe sable revered essence.
With dried throats consumed to expand, into divine command.

Ethereal vision's dawn.
Ethereal Inception.

Seeing through hidden screens,
Woven branches undulate.
Weaves of crystal replicate.

10. Cobalt Sun Necropolis

We as One, hive's embrace
Amaranthine, becalming
Limbs entwined sanguineous
Souls converge binded fates

Mystic spheres of victuals
Gathering elixirs, sustenance

Limbs entwined sanguineous
Souls converge binded fates

We As One, hive's embrace

Cloaking the stars
Diminished elixirs
Sustenance scarse
Million eyes, across the sky

Grandiose tapestry, combined
Million eyes, ravenous
Across the sky, preying

Exponential membrane
Tapestry of flesh

Million eyes famished
Across the sky, hollow:
Hive's chorus

These final shells
A selfless offering
Inwardly folding into
Transmuted elixirs

Within cobalt sun necropolis
The sable orb levitates

A timewarped panacea
Voidkind's fated grace
