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Apep - Before Whom Evil Trembles lyrics


01. Enslaving the Putrefied Remnants of the Deceased

Beware of the shamans of Khem
Worshippers of Tsathoggua, the savage god
Cast out by the old one
For they have the power to revive the dead

By spilling the blood of sacrifices
Before the gazing statue of their god
Demonic spirits are called to possess the bodies of the deceased
Made to dwell in the house of decaying flesh

Compelled to dwell in the nethermost vaults of the Zin

Shed the rivers of blood
Above the black statue of Tsathoggua
Rise! corpses of the dead
By the power of the old one

Tibbi magnum Innominandum, signa stellarum nigrarum

To you Tsathoggua, god of the damned
We summon you

The only purpose of these infernal vessels
Is to fulfill the will of their creator

With their bodies forever desecrated by the evil wrath
They know neither discomfort nor pain
Obedient only to the shaman who summoned them

They lie rotting in shallow holes
Waiting to pursue their only intention
To fulfill the will of their masters

Only a certain melody
Played on a whistle of human bones
Can send away the evil demons
Vanishing with a ghastly cry

The empty human shell collapses to the ground
Decayed and deformed
And riddled with crawling beetles and worms
It falls into a putrefied mass

Shed the rivers of Blood
Above the Black statue of Tsathoggua
Rise! corpses of the dead
By the power of the old one

02. The Pillars of Betrayal

Entreat the Pillars of Betrayal

Old tales and dark legacy
Fulfilled with blasphemous impurity
Destroy the balance of the world
The whole planet will suffocate in blood

We are gods, dark gods
And it’s our will to annihilate you
We are gods, dark gods
And it’s our duty to thin the herd

Once given hope to all who believed
Unresting dead ones destroyed all peace
Murdered purity, to be bound in doom
There is no hope of a new aeon soon

We are gods, dark gods
And it’s our will to annihilate you
We are gods, dark gods
And it’s our duty to thin the herd

We devoured the lights
We turned justice into the nemesis
depraved the pillars of hope
Into dark soils of betrayal
We are gods, dark gods
And it’s our will to annihilate you!

03. Tombs of Eternity

As the great old ones come to rest
Life is always infected with Death
Their history shall forever remain
Their bodies shall eternally stay

Lying in darkest graves
The casket of the embalmed
Buried under tons of stones
Death on his irrefutable throne

The light that should not die
The masswon’t rot away
Hollowed out for the ancient gods
The rites of the old ones receivetheir pride

The darkened end of the world
Where death is always dominate
The legacy of the elder kings shall not be lost
carried by the first servantsinto eternal tombs

In eternal darkness
The pharaoh’s body shall rest
In utter emptiness
his soul shall find eternal peace

No spark of light found him
Granting, praising, lost in the realm
The fog of their pride
Turned into a grudge that night

The light that should not die
The mass won’t rot away
Hollowed outfor the ancient gods
The rites of the old ones receive their pride

Into endless darkness
His Body shall rest
In eternal light
The soul will arise
Buried alone
On darkened thrones
Buried for pride
The soul without light

Buried alone in Eternal Tombs
Buried alone on darkened thrones
Buried alone in eternal Tombs
Buried for pride, the soul without light
Buried alone in eternal tombs
Buried for pride, the soul without light

05. Before Whom Evil Trembles (Goddess of Carnage)

Protector of Re, Mother of Nefertem
Servant of the Sun, bringer of the plagues
Proceed and kill them
Her wrath will come upon you
I am the one before whom evil trembles

The weakened ones, they felt like gods
And lions now will take control
Blood rush and hate, unleashed lust
Will put the sheep back to the pale

Mighty Sekhmet, the goddess of Carnage
Destroys everything, blinded by rage
Meant to serve but couldn’t hold it back
Humanity awaits its stab

I can’t control, (I can’t hold back)
My wrath will kill, (tormentor of sheep)
My master’s disappointment, I will not take
Even evil trembles with fear

I am the great annihilator
I am the wrath of gods
I am inevitable
Humanity has to be
Wiped out from this world

Soothed by the elixir of Herberios
The uncontrollable carnage stops
Tumbled and weakened she falls asleep
Mankind’s doom averted from this plague

06. The Breath of Kheti

Hail to you, Kheti!
Mighty possessor of fire!
From whose mouth cometh forth the flame
Which is in the eye of Horus

Open up thy mouth!
Distant thy jaws!
Belch forth your fires
Against the enemies of Osiris

Consume their souls,
Burn up their bodies!

To those guilty of desecration
Who laid bare the hidden things
And defiled the rest of the Great Ones
The last thing you’ll see is Kheti!

You shall cease to exist!
Your spirits shall be destroyed!
The fire of the serpent shall blaze against you!

Open up thy mouth!
Distant thy jaws!
Belch forth your fires
Against the enemies of Osiris

The liquid flames out of his lungs
Will burn the flesh
And tear it down from your bones
Will burn your soul
It will never find peace

Mighty possessor, kill them
Dark tormentor, destroy them

I am the one who does not enter
Upon the fiery path of the snake
For I uttered the words of power
Against the breath of Kheti!

07. Swallowed by Silent Sands

In the eternal desert of Irem
Carved rocks are buried under tons of Sand
The shapes of the stones are not from human hand
And no one can tell who made them

The place where water can flow upwards
From the depths of the earth
Where human bones and skulls litter the corridors
Mostly from children and infants
The eaters of man, the thieves of lives
Tortured their victims, in a matter of joy

A long time ago the ancient city
Covered an old and bitter truth
Behind the time, beneath the darkest catacombs of Irem
Lies a forgotten city
Its inhabitants have filled their creed
By endless suffering and pain of the infants
By carrying their skulls and bones as jewels

The inhabitants crawled on their limbs
Other than their human victims
Covered by light that is brighter than the sun,
In utter blackness, in utter blackness

Their ways of killing are painted on the walls
Just as their history and horrific appearance
Crocodiles with longer limbs and shorter tails
Their skulls are domed and large
Covered with gold and bones
As an imitation of their ancient gods, ancient gods

Their blood ran cold trough their hearts
With no sun, so deep beneath the sand
Their endless longing evokes the wrath of the ones they’ve slain
Rather than seeing their own extinction
They doomed the city of Irem
The nameless city was shattered by the hand of men

Most ofthose old creatures passed away
As the monuments of Irem collapsed in an cataclysmic event
Into pits of sand, covered with the dust of ages
Signs of battles that have long been fought
As lying in its the ruins,
The city of Irem was swallowed by the silent sands

In these ruins you still can hear them whisper:

Rise, Rise, Rise YogSototh

N’gai, n’gba, gbaabugg-shogg Yah

Rise, Rise, Rise YogSototh

Through the third angle we are travelling
We are free from the jackals of time

Yai’ ng’ ng, F’aithrodog

Together we will sing the song
Of this horrific world