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Kvele - Frostbitten Apocalypse lyrics


01. Abyssal Hunt

In the caves, I howl to the moon
With wolves by my side, a primal tune
The candles flicker, with demon's grease
A dark ritual, where the shadows freeze
The moonlight shines, through the cave
But it brings no warmth, only a cold grave
By my side, my only guide
In the darkness, I'll find my sense of self-worth
The caves are my home, my kin
Together we'll roam, in the dark and the grim
We'll howl to the moon, a symphony of might
With the candles' light, our spirits take flight
The deformed creatures, they lurk in the dark
Their twisted bodies, a grotesque mark
They howl in unison
A symphony of chaos
They are the spawn,
A reflection of our inner abyss
But I' m the conqueror,
With my blades in hand, I'll never miss
I'll fight the twisted horde, with my might
I'll be victorious, in this eerie fight
The candles, they burn with a demon's flame
A symbol of power, in the eternal game
With a voice of fear, a call to the wild
A call to those who bravely died
The moonlight shines, on our immortal fight
With the candles' flame, we'll burn bright

02. Frozen Apocalypse

The war rages on, in the icy peaks
Undead soldiers rise, from their frozen sleep
Against the unborn, they march to fight
A never-ending battle, in the pale moonlight
Blood stains the snow, crows and ravens feast
On the corpses of the fallen, in this eternal beast
Gods watch in silence, as the war goes on
In the frozen mountains, despair forever dawns
The undead hordes, relentless in their plight
The unborn scream, in their endless fight
The mountain echoes, with the sound of death
The war rages on, with every frozen breath
The crows and ravens, they circle above
They watch the battle, with demonic love
The gods they watch, in cold detachment
As the war rages on, with no final satisfaction
The frozen winds of war, they howl through the night
A symphony of death, an eternal blight
The war never ends, in the frozen heights
The undead and unborn, locked in eternal fights
The crows and ravens, they'll be the last to see
The end of this battle, in the icy eternity

03. Twinned In Damnation

Κοίτα τους πως σέρνονται στη λάσπη,
νεκροβόροι, ξέψυχοι
πατέρας και γιος σ' ένα σώμα
δεν υπάρχουν μάνες
πρώτες τις έφαγαν,
καιρό τώρα.

Born from the ashes, a twisted breed
Two heads, one father, one child in need
Society's curse, an aberration
But within the twin, a bond of damnation
Two heads, one father, one son
A reflection of a world that's come undone
No women to give birth, our fate sealed tight
The parasitic twin, a symbol of the coming night
The front head, the father, in control
The back head, his son, takes the toll
Manifestation of patriarchal ways
A world where women's value decays
The world is dying, resources are scarce
Parasitic twin consumes with no remorse
Eating the remains, of a dying race
A gruesome act, in a final embrace
Eating human remains, to stay alive
A last ditch effort to survive
But soon they'll be lost, end of humanity
A reflection of a world without fertility
Two heads, one father, one son
A reflection of a world that's come undone
But in this twisted form, a bond is formed
A reminder of a world that's forever gone

04. Frostbitten

In the mist, the snow falls cold
A battlefield, where blood runs old
Smoke rises, from the burning pyres
A war, with no end, no desires
In the conflict, we find our strength
In the despair, we go to any length
With blood on our hands, we'll fight
Towards eternal doom, with all our might
The snow is stained, with the red of war
Our enemies, we'll mow to the core
With the mist as our cloak, we'll strike
Victory, our only like
In the smoke, we'll make our stand
With blades in hand, we'll conquer this land
The eternal doom, it draws near
But we'll face it, without fear
In the mist, the snow falls cold
But our fight for survival, will never grow old
We'll march to war, with strength in our hearts
Towards eternal doom, we'll make our mark

05. Fallen Deity

Once a ruler of the skies,
A deity of power and might,
Now a wanderer, alone and lost,
Stripped of divinity by the fight.
A soul adrift in endless night,
A fallen god with broken wings,
Cast out by those who held the light,
A fate that fate forever brings.
Memories of glory fade away,
As the power that once was mine,
Slips through my fingers like the sand,
Leaving me with naught but a dying shrine.
A soul adrift in endless night,
A fallen god with broken wings,
Cast out by those who held the light,
A fate that fate forever brings.
I wander through the realms of men,
Forgotten god among the mortals,
Searching for a way to regain,
The power that once was mine and portals.
A soul adrift in endless night,
A fallen god with broken wings,
Cast out by those who held the light,
A fate that fate forever brings.
I am the god that was deposed,
Banished from the divine,
My spirit forever host,
In the darkness, forever to shine.

06. Echoes Of Extinction

From the depths of hell, demons rise
A final war, a fiery demise
The skies turn red, the earth turns black
A macabre dance, with death as the track
Echoes of extinction, in the wind
Rotten flesh and decay, as the final sin
In the cold mist, on snowy mountains high
The demons dance, as the world dies
The screams of the damned, echo in the night
A symphony of death, a macabre delight
A frozen world, with no warmth to be found
The demons feast, on the cold frozen ground
A final war, for the fate of mankind
In the eyes of demons, we are all confined
Echoes of extinction, in every breath
A world consumed, by death and death
The mist is thick and the snow is deep
A world of rot and eternal sleep
The cold wind howls and the demons sing
A macabre melody, as the world's death bell ring
The remains of humanity, frozen in time
A reminder of a world, consumed by crime
The world is dying, and so are we
Echoes of extinction, forever will be
The demons dance, in the ashes of time
A macabre end, to a world in decline

07. Reckoning

Iron chains, rust in the air
A punishment, beyond compare
A being, once cruel and vile
Now, a prisoner, for all its trial
Justice served, in the darkest hour
A punishment, with all its power
A soul, brought down to its knees
For all the evil deeds and misdeeds
The land in shambles, the people in plight
A creature, who lost sight
A being, once cruel and vile
Now, a prisoner, for all its trial
Of what it means, to be just and true
Now, its actions, are nothing but a rue
The onlookers, gather 'round the throne
A frozen seat, once grand, now alone
A being, now a mere shadow of its past
Its punishment, forever to last
A justice, served with surgical precision
The weight of its actions, now its decision
A creature, brought low, its haunted
In this medieval world, where evil is granted
Mutilated but survived
Fed with forethought
Only to die by throe
A being, once cruel and vile
Now, a prisoner, for all its trial