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Kromlek - Strange Rumours... Distant Tremors lyrics


01. Valtivar - Sigtivar


02. Herjan

Achtfacher Hufschlag wenn Sturmes Saat erkeimt
Es rasen Fra? und Gier in toller Jagd verient
Und Schlachtfalken stoben vom Wolkenturm herab
Bring Feuer in mein Dunkel - in mein Ginungagap!

Im Brodern Borrs verbogen am Grenzwall jener Welt
Fernab vom wei?en Blendern, mit denen Midgard fallt
Errichte ich ein Bollwerk, fur nun und alle Zeit
Mein Horg wird niemals weichen - vor Feindeshand gefeit

Stahlwolf zieht die Furchen, sat Groll und heil zugleich
Formt Stabe, den zu holen, der harrt im Andersreich
Mein Leib sei dein Acker, bestelle ihn mit Blut
Die Ernte ist gekommen! Entfache deine Wut!

Und kaum dass mein Opfer das Ritzwerk befleckt,
Mein Harmtau zum Julmond die Rachgier erweckt,
Rollt donnernd und bebend Drohnen heran
Die Heermacht der Toten - Herjan voran!!!

Knie vor Herjan - dem Schlachtenlenker
Knie vor Herjan - dem Freitodlord
Knie vor Herjan - dem Eigenhenker
Knie vor Herjan - der Tat, dem Wort
Knie vor Herjan - dem All-Erbauer
Knie vor Herjan - dem Asenherrn
Knie vor Herjan - dem Weltenschauer
Und finde ihn im eignen Kern!

...und Gungir zieht uber den Hauptern hinfort
So beugen wir uns Heervaters Macht
Von nun an soll brennen in unsren Seelen ein Wort:
"Ragnarok", die finale Schlacht!

03. Grim Omens

"Harken, o'kinsmen what I have to tell
The marsh realm is suffering from sinister spell
Come gather around the ember so bright
And listen to what has happened that night
Unknown paths to areas unseen
Surrounded by twilight, at heart kind of keen
Through tendrils like claws I made my way
Deities besides me tempting to stray
As I roamed through these woods of old
I felt there was something grim to unfold..."

Forlorn mortal now listen to my vow
An oath I swear as thy oldest foe
Just before the next full moon rise
We'll celebrate thy tribe's demise
For too long we've avoided a war
But now we'll start it with barbaric roar
Fear the fall of the forthcoming night
Its end will be thy end alike!

O' powerful seer grant me thy charm
The rage of a bear that no one could harm
Ancient idols awake! For I offer thee blood
Mortal lives I will take and drown them in mud!
With the sunset at the edge of the heel-stone
Let us summon by the marshland border
For the war god's watching from his wood-throne
Thus we will obey this final order

Horror is mine... Bones I grind
The skull of thine... They won't find
In my lair... My hidden cave
Thy despair! My home - thy grave!

Blood gush I source - Bloodshed I force

"The only reason they left me alive
Is to announce that (at last) no one will survive
Beware of the shapes that in twilight creep
Grim omens that tell us we're (already) in too deep..."

04. Fólkthing

Aus der Ferne hallen die Geruchte
Schemenhaft durchs Nebelheim
All das Grauen, die Berichte
Nahren Eurer Angste Keim

Lasst den letzen Humpen kreisen
Hoch die Horner - au der Sieg!
Met soll unsren Geist beflugeln
Eh' wir ziehen in den Krieg

Meine Bruder, meine Krieger
Kommt heran zur Heeresschau
Spitz die Dornen, blank die Schneiden
Pruft nur alles ganz genau
Zaumt die Wolfe, schirrt die Keiler
Mit der Damm'rung fall'n wir ein
Und noch eh' der Morgen naht
Soll keiner mehr am Leben sein!

Lasst den letzen Humpen kreisen
Hoch die Horner - au der Sieg!
Met soll unsren Geist beflugeln
Eh' wir ziehen in den Krieg

Lasst uns trinken auf die Thursen - Heil sei Thrym und Surt zugleich
Lasst uns fluchten auf die Menschheit - Treibt sie aus dem Jotenreich!
Jagt zuruck "ihn" in die Wuste, seine Schergen hinterdrein
Seine Lehren, seine Lugen soll'n alsbald vergessen sein!

05. När Tiden Vissnar

I fjarran fladdra en eld
Ett ensam sken i hemsk myr...

Vid tjarnen sitter han
Betrakter mlnes silverglans
Som speglar sig i morka vatten
Nar tiden vissnar...

Fore tiden han levde redan
Bakom tiden han stiger nedan

"Vad ska det bli av honom
nar tiden vissnar?"

Hans arrig ansikte flinar bister
Rl och vresig vantar han
Med ogon sl dyster
Och vantar tyst till underglng

Fore tiden han levde redab
Bakom tiden han stiger nedan

06. Harvest

As I touched the soil I felt they taught me to feel
And as I watched the sun I saw what they taught me to see
And as I smelled the air I smelled what they taught me to smell
But as I swallowed the lake I felt nothing for these was nothing they taught me

I don't belong to where I come from
With veins like roots reaching no water

I judge myself for being victim
I curse them for what they have taught me
I blame the gods for not intervening
I curse myself for judging the gods

I'm not bound to the hammer
I don't need a shepherd
What I need is spittle
From the serpent

As long as I've pulled my plough upon frozen soil
I was tormented by feelings of senselessness
But now the the ravens' rise - this is my harvest!!!
I see the boiling blood-fountains out of a reawakening earth!

May my muscles be ashes
To become one with the soil
May my excusing body
Fertilize the future grounds

07. Strandhagg, Part I: The Drakkar Approach

From the northcoast - heading southwards
Like a greedy wolfpack

Unsuspecting - approaching longboats
Out of the dim

(And) every rowpull - urges us nearer
On our brutal journey

Lead our plunder - calm the ocean
Let us take the stormlead

Raging pagans - devastation!
Begging monks around us

Inflammation - false believers
All their prayers grew silent

One-eyed warlord - our master
Bless our sacrifice

That we were - that we are
And that we'll always be

Windlord! Smell our sails! Guide our trails... to fearful shores
Warlord! Bless our blades! Grant us grades... in thy hall up high

Strandhagg is beginning of the end

08. Strandhagg, Part II: Wave Bound

No gale could make us frown
At heart we're valiant
No force could hunt us down
In times so malignant

Lead by naval sub storms in the rough, raging sea
Our hearts and our souls are bound to its force
And where death can be caused by one single false step
We see both life and death dwell from ONE source

Our nature is savage as the waves that we ride
And the moments of calm - they are few
So we make our way guided by tide
'til our mortal fate will be through

Let there be hundreds of longboats
Flood from the fjords and the pagan shores
Until Cgir's streams are ours again
Our storm of revenge knows no remorse

Let there be thousands of kinsmen
Underneath Valfather's flag
Deluge the cross-shaded coasts
There will be no turning back!

There will be no mercy for shores that we reach
We scoff at the weakness your clergymen preach

09. Strandhagg, Part III: The Landing

Now we're leaving open sea towards the western shores
Heading for the Scottish coast
Through the whipping Smirr our Drakkar urging forth

A distant shore lies in front of us so restfully
Occupied by those who beg
Pull the oars my fellows, the beach is just ahead!

Row, brothers, row for the spoil's already near
Fast, brothers, fast, there's a lot for us to tear!

Cloaked by fog we're getting closer to the beach
Then our bows roll on the banks
A single moment - then all hell is breaking loose!

Soft as the weather is the way they're defending
Instead of fighting as men of worth
They're falling on their knees, but their end is now impending

Row, brothers, row for the spoil's already near
Fast, brothers, fast, there's a lot for us to tear!

It's the age of the axe, sword & spear
Teach the occident what is fear
It's the dawn of the wolf in man
It is time for the cross to ban

Slay these foreign parasites
They are prey for sacrifice
Let the age of Herjan rise!

"And when I set my foot into thy disgraced kingdom
Be sure my wrath will last for ages
Without mercy, without grace I will write
Thy chronicles most bloody pages"

10. SvartMetall

I natten, i morket vi krypa
Pl hosten vi resa ur dimma
I skogens skuggor vi spokar
Vi legger i fejd med Krist

Vlrt riket ar kryptan av grundval
Frln kyrka till kyrka vi dvar

Mordbrand... Dommedag!!!

Vi(som) dolja anletet med lader
Klottrade med svart och vitt
Tovor som piskar genom tystnad
Som vargar bli vi rasande

Vi kanna ingen aangest - vi frykta ingen dod

Vi ar sl elaka och vilda
Svart i hjarta och sjal
