Wijlen Wij - Wijlen Wij lyrics
01. L'anathème
L'anathème est prononcé
Noyée de brumes
Noyée de larmes
02. Wijlen Wij
Wie herinnert ons nu aan onze half vervaagde zonden?
Met ogen wijd geopend, zullen we de slaap nooit meer vatten
De schimmen zullen ons nimmer meer verlaten
In stilte zijn ze weer aan't bloeden, onze oude en diepe wonden
Ons geluk was van korte duur; menige zwarte nacht
Hebben we hier doorgebracht onder een treurige kruis
In de afwezigheid van leven voelden wij ons eindelijk thuis
God sta ons toch bij, nu de oude hel weer op ons wacht!
Wijlen wij, vervloekt in ons bestaan
Heb meelij met ons die eenzaam verkwijnen
Bittere woorden van zelfhaat mijmerend, terwijl onze lichamen vergaan
Wijlen wij, zelfs vervloekt in onze dood
Laat ons de duisternis omhelzen terwijl het niets ons verslindt
We zweren het op onze verdorven ziel: iets anders hebben we nooit gewild....
03. Offertorium
L'anathème est prononcé
Noyée de brumes
Noyée de larmes
Les gens ils marchent, ils marchent
04. Falling Stars
Rotten leaves, naked trees
Lost light, gone from the sky
Barren and cold waste
An all engulfing darkness
My body lays silent
Yet I'm wandering alone
My strength and courage
All idle in this world
Lingering shadows
Hostile, hopeless woe
Contorted images
My breath, no life, no warmth
This shapeless void
Alas... No relief, no joy
Chilling cold gales
And no path to choose
This desolate dantesque hell
Flowers wither as I pass by
Birdsongs killed by the cold knell
All falling stars on crimson skies
05. Aware Of The Void
Trapped in cold decaying flesh
There is another world in here
Another mind in control
Trapped in dead withering flesh
I should not be - but still am
Trapped in this mental hell
Aware of the emptiness
Aware of the cold
Touching the everlasting
06. Bridges
I've died and they build
Bridges all over my dead corpse
They don't seem to have much respect
For the remains of a dead warrior
Why can't they see that my wounds are still bleeding?
Why can't they see that my limbs are still aching?
Their soldiers build bridges on my dead body
With mortar and clay
I felt betrayed that my corpse was not honoured
For years and years I stood like a mountain
Sheltering them from the winds
Fighting against their many enemies
Wounded on the cold ground I laid
Wreckage, abandoned by everyone
Wasted by centuries of solitude
Eternally damned?
But down on my knees I prayed
And on the seventh day she came
Angel heaven sent? Cold water for my dried lips
Hear my call, I speak with Ancient Tongue
Take my suffering; erase me from the face of this earth
A new era has begun; the King has arisen from his slumber!
Like a bird freed from its cage
Like the prayer of a wounded soul
My spirit flies towards the sun?