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Seventh Angel - The Torment lyrics


01. Tormented Forever

Cruelty and violence, inspiration from the depths
Mans inhumanity, tormented till death
Hope, lost worlds injustice don’t be deceived
One day one will pay, justice all will see

Day, night, tormented forever

One day, satan will be thrown into the lake
A lake not of water but a burning sulphur lake
Day, night, forever and ever with the false prophet and beast
Never ending agony, the pain will never cease

Day, night, tormented forever

Listen to me now for this concerns you
If you do not accept Christ, will you be thrown in too?
If your name is not found in the book of life
There will never ever be an ending to your strife

Day, night, tormented forever
Day, night, tormented forever

The lake of fire is the second death
No one can return
In Jesus there is an escape
Now is the time to surrender
Turning away from unrighteousness
Giving all to Christ
You will not only find joy in this life
But in the life to come

02. The Charmer

Hold my hand, I’ll take you to forbidden lands
Behold your queen
Speak these words, intoxicating all who hear
A mind naïve

Enter the trance, desires and dreams
That will enhance
Caressed by skill
Beyond the door, what lies there
You must explore,
Melting your will

Blinded eyes, heed his lies
Visions of lust
Safe at first, now you’re crushed
Crumbling to dust

Now I return to my distraught shell
The masque of falseness has taunted me well
The charmer is laughing, has left me to die
Deceived with power, I’ve followed the lie

In the last days there shall not be found
One of you standing upon holy ground
The witch will burn, the charmer flee
For Jesus, the Lord of all purity

Hold His hand, He’ll lead you to the promised land
Behold the throne
Sing His praises, surrender to the Son he raised
The journey home

03. Forbidden Desires

Welcome to the tainted eden
See adam eat the fruit forbidden

Garden burning, crimson passions
The mesmerizing song of sirens

Temptations thorn piercing unsoiled flesh
Desire gives birth to death

Fall of man

Welcome to the fallen paradise
See Adam craves, her words entice

Gather round the beckoning vine
The serpent whispers seductions rhyme

Temptations thorn piercing unsoiled flesh
Desire gives birth to death

Fall of man

04. I Of The Needle

Huddled in a corner, unseen by a world so fast
There lies a trampled figure, with eyes of smokey glass
Searching for a future, distorted by the past
Shattered in an instant by a shot too good to last

Pushing, pulling, pressures crushing
Running harder to get away
Time nears reaping death’s doors greeting
Slipping further to dismay

Delirium rules an innocent life, a diet of tears and dope
The strangling grip of a punctured fain, a life of faded hope
Looking to the needle now, looking to the rope
The light flickers weakening, unable now to cope

Oh lord, I am a burnt up offering
High on desolation
My God too long have I been shadowed by my fears
Your love is way beyond all
Human comprehension
I pray that you’ll kill the pain
And wipe away the tears

05. Expletive Deleted

Their tongues speak of Christ
Then filth is spat upon the ground
Obscenity flavored Christianity
The new alternative sound

The cancer gets accepted and spreads even more
Turn with me to Ephesians 5, 3 and 4
One way to see some darkness deleted
Concentrate on getting
The expletives deleted

Their tongues speak of Christ
Then tales of immorality
All those immoral, impure and greedy
Will pay the penalty

06. Dr. Hatchet

Dr hatchet dressed to kill
A woman’s right a twisted will
How much for the slaughter of a baby child
Aborted victim of a world defiled
Hanging from the gallows in a hospital room
Claiming the life in a medical tomb

Dr. Hatchet dressed in white
How can you sleep at night?
Lives you’ve taken and thrown away
You’ll have to give account on judgment day

A woman sits waiting in a chair
Soon to be shackled inside the snare
Inside this room spotless and clean
The victim’s blood is never seen
You’re unborn taken, ripped in two
The one so helpless relying on you

But Dr. Hatchet, you’re only a man
You are part of a larger plan
Prepared by evil in darkness below
You’ve been deceived, too blind to know
The slaughter can stop, don’t let it go on
There is forgiveness in the rising son

07. Locked Up In Chains

It’s so cold in here
I’m lonely and tired
But I cannot sleep
There’s death in the air
There’s pain in my head
Would I be better off dead?

Locked up in chains, sentenced to die
Nobody presents to hear my cry
Locked up in chains, sentenced to die
Nobody present to hear my cry

Prisoner for Christ, my only crime
Is preaching His word, so truth can be heard
I’ve been locked inside, they say I’m insane
Beaten me, starved me
Left me in pain

Arrested and chained, taken away
Away from my home from the
People who love me
I’ve been locked inside, they say I’m insane
Beaten me, starved me
Left me in pain

Sometimes I lose hope
But I know I can find strength
In my Saviour who died
He suffered and bled
I know He’s waiting for me
If I die, I know He’s waiting for me
Pray for me!

08. Acoustic Interlude


09. Katie

Born into a world of hate
Cast out, by the hands of vanity
Body, twisted. A wall of pain
Jesus, save me from this dying humanity

(Her) existence a gift bestowed by the nail pierced hands
(The) struggles never ending. Haunting her every breath
(Her) witness a rose in a cold and desolate land
(Her) faith so strong, defying death

A hurting blemished infancy wrought with afflictions scars
(Her) strength, tower divine. (A) comfort to never cease
(Her) love a river of hope, pulling down the prison bars
(The) fear a distant voice, taken by the prince of peace

Now is the time, my lord does call
To walk with Him throughout eternity
The Son of God has given all
Releasing me from the grip of my infirmity

The heavens are opening wide
My Saviour, stands at my side
My form is tortured no more
His Blood, My Body, Restored

10. Epilogue

I’m lost in the halls of death
Beloved Father rescue me
Nevermore will I fight for breath
Please Lord, give me the key