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Kill The Client - Kill The Client / Feastem lyrics


01. Kill The Client - Hammer The Red Button

Cold war mind control
Radiation disease
Propaganda lived by a generation.
Hammer the red button
And call the bluff
Greedy two party system
Tabloid journalist
Leading to inevitable human failure
It feeds fools, nothing but worse to come
The sickness of a dying planet
Bring back the fear
All out force
Now end it all
Smile on the face
Planetary demise

02. Kill The Client - Programmed/Used/Erased

The mindless machine
The operation dormant
Now engaged
Mission given death is coming
Hypnotized trigger released
Shots fired blood spilled
Mission accomplished
Shots fired blood spilled - used
Reality returns in a jail cell
Blank stares equals no evidence
Government trained - programmed
Mission accomplished - used
Agent provacateur agent employed
By police to act undercover to
Entice and provoke another to commit
An illegal act employed by police
To commit an illegal act
Mission accomplished

03. Kill The Client - Comatose, Satiated, And Dangerous

Your life is so easy
That it hurts to move
To even really think
A pain unknown
In fear of outsiders
A stupid sense of superiority
In fear of a god
A disgusting sense of piety
Indignant idiocy runs rampant
A people controlled by sloth
You deserve this and worse
Ignorance has never equaled freedom
And you are a revolting slave controlled
Ignorance has never equaled freedom
And you are a revolting slave
Eat shit

04. Kill The Client - Pissing In The Sock Drawer

Not a single thing I do anymore can make you happy
Shoe on the other foot id have to agree
Severing head to save the body
Walking backwards into flames
Three steps ahead , two steps backwards
Collateral damage of a new direction
Shoe on the other foot id have to agree
So this is how I drive the final nail
Pissing in the sock drawer

05. Kill The Client - Lying Addict (The Filth From Your Mouth)

Proper propaganda
Flows through your shit box
The business of information control
Feed them what to believe
Poison the truth
Addicted to every channel
Make them believe the dream
As you rape the truth
Nothing is fair
Leaning toward imbalance
Hypnotized by hypocrites
News flash motherfucker
World peace can't be done
The american dream is dead
Kill your television
The american dream is dead

06. Kill The Client - Fraudulent Rule

Your encroachment upon society is despicable
Thou shalt not steal unless you are the state
Preaching non-violence
Robbery resold as taxes and war as
You bless the troops for their participation
Liars and thieves
Frauds who demand to rule
Subserveant peasants groveling
For crumbs and approval
For what? You have no claim to any of this.
For what? You are nothing

07. Kill The Client - Glad Hand Grinder

I got into this sewer for the purity sincerity
My lowered ideals were a total mistake
Attitudes and bullshit backstabbing
Glad handed grinder
Even in the sewer and pyre of filth
Shit is still king

08. Kill The Client - Double Barreled Diplomacy

I'm sick of your offers
Got nothing left to lose
I'm tired of you pointing your finger
No more being under your thumb
You want my compromise?
Both fucking barrels

09. Feastem - Silence

Ignorance breeds hatred
Hatred breeds more ignorance
What we don't understand
Needs to be suffocated
If you don't hold your tongue
We will hold it for you
We will sew your mouth shut
Cover our ears and scream

10. Feastem - Child's Play

Our public playground
Ruled by the strongest gang
Authority by force
Respect the hierarchy
Respect the power of the few
Join them or get beaten
It's just child's play
King of the hill
It's just child's play
No one to turn to
They are the law and order
Exercise violence by will
No reason is needed
For a show of power
Keep them quiet and afraid

11. Feastem - Rage Collection

Uncontrolled bursts of rage
An inner head transplant
A headless roach can live
For nine days but you can't
As it grows ever higher
The process to process
Gets harder
The list never ends
Only targets change
The list never ends
Face it again
Head overloading, want it or not
Individual limit is your burden
Head is sore
Pain in the gut
Again a new scandal
Again a new bargain
The list is never finished

12. Feastem - Whispers

Whispers become truth
Guilty men murmur
And the innocent
Scream at the rafters
We are the silenced majority
Minority rule
Enforced by savagery

13. Feastem - Dead World

A world filled with suffering
Tied hands, stifled minds
The vice grip of guns and poison
Brutal means to mass control
Stripped of what
Makes us human
Hand in hand
With death we march
Bells of the end start sounding
And we bow our heads
To their hollow toll
You can take it
You can keep it
I do not want it
Your world depraved
Stand up tall, fellow men
Sabotage the great machine
For we must let them know
We will avenge our dead
We will rise

14. Feastem - Army Of The Bank

Army of the bank
Bullets made of gold
Shoots you silent when
You throw rocks at the throne
Human pesticide
Sprayed everywhere to our ears
Welfare suicide
Plan to multiply all our fears
Your blood signed on a sheet
Plan to eradicate
With sharp teeth
Under the firelit sky
The gold dust that we breathe

15. Feastem - Swallow

...Then the same disaster occurs
As when you put snakes in a jar:
The bigger eat the smaller
And in the end
Only the cruelest remains
From hunger it devours itself
Takes its tail in its mouth
And eats it bit by bit