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Axis Of Despair - Mankind Crawls lyrics


01. The Last Sight

Death is raining
The world is falling
As napalm scorches the earth

The extinction is close

Minds in terror
Children dying
Bombs will explode

Mankind crawls

Obliterating hell
Weapons of mass destruction
Turned upon ourselves

Stop your screaming and enjoy
The final seconds of your life
Take my hand and stand in awe
At the last sight of this world

Death is raining
The world is falling
As napalm scorches the earth

The extinction is close

Minds in terror
Children dying
Bombs will explode

Mankind crawls

This was our fault
Our own damn mistake
We burn to cinders
And there's no one else to blame

Stop your screaming and enjoy
The final seconds of your life
Take my hand and stand in awe
At the last sight of this world

02. En Vansinnesdans

Jag ser dig i din hysteri
Jag ser dig tappa kontroll

En vansinnesdans
Ditt liv är en jävla fantasi

Du tror du står så stilla
Du tror du vet vad du gör
Dåraktighet, idioti
Fast i vansinnets grepp

En vansinnesdans
Ditt liv är en jävla fantasi

Du färdas i mörkret
Jag tappar mitt grepp om dig

03. Enclave

Walled in and protected
Safe within a circle of fiends

The sense of confirmation
Lulls you into sleep

Passing judgement
From ivory towers

Blind to the stark animosity
Enclave of pride and stupidity

Speak of righteousness
To stroke your ego

Inbreeding in your community
Enclave of pride and stupidity

Inbreeding in your community
Enclave of pride and stupidity

04. Under The Surface

Poison teeth
Liquid skin
Sheltering what's within

Under the surface the monster resides

Blood and flesh
Passing slowly through the mesh

The beast in the dark breaking the crust

Slipping out of the darkness
A shadow that follow the beast
Entering your mind

Resistance is futile
There is no way to win
Defenseless you give in
The unavoidable transformation begins

...And thus the beast becomes the man

05. Skulking

Vicious kin
Biding time
Waiting in the dark
Ancient monarchy
Wretched hive
Brood of tyranny
Power is destiny
Staring from thrones of decay

Skulking, evil minds
Bred in darkness, spawn of slime
Hateful eyes that paralyze
Cannot conceal the reptile guise

Seize control
Hiss and stalk
Taking on a whim
Chaos theory
Hide away
In dismay
Eat society
Watch it fall apart
Constructing the truth as lie

Skulking, evil minds
Bred in darkness, spawn of slime
Hateful eyes that paralyze
Cannot conceal the reptile guise

Gnawing the bones of the weak

Open up
Open up
You've let the serpent in
Offered up
Given up
Amidst a sickening din

Feral death
A noxious breath
In its maw
You'll finally rest

Row on row
Of putrid teeth
Tear away
'til mankind bleeds
They've bred you in captivity

Gnawing the bones of the weak

06. Life On Standby

The times they are a changing
I'm beaten to death by the signs
We pissed on all opportunities
But we'll live to see the decline

Sinking deeper
Still struggling to be free
Time to face it
The end of you and me

Can't recall last time I smiled
Are the good times over for good
We've languished in indifference
For longer than we've should

Life on standby
A custom-made hell
Death by repetition
Mental prison cell

Sinking deeper
Still struggling to be free
Time to face it
The end of you and me

Anger drives my everyday
Shitstorm unending
Emptiness and bitterness
All that's fucking left

Now we are through!

Life on standby
A custom-made hell
Death by repetition
Mental prison cell