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Candlemass - Studio Reports By Leif Edling

"Second day in the studio and finally some action.

We actually managed to put one song on tape late last night, but this morning we dicovered some mysterious noise in the background on one channel so we had to ditch it, and get back to it later.

After some morning (11.00 o'clock) coffee we started to record Candlemass next album. We got about 10 songs and we tape them in the same order as we rehearsed them. First the uptemto opener, then the heavy 2:nd track, and after that an ultracool thing with lots of great parts and riffs.

One annoying thing is that we haven't yet nailed a first take. Most songs are second takes but I guess its quite good anyway considering we put both drums and bass on tape at the same time. Did I say tape?? Sorry, I mean harddisc. ProTools got a wonderful new program that now gives you the possibility to do digital drums with a warm great sound. You could't do it before - or even last year - but now.......damn!!!

7 songs were done today, and the rest will be dealt with tomorrow.

Leif Edling (sat nov 27)

After three days behind the legendary round windows of the upstairs studioat Polar, I got a splitting headache. Lots of work preparing the recordings, stress and finally - a whole bunch of total concentration has taken it's toll......I'm dead!!!

You, see, I had to focus really hard to put on a supertight live-bass - normally you put it on afterwards, but I felt I wanted more live feeling. But all songs are recorded with drums and bass, thats the most important thing. And you know, we don't use a clicktrack and therefore the bass must follow the drums through the timechanges in the song. It takes ages to do that sitting comfortably in the studioroom besides the engineer, you sip your coffee, got great sound and monitors.....but it takes time!

So....fuck that, I haven't got the patience!!

Jan did really good today playing some excellent drums in between his usual fooling around, while Lars and Mappe mostly cruised and relaxed with their "supportive" guitars. Those are recorded (and actually sound quite good) to give some guidelines for drums, bass, vocals and solos..... and - the real guitars you put on later. Later.......meaning tomorrow. That will be interesting! And hopefully a day for me without headache.

Leif Edling (sun nov 28)

Four days in the studio and we're ahead of schedule. Unbelievable!!

The monday was booked for bassrepairs and to try different amps for a really good guitar sound. But as there was no need for bassplaying (I'm so fucking good!)

Me and Mappe started the day with a tour around Stockholm to collect some amps and cabinets. We do already have a couple of Marshalls and two Hughes and Kettners in the studio, but we felt we also needed an Engl and another (!) Hughes and Kettner.

So in total we got about three cabinets plugged in and sounding (but not all miked up) for every amp, and we use one of the Marshalls, one Engl and one Hughes and Kettner. Plenty of firepower, ha-ha!!

Together with good friend and soundman Pontus we soon found a pretty evil guitarsound and both Mappe and Lars went for the throat immediately and in a couple of hours they nailed the first three songs. Mappe did 3 guitar overdubs and Lars two. I promise, Candlemass have never sounded heavier!!

Leif Edling (mon nov 29)"

Keep the eye on their website for more

Band profile: Candlemass
Posted: 02.12.2004 by Music4TheSpirit

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