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Moonspell - Looking Label And More Updates

Guess what? I let November slip through the cold laces of work and focusing and walking on these entrancing suburban moods, inside thy head, on the lookout from a window, on the step by step of hopeful and darkened territories, the usual boring and fascinating lunar strains at least people strange enough to read through these updates, documents of a growing fast shadow of a mind.

Silence does not mean absence of disturb and that is exactly what might be said about Moonspell these winter days. Even though it is all too premature to utter a word about them, our new songs are our favourite subject, the thing and things that make us run in circles again and again to our heated inferno rehearsal place (where the heating bills are becoming gargantual) because they are enthusiastic for us and even though we all need time for them we can not wait to have them finished and communicated complete at last. Yet we will have to wait in the hope you wait for us. Pragmatically we do intend to document those forces driving us, that is, to record it during the approaching year and hopefully to bring it together on a record that will brand 2005 era vulgaris on the back of it.

Many people ask us whether we are going to stay with the Century Media family or stray away but believe us we know as much as you do about that. All we know is that we are looking for someone who does not only believe in our past and in our (always doubtful) name. We are certain we exist now and in the future, for few or more than few- who will guess?- and right now we are focused in doing but enthusiastic music that can be a gateway to that future and an invitation to belief. We have and had had a great relationship with Century so far but right now we are just doing music and music, hoping someone is still looking for us in the always waning out there.

We are now in train of finishing our contemporary dance piece for Gulbenkian ballet and for how odd it might seem what we have done is a grotesque yet dark atmospheric representation of the many demons in Moonspell and are as curious as one can be to see it translated into the body, the weapon and temple of the dancers who will walk on our fire. To see them running about the dark and crushing soundtrack we are putting together. January will see its premiere and if all goes well, the "show" might tour nationally and internationally and we will keep you posted. About its name we still have to be authorized to divulgate it, for us it has name we suggested but we do not know if it will be taken and we do not want to post on other our conceptual obsessions and sorts, four are enough bearers of this curse.

DVD? I wish I could say it will be out on the, and so forth, yet the beast is dragging its chains slowly and as soon as we put up a schedule with the producers and Century we will let you know. In the meanwhile why don't you suggest us titles for the DVD on our forum, please create a post in there and do let us know your sensibilities.

I finally had a meeting with Adriano re. the destinies of our site and have reached important conclusions about the features, design and timings of it, and hope to have a new site for your merciless judgement in the early days of the upcoming year.

All is delayed yes, except the words. We do keep on working and existing as a positive force in our lives, feeding of creation like we have nothing else to feed of. Call us romantic or silly (I can already see the blabberdirtymouths sharpening their anonymous teeth) but we are preparing to meet again with you in the best fashion we know: through what we do in these cold laced days and nights, in the obscurity of our suburbs, of the body, of the soul and we definitely want to look bright enough when we cross your path again.

Until then there is the Samael unbelievable return, my Portuguese words in my book, the occasional live show and the certainty of our obsession for all that' s lunar.

Lunar still and forevermore,

Fernando and Moonspell

Band profile: Moonspell
Posted: 15.12.2004 by Music4TheSpirit

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