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Westboro Baptist Church - To Picket Ozzy Osbourne Concert

So, according to the website of the Westboro Baptist Church - cleverly titled - the nutjobs kind people of the WBC are planning on picketing Ozzy Osbourne concert tonight at the Sprint Center in Kansas City, Missouri. With this "peaceful sidewalk demonstrations" the WBC wants to inform everyone that "God hates Ozzy Osbourne". Aha.

The Westboro Baptist Church - a Kansas-based congregation made up mostly of reverend Fred Phelps and his inbred huge family - claims that, "Ozzy promotes all the filth and rebellion he can and has the gall to call the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ "evil" for warning this doomed world?"

Last October the Westboro Baptist Church used lyrics from one of Ozzy's songs at events surrounding the October 6, 2010 Snyder v. Phelps Supreme Court hearing. An attorney - a daughter of the church's founder, along with her sister - paraphrased lyrics from Osbourne's "Crazy Train" at a post-Supreme Court hearing press conference in Washington, DC. "I am sickened and disgusted by the use of "Crazy Train" to promote messages of hate and evil by a "church"," Ozzy responded.

WBC gals live in action at this year's Golden Globe Awards

The nutjobs kind people of the WBC also protested at Ronnie James Dio's funeral back in May. Ozzy also slammed them for that on the radio show Rockline: "I thought it was in such bad taste that those people had those banners about Ronnie James Dio. That's disgusting. They say that we're the anti-christ. Well, what makes them any better?"

Band profile: Ozzy Osbourne
Event: Ozzy Osbourne + Slash
Posted: 22.01.2011 by Thryce


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Comments: 85   [ 3 ignored ]   Visited by: 373 users
22.01.2011 - 15:50
Darkside Momo
As morons go, the WBC are sure top-not ones.
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
22.01.2011 - 15:57
Licensed under the GPLv3.
Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
22.01.2011 - 16:02
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
This makes me sick. Please, please, please, do not think for a moment that these folks are Christians. They're not. They are a hate group that exploits a few passages from the Bible and twists them up so much for their own evil uses. Their Church is not recognized by any denomination, and in fact most denominations have denounced them.

This is the sort of activity and life that Jesus strictly spoke out against. There is no love in these people and please don't think of them as a representation of what Christ is all about. This family is lost, confused and hurting and they want to redirect their pain somewhere else.
(space for rent)
22.01.2011 - 16:16
Raziel X
The pic on the bottom of the article is so funny
22.01.2011 - 16:25
Fuck those bastards, kill em all..... Thats america, fuck them... This is pure stupidness, I think they all have an IQ below 50 to believe such shit... Cheers on their death!
22.01.2011 - 16:26
Angelic Storm
Even after years of frazzling his brains with alcohol and drugs, Ozzy is still more coherent and has more intelligence than these WBC loonies. lol
22.01.2011 - 16:35
God loves bigotry
22.01.2011 - 16:52
Written by Windrider on 22.01.2011 at 16:25

Fuck those bastards, kill em all..... Thats america, fuck them... This is pure stupidness, I think they all have an IQ below 50 to believe such shit... Cheers on their death!

Excuse me... these idiots are the minority here, they just get the press time, which is what they are after more than saving anyone's soul.
They don't represent anyone but their own ignorance, and cast a bad image on anyone similar to them (Christian, American, White...)
Old enough to be your Daddy... speaking of which... you look familiar... do I know your mother???
22.01.2011 - 17:24
Written by I_Die_Often on 22.01.2011 at 16:52

Written by Windrider on 22.01.2011 at 16:25

Fuck those bastards, kill em all..... Thats america, fuck them... This is pure stupidness, I think they all have an IQ below 50 to believe such shit... Cheers on their death!

Excuse me... these idiots are the minority here, they just get the press time, which is what they are after more than saving anyone's soul.
They don't represent anyone but their own ignorance, and cast a bad image on anyone similar to them (Christian, American, White...)

I did not want to insult anyone, but when I see usa in the media, there is somehow always god, e.g. in presidents speeches... And for example the republicans claiming that the one who made this attack few weeks ago on the american official there was evil, occult, and "god was not with him", now that is poorness of mind... Third thing are the schools in some states who forbid teaching the evolutionary theory, wtf this is middle ages!
22.01.2011 - 17:28
Spreading hate in the name of god's love. What a crock of shit.

"cleverly titled", LOL
22.01.2011 - 17:29
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Written by Windrider on 22.01.2011 at 17:24

I did not want to insult anyone, but when I see usa in the media, there is somehow always god, e.g. in presidents speeches... And for example the republicans claiming that the one who made this attack few weeks ago on the american official there was evil, occult, and "god was not with him", now that is poorness of mind... Third thing are the schools in some states who forbid teaching the evolutionary theory, wtf this is middle ages!

Sounds to me like all you know about the USA is what is filtered through your media. It is kind of like me saying to you that all Germans are the children of Nazis and hate anyone who is not pure like they are. Oh, and you all are drunks who drive tiny cars.
(space for rent)
22.01.2011 - 17:36
Written by Dane Train on 22.01.2011 at 17:29

Written by Windrider on 22.01.2011 at 17:24

I did not want to insult anyone, but when I see usa in the media, there is somehow always god, e.g. in presidents speeches... And for example the republicans claiming that the one who made this attack few weeks ago on the american official there was evil, occult, and "god was not with him", now that is poorness of mind... Third thing are the schools in some states who forbid teaching the evolutionary theory, wtf this is middle ages!

Sounds to me like all you know about the USA is what is filtered through your media. It is kind of like me saying to you that all Germans are the children of Nazis and hate anyone who is not pure like they are. Oh, and you all are drunks who drive tiny cars.

At first, what I know from usa is what I get to know by friends and what I experienced when I was there...
Next step I want to clear up that I have nothing to do with fucking nazis, I am yet 18 year old and therefore I can not even have anything to do with 'em... And even if my grad-gradn-parents whoever knows had something to do with them, that does not make me nazi, I have never killed a jew or anythign and therefore I am not guilty for anything done by others!
We are not drunk, we just have the best beer... Oh, and the best cars, deal with that. And at least we can build houses that last longer than only until the next storm!
22.01.2011 - 17:45
X-Ray Rod
Written by Windrider on 22.01.2011 at 17:36

[I want to clear up that I have nothing to do with fucking nazis, I am yet 18 year old and therefore I can not even have anything to do with 'em... And even if my grad-gradn-parents whoever knows had something to do with them, that does not make me nazi, I have never killed a jew or anythign and therefore I am not guilty for anything done by others!
We are not drunk, we just have the best beer... Oh, and the best cars, deal with that. And at least we can build houses that last longer than only until the next storm!

Hey dude, if you are defending your place too much then you should understand how mindless your first comment was. The nazi fuckers are as a minority in your country as the WBC in USA. I'm getting sick of people that goes all "yeah it's because it's USA", right now... your comment has the IQ of this guy.

You say " I have nothing to do with fucking nazis" and I give you a "USA has nothing to do with WBC fuckers".

And you say "I did not want to insult anyone... sorry, but thatäs just funny. Even if your intention weren't to insult anybody it's really obvious your comment will insult people.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

22.01.2011 - 17:46
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Lol at inbred being crossed out
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

22.01.2011 - 17:54
Written by X-Ray Rod on 22.01.2011 at 17:45

Written by Windrider on 22.01.2011 at 17:36

[I want to clear up that I have nothing to do with fucking nazis, I am yet 18 year old and therefore I can not even have anything to do with 'em... And even if my grad-gradn-parents whoever knows had something to do with them, that does not make me nazi, I have never killed a jew or anythign and therefore I am not guilty for anything done by others!
We are not drunk, we just have the best beer... Oh, and the best cars, deal with that. And at least we can build houses that last longer than only until the next storm!

Hey dude, if you are defending your place too much then you should understand how mindless your first comment was. The nazi fuckers are as a minority in your country as the WBC in USA. I'm getting sick of people that goes all "yeah it's because it's USA", right now... your comment has the IQ of this guy.

You say " I have nothing to do with fucking nazis" and I give you a "USA has nothing to do with WBC fuckers".

Well I never said that whole usa is this wbc, I know that the wbc themselves see them as enemys of the usa (and of all others too maybe)... The only thing I criticized was this whole god-hyteria, not only in usa, but they are a good example... Where I live, there is usa in some cases really hated and we laugh about their silliness... I know that this does not apply to most of the americans (for about half of my familiy lives in usa), but it is the general opinion nevertheless... I think americans do not know how much usa are despised in europe...
and well, who wants to feel insulted can do this... not my problem, the only ones i insult are wbc in this here...
22.01.2011 - 17:57
Valentin B
Written by Windrider on 22.01.2011 at 17:36

Next step I want to clear up that I have nothing to do with fucking nazis, I am yet 18 year old and therefore I can not even have anything to do with 'em... And even if my grad-gradn-parents whoever knows had something to do with them, that does not make me nazi, I have never killed a jew or anythign and therefore I am not guilty for anything done by others!
We are not drunk, we just have the best beer... Oh, and the best cars, deal with that. And at least we can build houses that last longer than only until the next storm!

you can simply swap the things you say about nazis with WBC or fundamental-extremist christians in the USA and you will get the same result. your last paragraph is also kinda worthless, as he wasn't directly attacking you/your country, he was simply implying what you were saying.

btw, Germany doesn't have hurricanes and tornados which i guarantee will destroy any countryside house they might come into contact should, god forbid, one pass through there, so be sure to study up a bit on what is happening in the US before you criticize them)

as for the WBC, they actually thrive on media attention, if everyone ignored them maybe they would do some REALLY crazy shit that's actually interesting/shocking, or they'll just fade away. regardless, fuck them, those people aren't really worth the time spent writing up a news article, or commenting on it... wait.. wha
22.01.2011 - 18:06
Well, since it does not make any sense any more I'll leave this place now... Hard to fight against a majority and in a different language... I live where I live and therefore no need to complain about the others lol! Have fun to keep comment on this shit, I go back to metal, have a nice day dudes \m/
22.01.2011 - 18:09
Things like that remind me that some people don't deserve to live.
Especially fucking pseudo-religious monkeys.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
22.01.2011 - 18:11
Lit. Metalhead
Account deleted
This utterly sucks. Bible-humpers at an Ozzy concert?
Why not invite the skinheads to Michael Jackson's funeral?

Also, picture is now my new background.
22.01.2011 - 18:29
Why did this comment thread turn into an attack against Germany? Of course their beer and cars are best!
22.01.2011 - 19:03
Fuck the USA, fuck Germany fuck France...... and malaysia, fuck them to
22.01.2011 - 19:05
The Chinigan
Well after looking at their website, it really made me laugh. How the hell can they twist ozzy's words from calling the WBC evil (rightfully so) to saying that all churches are evil? and how can they make up such bullshit about Britain being "the land of the sodomite damned where people are taught to hate the word of God, and anyone who preaches christianity is persecuted"? Where I live there are four churches in a 10 minute walking distance. The WBC are just pathetic.
22.01.2011 - 19:06
God hates? thats wierd because i thought he was meant to be all loving .... fuckin hypocritical idiots these guys...
22.01.2011 - 19:14
Darkside Momo
Written by Ernis on 22.01.2011 at 18:29

Why did this comment thread turn into an attack against Germany? Of course their beer and cars are best!

You haven't tasted any beers from Belgium, did you?
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
22.01.2011 - 19:17
Written by Darkside Momo on 22.01.2011 at 19:14

Written by Ernis on 22.01.2011 at 18:29

Why did this comment thread turn into an attack against Germany? Of course their beer and cars are best!

You haven't tasted any beers from Belgium, did you?

I had Leffe Bruin once but I didn't like that very much... then again, it was many years ago and back then I wasn't a beer-lover at all... In fact, I haven't tried German ale myself but I've heard it's grand and I've seen the pictures of some Oktoberfest girls and I think they will make any beer good... bingo for me for a K7-style post!
22.01.2011 - 19:21
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Written by Ernis on 22.01.2011 at 18:29

Why did this comment thread turn into an attack against Germany? Of course their beer and cars are best!

It never did. I made those comments as a satire.
(space for rent)
22.01.2011 - 19:30
Darkside Momo
Written by Ernis on 22.01.2011 at 19:17

I had Leffe Bruin once but I didn't like that very much... then again, it was many years ago and back then I wasn't a beer-lover at all... In fact, I haven't tried German ale myself but I've heard it's grand and I've seen the pictures of some Oktoberfest girls and I think they will make any beer good... bingo for me for a K7-style post!

Leffe Bruin is the 'basic level' of Belgian brown beers, there's much better than this one
But I agree, Oktoberfest girls would make anyone love beers
Now, enough for the off-topicness!
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
22.01.2011 - 19:58
Elodie Artour

Damn WBC fuckers! They're soo pathetic...

By the way, why don't you guys chill out a bit? I personally have a quite anti-American opinion (AND behaviour, as well) but I try to keep it for myself in such cases. :
Speak up dear 'cause I cannot hear you...
22.01.2011 - 19:59
The Ancient One
Here is a math lesson for windrider and anyone else who thinks this is somehow representive of the US.

there are 70 people or so in this church. there are over 300,000,000 people in America.

if you want to use this as an excuse to Ameribash, i'm sure i can find a group that comprises 0.0000002% of your population/ism/social group to paint a picture and make you all look like raving, ridiculous loons.

the WBC is great because of two things. It shows our tolerance and first amendment rights are still working. And they are great because no matter what might separate other Americans from one another, we pretty much all unite against them.

the WBC had plans last week to engage in their dog and pony show at the funeral of Christina Green, the 9 year old slain in the carnage in Tucson. despite the funeral being in the early afternoon on a work day, more than 5,000 Tucsonans, Arizonans, and visitors had signed up on facebook to line the street outside the service, taking up the real-estate the WBC whackos might have used. There were also "Angels" ready to mobilize as well... these folks strap 10 foot tall white angel wings on their back and line-up to form a massive white wall to shield the family and friends of the slain from the horrid rhetoric of these WBC clowns. at other events, Freedom Riders - a motorcycle club (not a gang) with over 100,000 members - show up and form a nice wall of American flags to serve the same purpose.

From conservative me to my lefty friends, we were all ready to unite against these nujobs.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
22.01.2011 - 20:02
The Sasquatch
These guys are hilarious. They visited my high school about 5 years ago, and I think they are supposed to come to my college sometime this year. They should definitely do this at a big festival (Wacken or Hellfest, perhaps even Ozzfest!), or perhaps a Death/Thrash metal concert in Mexico or Brazil just to see what would happen to them.

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