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Demons & Wizards - Hansi Kürsch Leaves

After the well known recent events, including Jon Schaffer in "first battle lines", expected response has followed from his long-time Demons & Wizards companion Hansi Kürsch. Hansi revealed a brief statement that he has officially decided to leave Demons & Wizards project.

In a statement released via Rock Hard, Kürsch says: "I told Jon and Century Media on Monday that I was leaving the Demons & Wizards project with immediate effect. My collaboration with Jon in Demons & Wizards is over."

Band profile: Demons & Wizards
Posted: 03.02.2021 by Bad English


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03.02.2021 - 13:17
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
So this is end of the wonderful carear and maybe life? This might be good reasn to anulate contact between label and 2 bands? Hansi is strong in germany and that project was damn good live, IE is dammn good live, he is good guitarist. This is way to strong price to pay. Outr actions take sconcequences. If you cheat your wife, she will leave you, family is over, but that action, its not shouting F words in general liqor store, it was entering most powerful builing in a world. If it happens in China, Russia or Iran cnequences might be dead penatly. I am sad, seeing this good think ends, he is 50, he could play 15 years till, and IE can put 2-3 albums out and DnW 1 till. There wont be new vocalist Stu wont fit in dnD, Hansi real power metal past amnd unique voice made him perfect. Its end and maybe end of IC as well.

Fools pay huge price. Sad its Jon, could be Eric Adams it wont be tragedy(of steel).
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
03.02.2021 - 14:31
Hansi is just paying lip service so cancel culture doesn't come after him which is understandable. Jon Schaffer just got Dixie Chicked.
03.02.2021 - 14:36
Valentin B
A huge shame it turned out like this, I am a huge fan of Iced Earth, Blind Guardian, Demons and Wizards, but this is only understandable.

In his place I too would love to get as far away as possible from a person that has lost his fucking mind, regardless of how good a songwriter and musician he is.
03.02.2021 - 14:51
I've become too much of a heremit, i didn't hear any of this until now and am speechless at how much the world has descended into madness and chaos
really sad that this is the end of demons and wirzards, but of course Kürsch cannot keep around a madman like Schaffer
03.02.2021 - 14:54
I have a feeling this thread will be locked soon...

Totally understandable move from Hansi. You can create music together while ignoring the rest, but there is a limit to that. Too bad for the fans, but I personally don't really care, all three bands haven't released much worthwhile music in ages.
03.02.2021 - 15:26
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Valentin B on 03.02.2021 at 14:36

A huge shame it turned out like this, I am a huge fan of Iced Earth, Blind Guardian, Demons and Wizards, but this is only understandable.

In his place I too would love to get as far away as possible from a person that has lost his fucking mind, regardless of how good a songwriter and musician he is.

I was fan of BG to Nighfall ... dnt like after, but I love DnW and IE. I doubt my love to their music will change, because its good music. Quastion is if I buy their new albums or download it. My issue is not that he likes south or are Dixie or likes Terump, if he would just blabber and say shit, I would aree. But invade such building because one morror (also from Cremil) says elections was stollen and pepple followed and vandalized. I cant handle it, its my problem. But what can I say I am free, he is locked up.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
03.02.2021 - 17:08
Written by Bad English on 03.02.2021 at 13:17

So this is end of the wonderful carear and maybe life? This might be good reasn to anulate contact between label and 2 bands? Hansi is strong in germany and that project was damn good live, IE is dammn good live, he is good guitarist. This is way to strong price to pay. Outr actions take sconcequences. If you cheat your wife, she will leave you, family is over, but that action, its not shouting F words in general liqor store, it was entering most powerful builing in a world. If it happens in China, Russia or Iran cnequences might be dead penatly. I am sad, seeing this good think ends, he is 50, he could play 15 years till, and IE can put 2-3 albums out and DnW 1 till. There wont be new vocalist Stu wont fit in dnD, Hansi real power metal past amnd unique voice made him perfect. Its end and maybe end of IC as well.

Fools pay huge price. Sad its Jon, could be Eric Adams it wont be tragedy(of steel).

There is no death penalty in Russia. Perhaps you should learn more about another country before spreading a lie publicly.
03.02.2021 - 18:11
At best deranged
An expected and understandable reaction from Hansi. At some point you can't ignore the antics of a fellow band member, I think. Even if you liked working with that person in the past.
03.02.2021 - 18:35
Made of Metal
Sad, but expected. I'm glad they released III and I was able to catch them on tour before Jon decided to go full lunatic. Hansi leaving is the right call and at least I can listen to D&W material knowing that it was always only about the music and not some political message. Something that I can't always say for IE.
03.02.2021 - 19:47
Written by Scornmare on 03.02.2021 at 17:08

There is no death penalty in Russia. Perhaps you should learn more about another country before spreading a lie publicly.

As far as I know, Russia has implemented a moratorium on capital punishment since 1996. However, the death penalty is still included in the current penal code of the Russian Federation for certain crimes. Am I wrong? Because if I am not, Bad English is not spreading a lie, he said "might", he did not express a certainty. If a country retains the death penalty in law, even though there is a moratorium, there is always a possibility that this moratorium can be lifted.
03.02.2021 - 21:51
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by nikarg on 03.02.2021 at 19:47

Written by Scornmare on 03.02.2021 at 17:08

There is no death penalty in Russia. Perhaps you should learn more about another country before spreading a lie publicly.

As far as I know, Russia has implemented a moratorium on capital punishment since 1996. However, the death penalty is still included in the current penal code of the Russian Federation for certain crimes. Am I wrong? Because if I am not, Bad English is not spreading a lie, he said "might", he did not express a certainty. If a country retains the death penalty in law, even though there is a moratorium, there is always a possibility that this moratorium can be lifted.

I said might and yes they still have it, but USA did not arrest Baiden supporters, but in Russia Navalny was sentenced, Belarus brutally abuse protesters.... Its a difference. Peaceful protests, and I believe in Russia they can open life fire if such things happen in cremlin of Putin palace. Just saying... And I don't wanna go much on politics, and provoke...
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
03.02.2021 - 21:59
Metal Spartan
Hansi is a coward for not standing by his good friend of 30 years. Without getting too political, instead of immediately dismissing Jon Schaffer as a lunatic, people really should be questioning why and how we got to this point in the U.S. Although polling is unreliable, in this case I do believe that 89% of people in this country are fed up or do not like the direction this country is headed. That tells you something. Hope Jon can recover from this and come out with more awesome music.
03.02.2021 - 22:59
Written by Metal Spartan on 03.02.2021 at 21:59

Hansi is a coward for not standing by his good friend of 30 years.

Scaffer might not want to drag his friend down with him, so this could well be done in mutual understanding.
03.02.2021 - 23:12
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Hellthunder on 03.02.2021 at 22:59

Written by Metal Spartan on 03.02.2021 at 21:59

Hansi is a coward for not standing by his good friend of 30 years.

Scaffer might not want to drag his friend down with him, so this could well be done in mutual understanding.

Yes same time he told media, but we don't know I'd he spoke whit Jon and so on, we never will know the truth
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
03.02.2021 - 23:57
Metal Spartan
Really do hope that is the case Hellthunder. Blind Guardian is one of my top 3 bands, with Imaginations From the Other Side probably being my favorite album of all time. Would really hate to see one of the greats cowering to the whim of the "elites"
04.02.2021 - 00:32
Written by Bad English on 03.02.2021 at 13:17

So this is end of the wonderful carear and maybe life? This might be good reasn to anulate contact between label and 2 bands? Hansi is strong in germany and that project was damn good live, IE is dammn good live, he is good guitarist. This is way to strong price to pay. Outr actions take sconcequences. If you cheat your wife, she will leave you, family is over, but that action, its not shouting F words in general liqor store, it was entering most powerful builing in a world. If it happens in China, Russia or Iran cnequences might be dead penatly. I am sad, seeing this good think ends, he is 50, he could play 15 years till, and IE can put 2-3 albums out and DnW 1 till. There wont be new vocalist Stu wont fit in dnD, Hansi real power metal past amnd unique voice made him perfect. Its end and maybe end of IC as well.

Fools pay huge price. Sad its Jon, could be Eric Adams it wont be tragedy(of steel).

As a fellow Iced Earth fan, I guess I feel the same way. I never expected that one of my favorite bands (two with D&W) would end up that way. D&W is definitely over and who knows what might happen to Iced Earth. It's just quite sad to see so many people mad at Iced Earth; I always felt they were a little underrated and ironically this is the event that made them get more prominent. And sure, I understand that many think that Jon is a conspiranoic lunatic; I don't condone what he did and I think it was really foolish for him and the other protesters to think those acts would result in any real change. In fact, looking at how they used bear spray and stuff like that, the whole thing seems childish and ridiculous to me. That said, at least on Iced Earth's music, although social justice is certainly not Jon's main concern, one can still find things such as the lyrics of the song Consequences or the fact that he loved the Spawn comic so much that he wrote an album about it and the character is an African American.

But who knows, it will be interesting to hear what he says when he finally speaks out. I doubt he'll change his beliefs about the government but losing Hansi, D&W, many fans, getting difficulties for Iced Earth, and maybe even problems with Matt Barlow (who's his brother-in-law) might make him reconsider what's worth to do with his remianing life and career.

And yeah, I can't believe Manowar is about to retire and they never had any major problems like this involving Eric Adams or Joey Demaio haha
04.02.2021 - 01:20
i c deaf people
Written by nikarg on 03.02.2021 at 19:47

As far as I know, Russia has implemented a moratorium on capital punishment since 1996. However, the death penalty is still included in the current penal code of the Russian Federation for certain crimes. Am I wrong? Because if I am not, Bad English is not spreading a lie, he said "might", he did not express a certainty. If a country retains the death penalty in law, even though there is a moratorium, there is always a possibility that this moratorium can be lifted.

Thank you for shedding some light on this matter. I would even go as far as to say that the death penalty has never really been suspended in Russia, it has only been given a new name: governmentally authorized assassinations. The list of those sentenced to death is pretty long (Alexander Litwinenko, Anna Politkowskaja, Julija and Sergej Skirpal, Alexej Nawalny, Juri Schtschekotschichin, Selimchan Changoschiwili...) and even if one does not believe that every sentence was passed by Putin himself or approved within the walls of the Kremil, the accumulation of these and similar cases in the years after 1996 is more than striking.

But let's get back to topic...
I'd say that Hansi's decision to terminate the cooperation with Schaffer was necessary, justified and proportionate. It's not just Hansi's personal reputation being at stake, holding on to Schaffer would in the long run also harm Hansi's family environment (AFAIK he's married with one son) and affect Blind Guardian's future success. I believe that unquestioning loyalty to long-time friends is a most admirable trait, but if the question is whether to be loyal to a militant Oath Keepers nutcase or to your fellow band members who did not invade the Capitol, then the answer should be very clear.
signatures = SPAM
04.02.2021 - 01:57
Much respect, Hansi!
04.02.2021 - 05:34
Written by Metal Spartan on 03.02.2021 at 21:59

Hansi is a coward for not standing by his good friend of 30 years. Without getting too political, instead of immediately dismissing Jon Schaffer as a lunatic, people really should be questioning why and how we got to this point in the U.S. Although polling is unreliable, in this case I do believe that 89% of people in this country are fed up or do not like the direction this country is headed. That tells you something. Hope Jon can recover from this and come out with more awesome music.

Except Jon is a lunatic and the reason so many people are dissatisfied with where this country is going was caused by the very unamerican lunatic Jon supported. The fact is that they were trying to overturn a legal and fair election to keep a dangerous loser in office. Period.
04.02.2021 - 06:36
Made of Metal
Written by Metal Spartan on 03.02.2021 at 21:59

Hansi is a coward for not standing by his good friend of 30 years. Without getting too political, instead of immediately dismissing Jon Schaffer as a lunatic, people really should be questioning why and how we got to this point in the U.S. Although polling is unreliable, in this case I do believe that 89% of people in this country are fed up or do not like the direction this country is headed. That tells you something. Hope Jon can recover from this and come out with more awesome music.

Instead of just making up numbers, you could take the real numbers. 51.3% of the US population, some 81 million people are actually pretty happy with the direction this country is going in. Oh wait, that doesn't support your made up claims.
04.02.2021 - 07:07
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Starvynth on 04.02.2021 at 01:20

Written by nikarg on 03.02.2021 at 19:47

As far as I know, Russia has implemented a moratorium on capital punishment since 1996. However, the death penalty is still included in the current penal code of the Russian Federation for certain crimes. Am I wrong? Because if I am not, Bad English is not spreading a lie, he said "might", he did not express a certainty. If a country retains the death penalty in law, even though there is a moratorium, there is always a possibility that this moratorium can be lifted.

Thank you for shedding some light on this matter. I would even go as far as to say that the death penalty has never really been suspended in Russia, it has only been given a new name: governmentally authorized assassinations. The list of those sentenced to death is pretty long (Alexander Litwinenko, Anna Politkowskaja, Julija and Sergej Skirpal, Alexej Nawalny, Juri Schtschekotschichin, Selimchan Changoschiwili...) and even if one does not believe that every sentence was passed by Putin himself or approved within the walls of the Kremil, the accumulation of these and similar cases in the years after 1996 is more than striking.

But let's get back to topic...
I'd say that Hansi's decision to terminate the cooperation with Schaffer was necessary, justified and proportionate. It's not just Hansi's personal reputation being at stake, holding on to Schaffer would in the long run also harm Hansi's family environment (AFAIK he's married with one son) and affect Blind Guardian's future success. I believe that unquestioning loyalty to long-time friends is a most admirable trait, but if the question is whether to be loyal to a militant Oath Keepers nutcase or to your fellow band members who did not invade the Capitol, then the answer should be very clear.

AFAIK he's married with one son)

What does it means?
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
04.02.2021 - 09:15
Metal Spartan
WorpeX and Lanthros: believe whatever the hell you want.
04.02.2021 - 21:33
Written by Metal Spartan on 04.02.2021 at 09:15

WorpeX and Lanthros: believe whatever the hell you want.

Traitors like Jon belong in jail. Hansi did the right thing like every sane person would do.
04.02.2021 - 23:56
Written by Lanthros on 04.02.2021 at 05:34

Written by Metal Spartan on 03.02.2021 at 21:59

Hansi is a coward for not standing by his good friend of 30 years. Without getting too political, instead of immediately dismissing Jon Schaffer as a lunatic, people really should be questioning why and how we got to this point in the U.S. Although polling is unreliable, in this case I do believe that 89% of people in this country are fed up or do not like the direction this country is headed. That tells you something. Hope Jon can recover from this and come out with more awesome music.

Except Jon is a lunatic and the reason so many people are dissatisfied with where this country is going was caused by the very unamerican lunatic Jon supported. The fact is that they were trying to overturn a legal and fair election to keep a dangerous loser in office. Period. Oh ya, here's proof of your legal and fair election, among many others that you can easily find. You and everyone else claiming Jon is a lunatic is certifiably retarded. I guess since the proof was spoon fed to you on the evening news while you were stuffing your face, that makes Jon the lunatic and you the smart guy.
05.02.2021 - 00:05
Written by Zap on 03.02.2021 at 14:54

I have a feeling this thread will be locked soon...

This thread will remain open as long as people refrain from insults and personal attacks.
05.02.2021 - 00:22
That's a damn shame, relistening to III for the MSA made me appreciate once more how much I love that album and the band in general. Understandable tho.
05.02.2021 - 00:57
Metal Spartan
Written by aeonnumb on 04.02.2021 at 21:33

Written by Metal Spartan on 04.02.2021 at 09:15

WorpeX and Lanthros: believe whatever the hell you want.

Traitors like Jon belong in jail. Hansi did the right thing like every sane person would do.

Traitors like Jon? If you wanna talk about traitors, why don't you mention the 95% of corrupt and career politicians in Washington (including Biden, the Democrats and most "Republicans") who have sold out our country, who are lining their pockets and pretend to be a friend of the people? These weasels are NOT your friends. They make people reliant on the government so they can have power over YOU. That is not America.
A lot of metal bands who go the political route talk about fighting against corrupt govt. Surprised to see quite a few people on this site having such high approval of our politicians.
Btw Worpex, polls have showed that around 90% of people in the U.S. are unhappy with our leaders. Nothing made up...look it up.
05.02.2021 - 01:02
Metal Spartan
Written by Druss on 05.02.2021 at 00:22

That's a damn shame, relistening to III for the MSA made me appreciate once more how much I love that album and the band in general. Understandable tho.

At first I thought III was their worst album, but it is slowly getting to the point where I love it now. Dark Side of Her Majesty and Split are absolutely great songs.
05.02.2021 - 08:23
Made of Metal
Written by Metal Spartan on 05.02.2021 at 00:57

Written by aeonnumb on 04.02.2021 at 21:33

Written by Metal Spartan on 04.02.2021 at 09:15

WorpeX and Lanthros: believe whatever the hell you want.

Traitors like Jon belong in jail. Hansi did the right thing like every sane person would do.

Traitors like Jon? If you wanna talk about traitors, why don't you mention the 95% of corrupt and career politicians in Washington (including Biden, the Democrats and most "Republicans") who have sold out our country, who are lining their pockets and pretend to be a friend of the people? These weasels are NOT your friends. They make people reliant on the government so they can have power over YOU. That is not America.
A lot of metal bands who go the political route talk about fighting against corrupt govt. Surprised to see quite a few people on this site having such high approval of our politicians.
Btw Worpex, polls have showed that around 90% of people in the U.S. are unhappy with our leaders. Nothing made up...look it up.

The numbers are more like 75%, but I won't argue with you on that. I don't trust politicians either. They usually have some sort of secondary motive and are getting their pockets lined by some corporation. These approval ratings that I looked up are from when Trump was in office, but hes just as sleazy and corrupt as any career politician. The election just ended and many politicians were voted out. Too early to have approval ratings for people who have barely even started their jobs. The way we change things in America is to Vote out the politicians we don't like and 51.3% of the US voted to remove the republicans (who, as you pointed out, had abysmal approval ratings) and bring in the Democrats.
05.02.2021 - 08:58
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
According to this (video below) he Hadn't Voted For President In 12 Years Before 2020 Election

lol , I has voted so I hav right to bitch, but if people dont vote, I think you have no right to bitch at all! I believe there many Trumpers what did not vote at all
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing

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