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Devin Townsend - Puts An End To Strapping Young Lad & The Devin Townsend Band

It has been reported that Devin Townsend has announced during a Ziltoid the Omniscient press conference that he has put an end to Strapping Young Lad and The Devin Townsend Band, and that he shall do no more tours in the future. He will though apparently continue to release solo music.

"Yesterday InsideOut Music and the Tora! Company held an exclusive media showcase for the new Devin Townsend solo album Ziltoid The Omniscient, including an appearance and Q&A session with the man himself. This turned out to not in fact include a musical performance from Devin, but a hilarious puppet show using Devin's superb hand-made rubber Ziltoid puppet he uses in the videos on the Ziltoid MySpace page, and held a press conference from a booth on the stage of the Underworld in Camden, London.

Ziltoid took questions from the audience and during his answers he mentioned Devin would be moving into the mountains, never to be seen from again.

The audience thought it was part of the Ziltoid act, but after a while a tired looking Townsend emerged and confirmed that he is, indeed, quitting and moving to a remote town in Northern Canada.

He plans to continue to make "a ton of music", some of which will be heavy, some ambient, like his other new CD The Hummer, and everything in between. He's going to build a new studio at his new house, and will be keeping his studio in Vancouver where he produces other bands. So every now and again a Devin Townsend album will emerge, possibly on the internet, but he won't tour and won't be doing any other kind of public appearances, like interviews etc.

Eight months ago he and his wife had their first child, Reyner Liam Johnstan Townsend, and his arrival has accelerated Devin's decision to back away from the limelight, but is not the sole reason for it. He said these are feelings he's had for some time, and is just so tired of touring and doing interviews and being the focus of things. He also said he's tired of Strapping Young Lad. The last tour was a real struggle for him to muster any enthusiasm, mostly because SYL was initially created to vent all his frustrations, which no longer exist. He's not the angry early-twenties nutter anymore. He's a mellow mid-thirties nutter, and doesn't feel the need to be screaming at everyone.

So, Strapping Young Lad is over for good. So is the Devin Townsend Band. Devin's music will be made solo from now on, and he will continue to produce other peoples' music, but will not tour."

Band profile: Devin Townsend
Posted: 10.05.2007 by Baz Anderson


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10.05.2007 - 21:01
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Well, I'll just wait and see. I hope it is not the case though.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

10.05.2007 - 21:15
Baz Anderson
yes indeed - he is prone to changing his mind about a lot of things - after the last two Strapping Young Lad albums though I am not so disappointed - they were awful albums to put under that name - not in the same league as 'SYL' or 'City'
oh well.. it still is sad though
10.05.2007 - 21:33
Alex TG
Account deleted
too bad
10.05.2007 - 21:37
Freaky Admin
Hoo I don't know why I didn't post this new before. I was at his press conference in Paris last week and he said the same thing.

Actually, Devin will move to the north of Canada in a small village and will only do music and produce bands. No more interviews and concerts unfortunately...

Well.. we will have music at least...
Come with us to Hellfest 2011!
10.05.2007 - 21:43
Account deleted
If that's true, then crap. His moving in the mountains reminds of Varg's talk about moving to the countryside.. Heh, I could easily picture Dewin in a comic, where a young gang is lost in the mountains, and they search help from a little cottage, then this creepy guy pops out and screams and curses them away.. I know I'm tired

But seriously, I'm sad.
10.05.2007 - 21:57
Bitch Boy
This is very bad news!! Fortunately he'll still do music by his own, let's wait and see...
10.05.2007 - 22:08
Angel of Lust
Sad news indeed! No more SYL and DTB, I can't believe it!
I hope he will make some other great stuff anyway with other names and projects, so good luck Devin...

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear,
and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
10.05.2007 - 22:32
Hmm.. yeah, pretty bad news, cause I almost liked every SYL album, and the Devin Townsend Band's albums aren't bad too. Pretty sad news, indeed..
10.05.2007 - 23:39
Ha! This is hilarious "The audience thought it was part of the Ziltoid act, but after a while a tired looking Townsend emerged and confirmed that he is, indeed, quitting and moving to a remote town in Northern Canada.
" - f*ck I wish I could've seen that
But yes,sad indeed.Stille,Devin FTW.
oh my fucking god, fucking dinosaurs
11.05.2007 - 00:01
Der Meister
Account deleted
Heartbreaking news. Nothing else to add.
11.05.2007 - 00:07
White Winter Sun
Laboratory's Rat
Bad news. This guy is a genius of creativity.
11.05.2007 - 02:37
Empty Spaces
Unburied At Dusk
Sad. I'm not the biggest fan of his music but some SYL songs that I heard are very good. I didn't expect to hear this...
11.05.2007 - 02:44
Account deleted
Bleh, just as I was listening to Alien today .
11.05.2007 - 03:01
Its such a shame, Strapping Young Lad were a very good band...
11.05.2007 - 03:12
I hate my life and want to die. But if that's what he wants, it's his life. I'll always enjoy anything he puts out. Good for him. DT rocks my hairy anus.
The force will be with you, always.
11.05.2007 - 08:38
Account deleted
Damn, I wanted to see SYL someday live, so as with his band. Well. anyway, he made a mature decision, he has a kid now I'm sure that's gonna be one big metalheaded kid. Ill miss Strapping
11.05.2007 - 08:43
"SYL was initially created to vent all his frustrations"
"doesn't feel the need to be screaming at everyone"

Lol, I think I understand why he put end to SYL, DTB
11.05.2007 - 10:17
Account deleted
That sucks
11.05.2007 - 11:20
Account deleted
DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,Strapping Young Lad is to good to stop:wall:
11.05.2007 - 22:32
Daru Jericho
I never got into them that much. Just couldn't feel them but this is quite unfortunate.
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.

12.05.2007 - 02:57
Account deleted
This is the worst news I've heard in a long, long time. God damn it. I never saw them live.
12.05.2007 - 13:35
Another person I'll never see live. Damn.
12.05.2007 - 16:04
Weeping Heart
I love this guy he is soooooooooooooo fuking amazing live, I'll go kill myself now
The older I get.........The faster I was

Smurfilator -- back when Smurf Metal existed :'(
12.05.2007 - 18:28
well it is kinda sad but i don't believe he is really going to stop, he won't be able to sleep at night without working on music.
18.05.2007 - 06:47
Darth Satanious
Post Destroyer
As if this would be the first time that Devin says he will leave SYL behind. He said something similar when he released the SYL self-titled album by assuring that that album was the last Strapping Young Lad's. Perhaps he will leave these bands but I would still give this scenario the benefit of the doubt.

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