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Eyehategod - Working On New Material

After more than three years since the release of their most recent studio album A History Of Nomadic Behavior, Eyehategod vocalist Mike IX Williams confirmed in a recent interview with Australia's 'Heavy' that they have been working on new material for the follow-up.

Williams said: "We've just been touring a lot, but I know those guys are writing some new stuff. I think they've got a couple things put together, but nothing fully formed yet. It always takes us a long time in between albums to get the next one done. It took a long time between the last two albums, and it seems to always take that. But we'll get something out eventually. We're definitely writing."

When the interviewer noted that Eyehategod are known for taking their time in between records, Mike said: "Well, that's part of it. That's what I like to tell people. It's, like, we're not one of these bands that tours, then goes in the studio and writes it in the studio. We like to take our time and write and sit with it. That way, too, you get to sit with the songs for a while and you get to know them better. And if you start to not like it, you may change something when you go in the studio. So it's good to sit with it like that."

Band profile: Eyehategod
Posted: 08.07.2024 by Metal God


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09.07.2024 - 08:11
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Last album "The History...." got low reception here, it was a fairly decent record by the way, but not highly appealing.

One can expect a turnaround to see, maybe, Eyehate release a fantastic album.

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