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In Flames - Entire New Album Available For Streaming

You can stream In Flames' upcoming new album "A Sense Of Purpose", in its entirety at the band's official MySpace. The ninth In Flames studio album is scheduled to be released in North America on April 1st via Koch Records. The album will hit the streets in Europe on April 4 through Nuclear Blast.

This very exclusive pre-listening will go on until April 2nd. All info here.

Band profile: In Flames
Posted: 26.03.2008 by Thryce


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Comments: 39   Visited by: 186 users
26.03.2008 - 21:20
oh yeah!!!!!hallelujah, i will stream it all !
Take a look to the sky just before you die, its the last time you will.
26.03.2008 - 22:27
Advice Troll
Well, it's fucking great again, after all...
Bitch! Please
26.03.2008 - 22:50
Metal Maiden
I just want to express my deepest condolences to anyone who is yet to hear this album...
27.03.2008 - 00:02
oh damn. this sounds excellent, like a mix between Clayman and R2R
27.03.2008 - 00:03
It's been a long time since I posted anything, but I just had to after hearing this new "In Flames" album.... I use the " " because IMHO this is not (and seems that never will again) In Flames! Seriously, WTF!!! Another good band gone down the drain.

The thing is they'll probably sell more albums with this sound than they ever did with jester race, whoracle or clayman... what is wrong with the world!!!

Bah! Why do I even care...
27.03.2008 - 00:51
White Winter Sun
Laboratory's Rat
27.03.2008 - 00:58
Written by White Winter Sun on 27.03.2008 at 00:51


your chance at help is LONG gone, my friend. all that's left is anders new-found lyrical approach. i mean, anders pansy lyrical approach. there, that's better.
27.03.2008 - 01:30
Yeh it is indeed pretty bad. And they seem to be gettin worse and worse after RTR, with every album being one step further (from good music). Such a pity......
27.03.2008 - 02:08
In Flames - Entire New Album Leaked For Downloading .... xD
27.03.2008 - 03:07
Account deleted
i've been listening to In Flames since a friend showed me some sons from R2R ... i got addicted to the vocals & music itself and got to know their early albums that i enjoyed aswell, but i've to be honest, the further albums after Soundtrack To Your Escape got me upset and i think they didn't have the need to get this mainstream as they were one of the scandinavian top bands i think.

I can understand that they don't wanna follow the line of early albums as the music gets boring without something new to show, but the material they got us used to hear turned in a kind of sound that almost can be shown in MTV's Prime Time.

Looks like they lost the love for music and earn love for money, all the foregein bands that tour around USA get a brainwash and turn in some of the crappiest things we see nowdays

oh well there's always their past albums ... and other great bands to get to know
27.03.2008 - 03:17
Blood Work
Account deleted
Crap crap crap.....oooo no waiiitttt...... yes its crap....!!!!
27.03.2008 - 04:59
Advice Troll
Come on people! It ain't that bad!
You don't actually have to hate every big band's new release...

It's a lot better than their previous.

to all the haters
Bitch! Please
27.03.2008 - 08:13
Nox Lux
Written by iaberis on 27.03.2008 at 04:59

Come on people! It ain't that bad!
You don't actually have to hate every big band's new release...

It's a lot better than their previous.

to all the haters

In Flames can lick my incredibly kvlt, underground balls of grimness
Nah you're right of course....but In Flames used to be better in there earlier years.

][{ ]|/ ][_ "][" -- ][3) ][_ /=|[ [( ][{ -- ][][][ |E[ "][" ]|= ][_

"Thoughts fall in season with the right stand, rake the land
This Autumn's early leafshed a recompense for Summer's wane."
~ Nox Lux
27.03.2008 - 09:14
Written by iaberis on 27.03.2008 at 04:59

It's a lot better than their previous.[/b]

And I agree
I was afraid that In Flames are lost forever, but they're not
27.03.2008 - 11:04
A Dying God
better than previous...

my favorite is Lunar Strain and the Subterranean EP, but, to those who say Anders now takes a "pansy" approach to lyrics, listen to the song Biosphere... He has ALWAYS had pansy lyrics. In Flames is slowly taking a musical approach to metalcore but atleast this album isn't as bad as the last.

Still, i only own backwards of Clayman.
There is no God but the one that dies with me. I have no life but the one I take with me to the grave. We come into this world alone. And we will die on our own. I live. I die. Ain Elohim.
27.03.2008 - 13:39
Advice Troll
Written by Nox Lux on 27.03.2008 at 08:13

but In Flames used to be better in there earlier years.

Of course dude! But you can't have stuff like their earlier years forever...
Bitch! Please
27.03.2008 - 13:59
Account deleted
This album is lame dude....theres so much angst from Anders even more than the previous 2 releases. The songs start off ok and then he and his gay whiny excuse for a singing voice comes and fucks it all up. Bollocks man...i will give my proper verdict and comparison after a few spins..
27.03.2008 - 14:22
Erotic Stains
I'll buy it signed next Saturday, so I'll wait.
27.03.2008 - 15:46
Written by Athan on 27.03.2008 at 01:30

Yeh it is indeed pretty bad. And they seem to be gettin worse and worse after RTR, with every album being one step further (from good music). Such a pity......

how the hell can you actually think that ASOP is worse than Come Clarity!? that's just not possible
27.03.2008 - 19:03
Written by Slyfang on 27.03.2008 at 15:46

how the hell can you actually think that ASOP is worse than Come Clarity!? that's just not possible

Well mate, that s exactly what i thought: not possible to be worse than Come Clarity... But apparently it is possible
27.03.2008 - 22:22
wow man,thats a preety gd album tho
Take a look to the sky just before you die, its the last time you will.
27.03.2008 - 22:28
i am longing to download this album ! at least the first 2 songs:P
Take a look to the sky just before you die, its the last time you will.
27.03.2008 - 22:30
Written by Athan on 27.03.2008 at 19:03

Written by Slyfang on 27.03.2008 at 15:46

how the hell can you actually think that ASOP is worse than Come Clarity!? that's just not possible

Well mate, that s exactly what i thought: not possible to be worse than Come Clarity... But apparently it is possible

i will admit it's a bit bland and a slightly unimaginative.. but at least they returned to the older natural sound, away from that ghastly overcharged electocore thing. that alone is good enough for me
27.03.2008 - 23:05
Retired Staff
This album is worse than the few good parts from RTR and STYE together. I even liked Come Clarity more, go figure (although it was a completely different style and sort of release. ASOP is really more in the same line as RTR and STYE actually). The only conclusion is "new" In Flames sucks.
There, I said it all.
Your favorite band sucks.
27.03.2008 - 23:37
Written by Thought. on 27.03.2008 at 11:04

to those who say Anders now takes a "pansy" approach to lyrics, listen to the song Biosphere... He has ALWAYS had pansy lyrics.

when i said pansy approach i meant the singing, not the actual lyrics. i wouldn't mind as much if he had a good singing voice, but he doesn't.
27.03.2008 - 23:59
It's so f****** pop to hate In Flames' new stuff. Yes they are successful, get over it. They are NOT mainstream, what are you thinking? Metal doesn't always have to be br00tal to be great. Just go and listen to your underground bands, and when they get popular, bi**h about it, and complain they've gotten mainstream.

Let them have their success, they definitely deserve it.
28.03.2008 - 04:28
X-Ray Rod
Written by Warman on 27.03.2008 at 14:22

I'll buy it signed next Saturday, so I'll wait.

I hope you're kidding... I though that you hated the new In Flames xD
Did you smoke something?... can you give me some of that plant?
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

28.03.2008 - 07:34
New album is "sweet", easy to listen and enjoyable...I'm glad to hear this sound again..
28.03.2008 - 12:26
Account deleted
sweet, easy to listen to and enjoyable sounds like a description for a new Celine Dion album.....

....wait a second...
28.03.2008 - 12:53
Written by [user id=1909] on 28.03.2008 at 12:26

sweet, easy to listen to and enjoyable sounds like a description for a new Celine Dion album.....

....wait a second...

Celine Dion.. enjoyable..?

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