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Vader - Split With Guitarist And Drummer Confirmed

Massive Music Management have posted the following official statement, entitled "Vader would like to thank you all for 25 years of support!":

"We would like to thank to all the participants of our anniversary gig: bands, fans and staff. Thanx to you all we were able to celebrate the 25 anniversary of Vader in so special way. Big thanx to fans for such a numerous presence, bands for fantastic shows they all played in Warsaw, guests for their appearance on this show and our crew for nearly 24 hours of hard work! It was a very important show for us, the more so because it took place in such a difficult circumstances. We were forced to give up an idea of recording DVD due to some technical issues. For technical reasons we were also unable to build a special stage scenery prepared exclusively for this show. Sorry for very long queues for food and drink and the high price of our energy drink - these things were beyond our control. The show ended up turning out well and despite these shortcomings we believe it was a success. Once again- thank you all! All the blood, sweat and tears poured into Vader have been worth it!

At this point we would like to refer to the changes that have occurred in Vader. As you all probably already know, guitarist Maurycy "Mauser" Stefanowicz and drummer Darek "Daray" Brzozowski are no longer in the band and this anniversary gig was their last show with Vader. We would say that mentally, they both were out of the band from a long time. They played with us more like a session guys, without any real commitment and dedication. We were thinking about making some changes since a year or something, now we are glad to have this opportunity to build a new band. At the moment we are looking for some new musicians. Probably next week we are going to present you our new line up.

In October the band will appear on tour in Scandinavia with Grave and Zonaria. In January 2009 Vader will hit the road again, sharing the stage with Deicide and Samael. Just before this tour, in December we are going to start a pre-production process of our new full length album "Necropolis". The recording session is scheduled for March. The album will be mixed by one of the best producers in a music industry! In May 2009 the band will release a new EP. The new album will be out in September. In meantime we are going to appear on many summer festivals. Don't be affraid, Vader don't lose the power and quality. On the contrary we feel it will be much stronger than ever before. Stay Vader'ized, be prepared for a new line up and the upcoming killing album "Necropolis"!"

According to the Meinl Cymbals website, Daray will join the Norwegian black metal group Dimmu Borgir while Mauser will reportedly concentrate on his UnSun project, which will release its debut album, "The End Of Life", on September 22 via Century Media Records. Their Blabbermouth-rumored replacements in Vader are former Lost Soul drummer Adam Sierzega and either Jacek Hiro from Sceptic or Waclaw "Vogg" Kieltyka from Decapitated on guitar.

Band profile: Vader
Posted: 08.09.2008 by Thryce


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Comments: 15   Visited by: 166 users
08.09.2008 - 20:19
Interesting, Daray in Dimmu...
A bit bad for Vader, but I dont't doubt that they will continue to rock ...
... For years I have traveled in coldness,
But my heart is warm as the darkened sun above me...
Nothing can never take away
What I've seen with these tired eyes
08.09.2008 - 21:01
Oh man, I didnt know about that. Freaking crappy.
08.09.2008 - 21:24
This sucks!
One Pound Of Flesh, No More No Less, No Cartilage, No Bones, But Only Flesh...
08.09.2008 - 21:36
Giant robot
Everyone has played/plays/will play in Dimmu Borgir. Everyone stand in line please. Next!
08.09.2008 - 22:30
Account deleted
Dimmu have gone through quite a ridiculous amount of drummers, no real surprise that another one is joining them. But sucks for Vader, only the singer left. But at least he has plans and no real bad is going to come out of it.
08.09.2008 - 22:58
LeChron James
tragedy. doesnt approve of dary going to dimmu. and sicne when does vader have an energy drink?
Kick Ass, Die Young

Less is More
Stay Pure
Stay Poor

Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
08.09.2008 - 23:29
Rosetta Stoned
That drummer is so fucking ridicolously good, looking forward to see him in Dimmu. Hey, Scandinavia? Maybe I can catch them live in a month, wow!
09.09.2008 - 00:45
Yuma Murata
Account deleted
Man that sucks, Daray's a monster on drums! Good luck to him and Mauser. I'll be interested to see who their replacements are...
09.09.2008 - 01:23
The Ancient One
Written by Ilham on 08.09.2008 at 21:36

Everyone has played/plays/will play in Dimmu Borgir. Everyone stand in line please. Next!

i rather enjoyed my stint behind the kit for them. let me know whey they call you for your tour of duty...
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
09.09.2008 - 01:31
[URL][/URL] - My Black Metal band
09.09.2008 - 02:19
Foetal Butchery
Written by AncientOrigins on 09.09.2008 at 01:31


thats exactly what i thought!

twould be an awesome addition IMO
Dark death metal from Sydney:
09.09.2008 - 02:47
That sucks that those two are out of the band. I with Piotr Wiwczarek the best of luck while searching for replacements.
09.09.2008 - 03:14
Giant robot
Written by BitterCOld on 09.09.2008 at 01:23

Written by Ilham on 08.09.2008 at 21:36

Everyone has played/plays/will play in Dimmu Borgir. Everyone stand in line please. Next!

i rather enjoyed my stint behind the kit for them. let me know whey they call you for your tour of duty...

It happened already. They hired me this afternoon, we composed and released a new album. But we all decided that it was eventually time to split, two hours ago. At least our very long collaboration will be remembered by all of us as a very good memory.
They have already found replacement: my little brother.
09.09.2008 - 20:16
Darkside Momo
Written by Ilham on 09.09.2008 at 03:14

Written by BitterCOld on 09.09.2008 at 01:23

Written by Ilham on 08.09.2008 at 21:36

Everyone has played/plays/will play in Dimmu Borgir. Everyone stand in line please. Next!

i rather enjoyed my stint behind the kit for them. let me know whey they call you for your tour of duty...

It happened already. They hired me this afternoon, we composed and released a new album. But we all decided that it was eventually time to split, two hours ago. At least our very long collaboration will be remembered by all of us as a very good memory.
They have already found replacement: my little brother.

Well, he hasn't told you yet but he recorded another brand new song, and then he was fired. I replace him.

EDIT : well, I wrote the next new album coming, but then I got pissed with them and left. I don't know who will step up next.
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
14.09.2008 - 00:59
Mystic Ice
Account deleted
This is horrible.. first Novy, then Daray and Mauser. I'm really depressed now. I thought all of the recent Vader stuff was amazing and this line up was magical. They played in my town a week after Novy left and I didn't go because I was pissed off about it. Now I really wish I had. I love Dimmu but that is not where I want to see Daray.

The only good thing I can see is the possibility of Dies Irae coming back but that's doubtful. If Novy would use his voice again instead of just playing bass I'd be happy but it probably won't happen. Ugh, why all the drama and splitting of good bands these days?

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