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Metal Band Names Inspired By Games 34
Booooobs 138
My Favorite Albums 5
Vision Divine Albums Ranked 2
Black Metal: The Expansion Pack 9
2024: Jul-Dec 1
Sibling Albums 35
The Art Of Thrashing (No Order) 321
Best Of June 2024 2
1492: Black Metal Infused With American Spirit 1
Hidden Title Tracks – Album Titles That Come From A Song`s Lyrics 66
The Deadliest Of Harmonies (A Journey Into Melodic Death Metal) 23
Song Titles With The Band`s Name 59
Top 20 Albums Of 1981 11
Worst Albums Covers … 39
Pharaoh Albums Ranked 1
Secret Tracks: Songs And Audio Pieces That Were Left Off The Track List 17
Best Of May 2024 8
Best Of April 2024 3
2024 - The Worthy Ones 6
Currently Listening... (June 2024 Edition) 4
My Top Dissonant Metal Picks 31
Megadeth Albums Ranked 11
1001 Metal Albums You Must Hear Before You Die 2
The Female Vocalists in Metal Who Impressed Me 265
My Personal All-time Top-20 (insert whatever genre here ..... ) Metal 14
WRIU Metal Cage 3/1/1987 3
Songs From The 60's And The 70's I Think Every Metal Fan Should Have Heard 43
Twilightning Albums Ranked 1
Misplaced Title Tracks - Songs That Are Not On The Album They Title 54

Bad English [43]
Blackwreath13 [40]
Blackcrowe [39]
MajorMalfunction [38]
Musclassia [30]
(no category) [26]
F3ynman2000 [24]
Handala [24]
Alex Avagianos [18]
ManiacBlasphemer [18]
!J.O.O.E.! [17]
Flightoficarus86 [16]
Plattner [16]
R'Vannith [16]
Neachy [15]
Uxküll [15]
BitterCOld [14]
ChapuLviz [14]
Daddy Pig [13]
JoHn DoE [13]
Karlabos [13]
Mrtvozornik [13]
Qualeen [13]
ScreamingSteelUS [13]
Apothecary [12]
Enemy of Reality [12]
Mz [12]
tea[m]ster [12]
Vasil de Shumen [12]
Chobo_jokeR [11]
Draugen [11]
IronAngel [11]
Mountain King [11]
Robpal [11]
Dangerboner [10]
Guib [10]
NonZero [10]
Moose [9]
Sgtrobo [9]
Urs Blank [9]
Achil [8]
Ansercanagicus [8]
BoxCar Willy [8]
Kalmari [8]
Nikarg [8]
Rivendel [8]
Starvynth [8]
Ace Frawley [7]
Anghellic67 [7]
Aristarchos [7]
Dark?Symphony [7]
DeliciousDishes [7]
EmeraldSword [7]
Fearmeister [7]
InnerSelf [7]
Korah [7]
Lokaeda [7]
Mikyz [7]
RaduP [7]
RakHiasat [7]
strade32 [7]
Întunecatul [6]
24emd [6]
AndyMetalFreak [6]
Angel_Lament [6]
Chris Steele [6]
Coolingsrock [6]
EMols86 [6]
eyeofthebeholder [6]
Hex_Omega [6]
Jiri [6]
Kenos [6]
Lit. [6]
MechanisT [6]
ProgMetalFan [6]
Strifeman [6]
Twisted_johnz [6]
~Starchild~ [6]
Archie 666 [5]
BloodTears [5]
Chriwalker [5]
Cynic Metalhead [5]
Doez [5]
Flightoficarus [5]
JCJen7 [5]
JD [5]
Kamil [5]
MeloDeathViking [5]
Metren [5]
Oaken [5]
Panzerchrist [5]
Redel [5]
saw_you_drown [5]
SceneryOfLoss [5]
Sword_Chant [5]
Syk [5]
Toby [5]
Tominator [5]
Vonpire [5]
Zarahuztra [5]
3rdWorld [4]
Ag Fox [4]
BaltekPL [4]
Carrion Misery [4]
Charlotbk [4]
DarkWingedSoul [4]
Diverge [4]
Doc Godin [4]
Em6568 [4]
Fat & Sassy! [4]
Fredd [4]
Ganondox [4]
Ilham [4]
JohnDoe [4]
Kuroboshi [4]
Lethrokai [4]
Marcel Hubregtse [4]
Maxder [4]
Netzach [4]
Obnoxious [4]
Oldy86 [4]
Pandrstudios [4]
Pokermask [4]
Pyramid God [4]
qlacs [4]
Red_Travis [4]
RhaegarTargaryen [4]
SamuelSanchezAlvarez [4]
Scapeplan [4]
soadbyob [4]
TiagoPoggere [4]
Tornado Of Souls [4]
Troy Killjoy [4]
Uldreth [4]
Unhealer [4]
Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk [4]
A Misanthropist [3]
A Real Mönkey [3]
afro09 [3]
Alexbridger [3]
AlexisCroze [3]
Amo del Merol [3]
AndMetalForAll [3]
Artorix Carlsson [3]
Bad Taste [3]
beyondtehdarksun [3]
BigNaughtyV [3]
Bigpaul [3]
Bj_waters [3]
buber [3]
BurbotsRevenge [3]
CakeTrolley [3]
Cobrapel [3]
Darkside Momo [3]
DarkSymphony500 [3]
DeadHuman [3]
Demonmayonnaise [3]
Donnie Darko [3]
DoomSayer [3]
Elektro-Hexer [3]
Enumaelis [3]
Fade To Black [3]
Flower Metal [3]
Green Slime [3]
Hadriel [3]
Helios [3]
Hugoj33 [3]
IIIWorldFuckface [3]
Iron Nostarion [3]
Ivan [3]
J the Metallizer [3]
Joodicator [3]
Koen Smits [3]
LeKiwi [3]
LuciferOfGayness [3]
Marillion [3]
MetalAce [3]
MickeyDeez79 [3]
Misfit74 [3]
MoraWintersoul [3]
Night Sight [3]
Nosurper [3]
Nunzie 69 [3]
Psykometal [3]
Quieted_darkness [3]
Ralle [3]
RedOctober [3]
RockwiththeDoc [3]
Skarnek [3]
Spirit Molecule [3]
SSM [3]
Suryanshkalia [3]
The Galactican [3]
Tony Montana [3]
Vellichor [3]
VezzyRabblehead [3]
Void Eater [3]
Wraith000 [3]
.:Nataras:. [2]
1Yossarian1 [2]
7thSlave [2]
Absu [2]
Afu [2]
AgentOrange94 [2]
AJ The Great [2]
Akemrir [2]
Alban JP [2]
Andrew_Deer [2]
AnotherSky [2]
ArnaudBoyer [2]
Ashbringer [2]
Ball Fondlers [2]
Billy4metal [2]
BlueMobius [2]
Captain Obvious [2]
Ch'ti [2]
ChaosFeedsLife [2]
Christmas.inHell [2]
CobiWan1993 [2]
Creapchar [2]
CrippledReverend [2]
Cryzpin [2]
Cuca Beludo [2]
Curumir [2]
Deadmeat [2]
Dentura [2]
Diabolos [2]
DisgorgedCorpse [2]
Divergenceless [2]
DJ Cos [2]
Doombringer [2]
DoomRules [2]
Drogich [2]
Dylan 1974 [2]
E.Mols86 [2]
Ellrohir [2]
Embracing [2]
EnigmaLake [2]
ErnilEnNaur [2]
Euronymous [2]
Evil Cooper [2]
Feather_light [2]
FotisKanios [2]
Frank Sinistra [2]
Fritillaria [2]
Geraki63 [2]
Giok99 [2] [2]
God Buster 鬼 [2]
Gothic Metalhead [2]
Hazelnut Nero [2]
Heka69 [2]
Hughes [2]
Hybreda [2]
Infernal Utopia [2]
Itoc [2]
I_Die_Often [2]
JÄY [2]
Jagermeister [2]
JavierPaper [2]
Jericho Rehling [2]
Jirka70 [2]
JoneHK [2]
K?ulu [2]
Khold Baroness [2]
Kingface [2]
Konrad [2]
Kual21 [2]
LascaillesShroud [2]
Liafev [2]
Lord artan [2]
LordHypnos [2]
M0rkeleb [2]
Maco [2]
Maglor [2]
Martin_metal [2]
Mercurial [2]
Metal Rambo [2]
MetalDoomMaster [2]
Metalomorphis [2]
Metalwolf666 [2]
Metal_4Ever [2]
Mighty_mulmul [2]
MikeWS [2]
Monolithic [2]
Nacur [2]
Nefarious [2]
Nekrokvlt [2]
Nick le Bel [2]
No one [2]
NocturnalStalker [2]
Northern Danger [2]
Oggy [2]
Olives [2]
Omne metallum [2]
Oriax [2]
Paździoch [2]
Paz [2]
Polaria [2]
PowerThrash [2]
Psykome?al? [2]
Qube [2]
Rhiannon [2]
Rinbel [2]
Rot Teufel [2]
Ryanm123 [2]
Sakuraba [2]
Sashike [2]
Shmelevod [2]
Solar [2]
Solemn23 [2]
Sonatoarctico [2]
Sonic MrSumo [2]
sq_xeper [2]
Starchild [2]
StephenT29 [2]
stormchaserD [2]
That guy [2]
The Melting Snow [2]
themonarch [2]
Thrash Attack [2]
Thrasher Hungary [2]
TristanRichardson [2]
Turdburner [2]
Ugwemubwem Ossas [2]
V01d [2]
Vikcen [2]
VileVick Bryant [2]
Vstojanovski [2]
Warman [2]
Wolfuneral [2]
Zaph [2]
ZeroTheHero [2]
ZGoten [2]
Zuzuz0r [2]
Ænigma [1]
Øggy [1]
(((O))) [1]
(o> . <o> ) [1]
1968fan [1]
7 [1]
@gent_-_orange [1]
A MasT [1]
Aaron 85 [1]
Abattoir [1]
ACe22 [1]
Actn0 [1]
AdamL [1]
Aebsi [1]
AhayCasandra [1]
Akatash [1]
Akio [1]
Alakazam [1]
Alce [1]
Alex F [1]
Alex Lemon [1]
Alien1988 [1]
Alpha [1]
Altimuray [1]
Aluminum Alloy [1]
Andreosokin [1]
Angel N. [1]
AngelofDeth [1]
Angryfarruh [1]
Antares8001 [1]
Apovlitus [1]
Aquad [1]
Arcanewind [1]
Arcesse Eum [1]
Asphyx [1]
AsselMiloud [1]
Athropos [1]
AtrumHiberna [1]
Atrus [1]
AW Visual [1]
Azarath [1]
Azhidahakk [1]
A_Rubio15 [1]
B.Wood [1]
B0000mst1ck [1]
Ballbreaker [1]
BanksD [1]
Baphovmet [1]
Behradeth [1]
Being and Time [1]
Belegûr [1]
Berbatow [1]
Berkayhalfm [1]
BestaVermelha [1]
Bgcasio [1]
BirthdayDeathday [1]
Bkrootz [1]
Black Crowe [1]
Blackend [1]
Blizk [1]
Blood Fire Death [1]
Bloodforgodz [1]
Bloody-sabbath [1]
Bloody_Footprint [1]
blutang [1]
Bombest [1]
Boo-boo [1]
Borgir [1]
Branzig [1]
BreadGod [1]
BrutalN00dle [1]
BudDa [1]
Byners [1]
BynersA7X [1]
Caio2112 [1]
Calebwhutch [1]
CameronGallagher [1]
cancel [1]
Carl Berg [1]
Castiel666 [1]
Chaos2811 [1]
ChristCadaver [1]
Christslave [1]
ChrisWinther [1]
ChrisWinther94 [1]
Chris_blackwater [1]
Cill O' Connor [1]
Cistern Rumbler [1]
CliffemAll [1]
Clovded [1]
Crucifux [1]
CrusaderKing [1]
Crys1s [1]
CyberSymphony [1]
Cynicoren [1]
Dário Soares [1]
Daggon [1]
Danieldeth [1]
Dark Blood [1]
Dark Horizons [1]
Dark Light [1]
Darkblazer [1]
Darkevilmuffin [1]
Darkgalder [1]
Darksider [1]
DarkSol [1]
Deadsoulman [1]
Death To Posers [1]
DeathMetalKnight [1]
Deepinside [1]
DelightfulJim [1]
Demondave [1]
Demonhunter [1]
Deranged [1]
Deswesher [1]
Die Hacker [PT] [1]
Dietrich [1]
Dinruth [1]
Dismaleuphony [1]
Dizzeke [1]
DLaiho [1]
Doge of Venice [1]
Domitor Invictus [1]
Don Martin [1]
Don_Morita [1] [1]
Drizzlewoolf [1]
Drowned [1]
Duobkasys [1]
Dustspell [1]
Dzidziafon [1]
Ekz1t [1]
Electric Messiah [1]
EmperorIX [1]
En Sabah Nur [1]
Epictemptation [1]
eponymous [1]
Erik M. [1]
Erudon [1]
Essbee [1]
Esw1026 [1]
Evican [1]
EvilJakee [1]
ExtraHachse [1]
F3ynman [1]
fabregassed [1]
Fallen22 [1]
Farckashkun [1]
Fastlouddeath [1]
FatesOpeth [1]
Filipecosteira [1]
fists of metal [1]
Flagellum [1]
FleshGod [1]
Floflo79 [1]
Fooltocry [1]
Forgottenlor [1]
Frank Comstock [1]
Freetuga [1]
Fritillarie [1]
FullyOttoMatic [1]
Götter [1]
Galar [1]
gate666 [1]
Gawain [1]
Gds32497 [1]
Gneman [1]
Gnirpz [1]
gorguts [1]
Grind Magus [1]
Gunjack [1]
Gurth Bennas [1]
HaiwaanDas [1]
Hamird [1]
Hanfsud [1]
Harmaajoki [1]
HaydeNicole [1]
Heavy Metal [1]
Hellcult [1]
Hellomaiden [1]
Hendrikse [1]
HeroMaster47 [1]
High RedOctober [1]
Himedal [1]
Hmnewton [1]
HMTurambar [1]
Hufflepuffolo [1]
Human Antithesis [1]
Hummingbard [1]
Hyperion [1]
I like St Anger [1]
Iamzumie [1]
IanSalsbury [1]
Ibeng MetalStroM [1]
Illuminatus696 [1]
IllusiveCamel [1]
IllusiveCamel🐪 [1]
In the mist [1]
In5anity [1]
InfinityZ780 [1]
Introspekrieg [1]
In_tallica [1]
IronArkadius666 [1]
Ja-vi [1]
Jacob Butcher [1]
JaCoN [1]
Jaro [1]
JayXsnoogans [1]
Jeffster69 [1]
Jeis [1]
jhook [1]
Joachimers [1]
Joe Zombie [1]
Jtowne1968 [1]
Kains [1]
Kais [1]
Kallis Helmi [1]
KaninStryparn [1]
kaspair [1]
Ke ke [1]
Kemper35 [1]
Khanirup.dutta [1]
King_matt [1]
King_of_the_Kill [1]
Kitharistas87 [1]
Klauss [1]
Koagulation [1]
Kraterr [1]
Kratos [1]
Kubina91 [1]
Kurty Wurty [1]
Kuvalda [1]
Kveetie [1]
LaineJ [1]
Lamboy [1]
Laneth [1]
Lastempire [1]
LastSonOfKrypton [1]
Lemme [1]
LICH [1]
Lists [1]
Lkoturnindrin [1]
LonesomeRider [1]
LordFezzington [1]
Lordglitnir [1]
Lou Rambler [1]
Lte1 [1]
LucaBrosi [1]
Lucas [1]
Lucerna [1]
Luizrogerguima [1]
Lup0demacch1a [1]
Lyrinan [1]
M C Vice [1]
Manishtushu [1]
Mankvill [1]
Mario Montes [1]
Mariosrage [1]
Mark Ayoub [1]
Mary N. [1]
Maxx666 [1]
Me<3mertl [1]
MementoDan [1]
Mercian_Doom [1]
Met2Heav [1]
Metal Arsenal [1]
Metal Ern [1]
Metal-hockey08 [1]
MetalFantasy [1]
MetalFox [1]
MetalicIron [1]
Metallo Pensante [1]
MetalMac [1]
MetalManiac1 [1]
Metalriff [1]
Metaniac [1]
MHShokuhi [1]
Michaelis [1]
Miohn [1]
MisfitMel [1]
Mixhell [1]
Mmmark [1]
Moistmuffs80 [1]
Mongoose2557 [1]
Monsterpod2 [1]
Moonlover [1]
Morphis [1]
Motts [1]
MoXmo [1]
Mr. Doctor [1]
Mr.Self.Destruct [1]
Mralternative [1]
Mrblond [1]
Mreville2 [1]
Mrmoon60 [1]
Mtlmtg [1]
Mute30rp [1]
Mutley [1]
Natassja [1]
Nate612 [1]
Navigator [1]
Necrodamus [1]
NecroGabo [1]
Neiluria [1]
Neoprene_scream [1]
Nepherial [1]
Neroese [1]
Nightmare Raven [1]
Nikita_ducati [1]
Nimlot [1]
NurseryRhyme [1]
Nyoink [1]
Ocean Sage [1]
OldVHlover [1]
omega_switch [1]
Oracles [1]
Overrwatcher [1]
Ozejames85 [1]
Pablogl [1]
Pagan Idolatry [1]
pandator [1]
Paulh [1]
Pazdzioch [1]
PazuzuSKOM [1]
Pelagial [1]
Pennywise [1]
PēterisP [1]
PhantomLord21 [1]
Philosopher King [1]
Phuong [1]
Piace22 [1]
Pierre Tombale [1]
Pimeässä [1]
Pitwulf93 [1]
PocketMetal [1]
Ponderer [1]
Powerslavex [1]
Prnzokoshiroltra [1]
Progfiggit [1]
ProgVet [1]
Promonex [1]
psychofrench [1]
Psychogenocide [1]
PsychoticNK [1]
Pyosisified [1]
Quinaitor [1]
qui_killer [1]
Rafroes [1]
Rapidspeed [1]
Raven Of Death [1]
ravendeath [1]
RavenEffect [1]
Redn1ght [1]
reload3591 [1]
Rev-Sulphur [1]
Reverend Carl [1]
Rgellona [1]
Rgemmell82 [1]
Richard [1]
Risto [1]
Robsta [1]
Rockroy [1]
Rognvaldr [1]
Royalty [1]
Roy_Batty [1]
RuiQuental [1]
S.K.Ø.M [1]
Saintyx [1]
SauradipGhosh [1]
ScarFury [1]
Schlakt [1]
Screamer [1]
Scumbagrr [1]
SebaRaven36 [1]
SelfXPlanetOrE [1]
Sepulkisser [1]
Serega25 [1]
Serpentica [1]
ShannenName [1]
Shawb [1]
Siergiej [1]
Sineyar [1]
Skyum [1]
SlaughterPegasus [1]
Slim pickings [1]
Solstafjr [1]
Sonofman [1]
Soulweeper [1]
SS [1]
Steadydrummer619 [1]
Stef_v777 [1]
Steve13 [1]
Stevenjohn [1]
Stormlord77 [1]
StratoArctica [1]
Stunning Cactus [1]
Susan [1]
SymphonyImpaled [1]
Syn Gates [1]
Tangerine [1]
Tansolo [1]
TarannonFalastur [1]
Tel3tubby [1]
Telephonebear [1]
TerrorZone [1]
Tgriffith1992 [1]
TG_LAX [1]
The Void [1]
The Voyager [1]
The Warrior [1]
TheFIST [1]
ThenLividity96 [1]
Theoncomingstorm [1]
Thrashmetalbrand [1]
Thryce [1]
Tiago Rocha [1]
Tomas Piller [1]
Toxik [1]
Truenoacero [1]
Tug4Metal [1]
Turin Turambar [1]
tuthitamlut [1]
Tysly [1]
Tzo87 [1]
Umideath [1]
Un/heart/ed [1]
UnnaRessel [1]
V.I.T.R.I.O.L [1]
Valtiel SanMarco [1]
VaronoZz [1]
Vermin scourge [1]
Viesturs [1]
vikingman369 [1]
Vikingr [1]
Viltharis [1]
Vinther1991 [1]
Vintovka [1]
Vod52 [1]
WayTooManyCDs [1]
Wes [1]
whats_a_cow [1]
Whiteblack metal [1]
Wild_chale [1]
Windir [1]
Windrider [1]
Wintress [1]
Wormdrink414 [1]
WorpeX [1]
Wukk [1]
Xim [1]
Xphalanx [1]
XXFrostyXx [1]
Xylem12345 [1]
Ylem [1]
Zap [1]
Zaphod [1]
Zombie [1]
Zombie94 [1]
Zxlkho [1]
_deepblack [1]
__Mailman [1]