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Favorite Cannibal Corpse Artwork

Posts: 35   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 109 users


Choose One....Or DIEEE!

Butchered At Birth
Tomb Of The Mutilated
Eaten Back To Life
The Wretched Spawn
Gallery Of Suicide
Eviceration Plague

Total votes: 72
01.03.2010 - 02:13
Account deleted
Which artwork is best (NOTE: I'm only talking about the cover, NOT the songs on the album). Also, the Censored or Uncensored is an option, just tell which one you chose, EXAMPLE:
My favorite is Tomb Of The Mutilated (Uncensored), I loves mes some zombie porn!
01.03.2010 - 02:53
Wretched spawn!!
01.03.2010 - 03:59
Gotta go with the classic Eaten Back To Life
01.03.2010 - 04:19
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
I chose the wretched spawn. I think it's probably their most graphic album cover, and nothing says hillarious like some naked zombie bitch on a surgical table with demons coming out of her twat, stomach and mouth.
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
01.03.2010 - 04:36
Liver Failure
Written by thewall30 on 01.03.2010 at 03:59

Gotta go with the classic Eaten Back To Life

Yeah.. me too. Its a typical scenario of a trash zombie movie. Classic cover just like the whole album.

Look how happy he looks

member of the true crusade against old school heavy metal, early 80s thrash, NWOBHM, traditional doom, first and second wave black metal, old school death metal, US power metal, 70s prog rock and atmospheric doomsludgestoner. o/
01.03.2010 - 07:55
Foetal Butchery
I voted butchered at birth, as to me its the most brutal without being ridiculous, but almost all CC covers are awesome!
Dark death metal from Sydney:
01.03.2010 - 08:37
Butchered at birth is also great but tomb of the mutilated is the most sick imo..
Υou've sold your human essence to the cold world of dead and empty things... You're SOLD!
01.03.2010 - 08:57
Lactation Cnslt
I voted for Butchered at Birth. The dead, hanging babies in the background make me horny.
01.03.2010 - 09:44
Angelic Storm
Gore Obsessed.

Not only is it an awesome cover (although I think "Butchered At Birth"'s cover is better illustrated, and has a more twisted concept), I think more than any of their other album covers, that one seems like the perfect visual equivelant to their music. A horde of zombies ripping someone apart is Cannibal Corpse's bread and butter! If I could pick just one cover that best represented them as a band, Gore Obsessed is the one I'd choose.
01.03.2010 - 16:53
As much as I like Cannibal Corpse, I can't help but think their covers are fucking stupid. But, the covers for Eaten Back to Life and Butchered At Birth make me laugh, with the cover for Eaten being just a little more classic IMO. Of the later albums, I would pick Bloodthirst, as it is the closest cover they have to not looking like total garbage.
01.03.2010 - 21:41
Don Martin
le fu-
Eaten Back To Life scared me when I got it for Christmas 3 years ago So I'll go with that one.
Now I'm used to some worse stuff, like Carcass or several Goregrind covers...
What a tackastrophe!
02.03.2010 - 00:31
Butchered at birth is great, Gore Obsessed is equally great.
02.03.2010 - 05:13
Wretched Spawn for sure. While it's not a very good album, the cover's fucking sick with that thing coming out of the chick's pussy.

If you chose kill, you're a dummy...
03.03.2010 - 12:01
Account deleted
Of course Wretched Spawn!
04.03.2010 - 21:00
Koen Smits
Tomb Of The Mutilated! Sick and brutal.
I also like Worm Infested.
RIP: Frank Vandenbroucke (6 nov 1974 - 12 oct 2009)

Written by Bad English on 05.04.2014 at 15:05

but spoil thius film is like spoil porn and say porn ends whit cum shot ...
04.03.2010 - 21:34
X-Ray Rod
Butchered At Birth... The concept is just fucked up in a higher level than Tomb Of The Mutilated. And it looks very nice off course.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

04.03.2010 - 23:04
Butchered At Birth wins for me...sick but very cool at the same time
04.03.2010 - 23:31
Heaven Knight
They are all funny, but i went for Tomb Of The Mutilated
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

05.03.2010 - 03:56
Angelic Storm
Written by danielllewis on 02.03.2010 at 05:13
If you chose kill, you're a dummy...

Well to be fair, I can see what they were wanting to do with the ''KILL" cover. They just wanted a very simple, to the point cover. And to show that they didnt need to have a sick cover as the music was the most important thing. And for once, they decided to let the music do the talking on it's own. I think the cover is very effective for what it is. I find the cover for "Evisceration Plague" to be far worse. It just seems dull, and incredibly uninspired. The "KILL" cover is like the ceiling of the Cistine Chapel compared to that!
05.03.2010 - 06:44
Written by Angelic Storm on 05.03.2010 at 03:56

Written by danielllewis on 02.03.2010 at 05:13
If you chose kill, you're a dummy...

Well to be fair, I can see what they were wanting to do with the ''KILL" cover. They just wanted a very simple, to the point cover. And to show that they didnt need to have a sick cover as the music was the most important thing. And for once, they decided to let the music do the talking on it's own. I think the cover is very effective for what it is. I find the cover for "Evisceration Plague" to be far worse. It just seems dull, and incredibly uninspired. The "KILL" cover is like the ceiling of the Cistine Chapel compared to that!

I guess that's true. Doesn't change the fact that I don't like it though.

Anyways, I'm surprised nobody voted for vile. The dude has maggots coming out of everywhere and his dick is chopped off lmao.
05.03.2010 - 07:25
Account deleted
Written by Uirapuru on 01.03.2010 at 04:36

Written by thewall30 on 01.03.2010 at 03:59

Gotta go with the classic Eaten Back To Life

Yeah.. me too. Its a typical scenario of a trash zombie movie. Classic cover just like the whole album.

Look how happy he looks

That's my favorite cover as well. I always wanted a shirt like that. Of course, I would never be allowed to wear it outside my house.
05.03.2010 - 07:47
Angelic Storm
Written by danielllewis on 05.03.2010 at 06:44
I guess that's true. Doesn't change the fact that I don't like it though.

Anyways, I'm surprised nobody voted for vile. The dude has maggots coming out of everywhere and his dick is chopped off lmao.

Fair enough! lol

Thats true, "Vile" has an awesome cover. Its actually my fave behind "Gore Obsessed" and "Butchered At Birth". Its a very sinister cover. What? His dick is chopped off? *goes to look at the Vile cover* Wow, Ive never noticed that before! Ewww lmao
05.03.2010 - 17:35
Haha yeah I would love to have a shirt with Eaten Back To Life on it also
05.03.2010 - 18:56
X-Ray Rod
Written by Angelic Storm on 05.03.2010 at 07:47

Thats true, "Vile" has an awesome cover. Its actually my fave behind "Gore Obsessed" and "Butchered At Birth". Its a very sinister cover. What? His dick is chopped off? *goes to look at the Vile cover* Wow, Ive never noticed that before! Ewww lmao

Written by danielllewis on 05.03.2010 at 06:44

Anyways, I'm surprised nobody voted for vile. The dude has maggots coming out of everywhere and his dick is chopped off lmao.

I never liked Gore Obsessed and Vile when it comes to artworks, they don't show anything itneresting imo... I guess I'm more into concepts rather than the image itself. Butchered at Birth has a incredibly sick concept and same goes to Tomb Of The Mutilated, Gore Obsessed and Vile on the other hand are just... funny pictures. I take the Gallery Of Suicide over those two artowrks

Actually, I'm very bored and I gonna give my two cents and make a list of my favorite CC artworks:

1- Butchered At Birth
2- Tomb Of The Mutilated
3- Eaten Back To Life
4- The Bleeding [I like the "non-gorish" version because the colours are very nice...]
5- Gallery Of Suicide
6- Evisceration Plague
7- Kill
8- Vile
9- Bloodthirst
10- Gore Obsessed
11- The Wretched Spawn
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

06.03.2010 - 05:55
Pagan Angel
Tie between Eaten Back to Life and Tomb of The Mutilated.
06.03.2010 - 07:41
To me Kill makes the biggest impression. I love the zombie art but it's an OTT cartoon really, to me Kill's loud simplicity is perfect for the extremity of that album.
06.03.2010 - 17:52
Angelic Storm
Written by X-Ray Rod on 05.03.2010 at 18:56
I never liked Gore Obsessed and Vile when it comes to artworks, they don't show anything itneresting imo... I guess I'm more into concepts rather than the image itself. Butchered at Birth has a incredibly sick concept and same goes to Tomb Of The Mutilated, Gore Obsessed and Vile on the other hand are just... funny pictures. I take the Gallery Of Suicide over those two artowrks

''Tomb Of The Mutiliated" is a bit, I dunno....It seems like its trying too hard to be shocking. It just seems very icky to me I guess! I actually prefer the censored version of the TOTM artwork to the uncensored version. Its more sinister, and leaves something to the imagination. I love the "Butchered At Birth" artwork though, that is just classic. It is a shocking cover, but unlike the one for TOTM, it doesnt come across as being silly. Its just a twisted concept, and the illustration itself, is awesome. I also prefer the censored version of the ''Bloodthirst'' cover to the uncensored version. It looks like some demonic monster wearing the face of one of its victims. lol Its much more subtle than the uncensored artwork, but I think its creepier, and is a more effective artwork. As for "Vile" now realising the guy's penis is lopped off (I had noticed that before, but I didnt know what it was meant to be till a couple of days ago! lol) makes the cover seem more OTT and less sinister than I previously thought. Then again, it might not have been lopped off, it could have just fallen off from being decayed and rotten.

Written by blackwreath on 06.03.2010 at 07:41

To me Kill makes the biggest impression. I love the zombie art but it's an OTT cartoon really, to me Kill's loud simplicity is perfect for the extremity of that album.

Thank goodness, I was beginning to think I was the only person who likes the "KILL" cover! lol That is probably also my fave CC album, along with "Gore Obsessed". I think the cover and title, is very direct, and to the point. And there was no OTT artwork to distract from the music. Although the music on that album is awesome, and no matter what the cover had been, itd have been a mere afterthought compared to the songs on it.
06.03.2010 - 18:05
X-Ray Rod
Written by Angelic Storm on 06.03.2010 at 17:52

''Tomb Of The Mutiliated" is a bit, I dunno....It seems like its trying too hard to be shocking. It just seems very icky to me I guess! I actually prefer the censored version of the TOTM artwork to the uncensored version. Its more sinister, and leaves something to the imagination.

Hehehe yeah, I agree that it tries a bit too much, then again I put it on the second place because the drawing itself is very well done.

Oh and you're not alone about the Kill artwork, I like how big the word Kill is... it's simple yet effective in some way, specially because everytime I read the name of that album I think it as if someone with a very loooooow voice is saying it: KIIIIIIIIIIIIIILL!
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

08.04.2010 - 11:32
☭ Mr. S &#9773
Owner of the DSA
I voted for Tomb of the Mutilated, but my favorite one is Worm Infested.
Seize the weed of production!
08.04.2010 - 20:41
Erotic Stains
"Tomb of the Mutilated" is pretty damn nice!