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Debauchery - Rockers & War

7.6 | 23 votes |
Release date: 3 April 2009
Style: Death metal


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01. There Is Only War
02. Primordial Annihilator
03. Honour And Courage
04. Savage Mortician
05. Killing Ground
06. Wolves Of The North
07. 3 Riff Hit
08. New Rock
09. Hammer Of The Blood God
10. Demon Lady
11. Rocker

Additional info
The album is divided into two parts. Part I 'War' is track 1-6 and it is death metal. Part II 'Rockers' is track 7-11 and it is hard-rock.


Comments: 2   Visited by: 47 users
09.07.2010 - 17:10
Although I feel sorry for Gurrath getting fired from his job for being in a death metal band, I never really liked Debauchery. Generally they sound like a Six Feet Under clone and Gurrath, much like Barnes also is apparently obsessed with doing "death 'n' roll", as is called.

In this album, however, it's a mix of generic, loudness war death metal which has no interesting qualities, a lot of the times being just plain noisy with "epic metal" feedback, I think it's a synth, not too sure... and the death 'n' roll part, which is again uninteresting. Also the transcending between growling and shrieking is kind of funny. That and "Primordial Annihilator", the intro at least, sounds like it was directly copied from Angel of Death.
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05.12.2010 - 14:08
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I enjoed Part II, Part one sucks they really sucks in Death Metal, but they rocks in rock

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