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2000-  Thomas "The Bloodbeast" "Blutgott" Gurrath - bass, guitars, vocals
2015-  Mr. Death - drums
2015-  Mr. Kill - guitars
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NA-2011  Oliver Grbavac - bass
2000-2003  Ronald Squire - drums
2003-2004  Marco Neubert - bass
2003-2005  Daniel "Dani" Sandvoss - drums
› 2005-2006  -//- guitars
2005-2007  Marc Jüttner - bass
2006-2007  Simon Dorn - guitars
2006-2011  Oliver Zellmann - drums
2006-2011  Jiasheng "Joshi" Wang - guitars
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2005  Tom Naumann - guitars
› 2006-2007  -//-
2005-2009  Dennis Ward - bass
› 2011  -//-
› 2013  -//-
› 2016  -//-
2009  Günter Werno - keyboards
2000-2002  Wolfi - guitars
2002  Stefan - bass
2002  Andre - bass
2003-2004  Eri - guitars
2004  Thorsten II - guitars
2004-2005  Chris Fischer - bass
2004-2006  Michael "Heinze" Heinz - guitars, bass
2005  Jiasheng "Joshi" Wang - guitars
2006  Chris - guitars
2007  Tomasz Helberg - drums
2007  Schmier - vocals
2021  Tim "Ripper" Owens - vocals

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