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Moonspell - Tartu, Club Illusion

Written by: Ivor
Published: October 01, 2006
Event: Moonspell - Finland & Baltic States
Location: Club Illusioon, Tartu, Estonia
Organizer: Baltic East Machine


Moonspell - Club Illusion, Tartu, Estonia, 25.09.2006 by Ivor (18)

Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Warm-up
3 Moonspell
3.1 Set list
4 Conclusion
5 Links

1 Introduction

The coming of Moonspell to Tartu held a fair amount of surprise for me when it was announced. It was not just that they were coming here; I was more surprised by who were the organizers: Baltic East Machine, the organizers of Green Christmas festival. If I was told that they were bringing Moonspell here I would have made a good guess that the band would step up at the festival itself, having a chance to be one of the headliners, but not at a separate concert that in some places was advertised as a warm-up to the coming festival itself.

Club Illusion, essentially a Disco club, is probably not the place you would place a Metal gig at. At least I would not have thought of that. Hence, I was a bit skeptical. However, once I was in I had to re-evaluate my prejudiced opinion. Recently renewed Club Illusion turned out to be a place with a good style, nothing too fancy and nothing really to irritate. The room was quite small, with a cozy feeling to it; it had a low and not a big stage in the front, two long balconies going along the side walls and almost looming over the stage, and a bar facing the sides behind the mixing console. And of course one cannot forget the disco balls hanging in the ceiling which were actually a nice addition to the overall atmosphere.

2 Warm-up

Warm-up consisted of two Finnish groups, Embraze and Before the Dawn, and Estonian act Loits. Although it is the first time I have heard about Embraze and Before the Dawn, it turned out the bands have been around for quite some time, the first since 1994 and the second since 1999. However, not knowing a band has rarely been a reason to skip the act. Embraze played quite typical Finnish sounding Sentenced-like Gothic Metal that did not stand out. Which the audience readily confirmed keeping a couple of meters of free space in front of the stage. However, they did make a pleasant past time. Actually the same can be said about Before the Dawn. Their music was a bit more aggressive but still did not really grab the audience. Loits on the other hand got the people going, but there is nothing surprising in that. Established Estonian acts nearly always receive more attention than a fairly unknown bands from outside.


Before the Dawn


3 Moonspell

Moonspell did let the audience wait a while to the introductory tunes before stepping up but once they got on stage they hit right off with songs off the fresh "Memorial" album, heavy and angry. I am not too familiar with "Memorial" as it is a bit too much for my tastes but the least I can say is that their might coming from the stage filled the room to the brink. The atmosphere sparkled with intensity, the emotions being lived out.

Moonspell chose to perform many songs off the "Memorial" album which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the way you look. However, in my opinion the bands that play old material while promoting their new album are doing a poor job and hiding from the present. True enough, the old material is more familiar, often known to the bones and goes well with the crowds but it would not have done if only two new songs were taken.

Thus, Moonspell did a good selection off their new album. However, bands with long history cannot get by without playing the old material. The first steps into the past came with "Opium," "Awake" and "Alma Mater," the last getting the crowd especially excited being one of the expected and almost obligatory tunes. Same can be applied to "Vampiria" that preceded the encore. However, for me it was encore that turned out to be the most enjoyable. When Moonspell returned to the stage with "In and Above Men" and "From Lowering Skies" the crowd went quite wild. It was a great feeling to be there, to hear those tunes coming off the stage, pulling and pushing, tugging and releasing.

I think many have noticed that with "Memorial" Moonspell have taken another step in the heavier direction. In regards to that some tracks that were performed, were, or at least seemed to be, heavier than heard on the albums. Which also seems to include the choice of songs, as none were present from "Sin / Pecado" and "The Butterfly Effect." A pity that as I really would have liked to hear something off those two. Nevertheless, the set was still interesting.

3.1 Set list

Set list that I snatched from a sound engineer:
1.In Memoriam
3.Memento Mori
5.Blood Tells!
8.Alma Mater
10.Upon the Blood of Men
11.At the Image of Pain
15.Full Moon Madness
16.In and Above Men
17.From Lowering Skies
18.Tenebrarum Oratorium
19.Capricorn At Her Feet

4 Conclusion

As Fernando Ribeiro said from the stage, they intended this gig to be memorable. Everyone can decide for themselves if the band succeeded. I for one enjoyed it from the start to the end. However, the more memorable moments are burned into my head: the drumming during "Opium" seen from one of the balconies, "Proliferation" performed with keys and drums, "Sanguine" and "Nocturna," the wild crowd and great drift during "In and Above Men" and "From Lowering Skies." This all will remind me of this evening every time I will play those songs.

A notable thing is that most of the people went along with the band one way or the other. There were few idle bystanders who usually stay watching calmly, not a muscle twisting on their faces. I figure it is because of the odd choice of date and a place. Firstly, it was a Monday evening. Secondly, Club Illusion is in Tartu. There were probably many people who would have considered taking a look at Moonspell and skipped because of that, even though there was a special bus to drive people from Tallinn to Tartu and back. That much for the better, because the more there are people that are really interested the better. This all resulted in a club being filled just about right, there was enough room to feel free and pick a most suitable spot for everyone, and there was just enough people for the place not to start having an empty look to it.

All in all, it was a very good evening, a time spent well. A special thanks to Metal Travel who organized a bus to take people from Tallinn to Tartu and back. That was much needed. Thanks to all who were there, the band and the people.

5 Links

Before the Dawn:
Baltic East Machine:
Green Christmas:

Written on 01.10.2006 by I shoot people.

Sometimes, I also write about it.

And one day I'm going to start a band. We're going to be playing pun-rock.


Comments: 5   Visited by: 27 users
02.10.2006 - 01:14
this is my favorit band:banger:

Moonspell forever:banger2:
09.10.2006 - 15:00
Grand Gardener
Memorable it was... though things got pretty violent in front of the stage which, eventually caused me to back off and have a breather, thus I missed Proliferation and Upon The Blood... (well I missed the visual part of these two songs)
It was a hell of an experiance anyway and I have a few injueies to remind it to me still
14.04.2007 - 22:57
Mr. Noise
Nice review!

Witnessed them one week ago and they surprised me. I don't really like their studio albums, but damn, live they are a good band!

A question: Did they also have that beautifull cemetary backdrop, which was only visible with red and blue light?
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
14.04.2007 - 23:52
Written by Lucas on 14.04.2007 at 22:57

A question: Did they also have that beautifull cemetary backdrop, which was only visible with red and blue light?

Look at the pictures. It was great backdrop allright, especially the moon. However, I can't answer really if the backdrop was visible only in red or blue light. Didn't occur to pay attention to it. I'll look out for it next time.

15.04.2007 - 00:00
Mr. Noise
Written by Ivor on 14.04.2007 at 23:52

Written by Lucas on 14.04.2007 at 22:57

A question: Did they also have that beautifull cemetary backdrop, which was only visible with red and blue light?

Look at the pictures. It was great backdrop allright, especially the moon. However, I can't answer really if the backdrop was visible only in red or blue light. Didn't occur to pay attention to it. I'll look out for it next time.


Ah yes, I see one picture with the backdrop.

It was mostly visible with red and also with blue. It could also have been the amount of smoke/fog that influences it, I'm not that good with physics.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama

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